
Singapore can learn from the West how to become a big and powerful country

                    The West inclusive of Russia and USA will teach Singapore how to become a big power through war and aggression.

It is a good idea that Singapore's defence minister is upgrading Singapore defense with the intention to buy the most up to date  US all purpose fighter aircraft F 35 as well as the latest and most advanced submarines. What a clever forward looking defense minister we have? But what an oversight he had as someone suggested he should also build the all powerful aircraft carriers and the all fearful space killer satellites and ICBMs to enable Singapore to conduct strategic cyber warfare when the needs arise. But all the money spend on the strategic military hardwares will be nullified if they are not used and employed. I suggest since Singapore like to ape or follow the West ( inclusive of Russia ) especially US way of thinking and doing things it should adopt their policy of vicious aggression, invasion and conquest. Remember England was only a tiny country of less than one hundred and fifty thousand square miles about four hundred years ago , around between the years 1600 to 1700. Then it went on a rampage of aggression, invasion and conquest through raw military might. It invaded and controlled  the whole of North America until the secession in 1775 of the thirteen states to form the nucleus of the satanic United States of America. Then it went on to attack and invade Africa, India , Australia and eastern part of China. The US of thirteen states comprising an original   territory of only about five hundred thousand square miles followed the footsteps of its predecessor England and went on never ending streaks of aggressions and conquests when it swallowed up all the self governing native Indian states as well as invading and annexing about one million six hundred and fifty thousand square miles of Mexican lands comprising the present states of Florida, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and California. US then continued its aggression and conquest across the Pacific Ocean when it forcibly invaded and annexed the island kingdoms of Hawaii and Guam. Russia which originally had a territory of about less than half a million square miles followed the aggressive war path of England. It attacked and invaded much of Finland, Sweland, all the separate and independent states or kingdoms in the Caucasian region as well as Ukraine and  all the territories around Black Sea. Russia continued its aggression and invasion across north Asia  and took away by force illegally about four million square miles of Chinese lands extending from lands around Lake Baikal to the Maritime Province facing the Pacific Ocean. From a small country of about half a million square miles Russia has extended its territory to about nine million square miles through war and aggression. Malaysia and Indonesia acquired much lands and territories at the expense of many different states with the collusion of the British and the Dutch. So there is a precedence for Singapore to expand its territories through war and aggression and of course through military might . A country or nation in a small dot of a few hundred square kilometres is unsustainable. In any case Britain had sold out the people of Singapore, Penang, Malacca and Sarawak which originally should have been merged or united to form the country of  Sinpenmasawak.  Now Singapore is not only rich and wealthy but also well equipped with superior military might. So there is nothing to stop us from taking Penang, Malacca and Sarawak and if possible Johore , Batam and Bintan Islands for after all these territories were arbitrarily divided between the British and the Dutch to prevent fighting between themselves. Only  when Singapore can expand and command vast territories then it will be able to accommodate not only 6.9 million people but also not less than 69.9 million people. So you see England, Russia , US and many other countries started small but now they are very big through military might , war and aggression. They have shown us the way how to expand and become big, strong and sustainable. So what is stopping us now. All we need now is to gang up with one big power and once we have achieved our purpose we can tell this big power ally to go to hell. Singapore has a bright future if it can expand, and unite the territories and the people around its periphery. After all nations wax and wane , coalesce and cast asunder and now is the time for Singapore to wax and coalesce and form a strong truly multi-racial nation.


  1. The continue needs of 2 millions foreigner cheap workers, the cycle go on and on, need the levies to handout to low wages workers, this type of policy was called talented, why should this continue to happen, need to pay top high pay for giving many excuses, why other advanced countries, little or no corruptions, don't give excuses, and don't get high pay, which need lots of indirect taxes? Need to give handouts call economic sharing, why don't try help the workers directly, which is better don't need distort the wages calling in so many cheap foreign workers? Advanced countries lower end worker, which Singapore shun, the wages were quite high, We can't call ourselves a first world country, if there is 2 million low age foreign workers, in Singapore?

    Why not reduced the foreign workers and try to develop the local workers, it take some time better take action now, then keep giving lower wages workers and kept giving handouts, as their wage were depressed by cheap foreigners? Will the lower wages workers wages distorted by handouts and productivity and efficiency?

  2. This article is meant to be a joke? The US and UK forced other colonial masters to give up their territories cos they knew then that they can rule the world with their weapons strength. Many natives actually benefitted from the dutch civilisation during dutch rule. Some colonial masters are less evil then their own rulers. Sinky may not have a choice whether to buy those weapons. It is like paying protection monies. But still on oher hand, someone inhouse will still benefit most from these deals.

  3. If the ministers' wages is lower will there be so many foreign workers, which need the levies or other indirect taxes to support them? Why need so many foreign workers? Singapore is such a small islands? In the 70s and 80s Singapore don't need so many foreigners or foreign workers, so are most advanced nations?

  4. Congratulations!

    Now you are REALLY thinking aloud like a PAP.
    Of course, they can't say it out loud.
    Just waiting for the right time, when someone else, maybe a pompous idiot up north to do the trigger, and history and geography may just be rewritten.

  5. If the Malaysians are not careful, Iskandar will be the first vassal of the Kingdom of Lanfang, which already have an armed force larger than the Malaysians and plan to increase it through immigration by another 30% by 2030.

  6. TODAYonline

    [Minister receives S$5,000 in damages for defamation case]

    "Opposition politician Vincent Wijeysingha has paid S$5,000 to Acting Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin
    for defamatory allegations made about the latter in a Facebook post last December.

    Mr Tan had proposed a sum of S$20,000 in cost and damages —
    but Dr Wijeysingha responded that he had limited financial resources
    and could pay no more than S$5,000 in damages.

    He also made a statutory declaration under oath on his financial position."


  7. Voices, TODAYonline

    [What is affordable public housing?
    - from Raymond Ng]

    "In the last 2 decades, there were some who bought HDB flats with 2 intentions —
    shelter and capital gain —
    and this has pushed up prices and created affordability issues.

    As the Govt re-examines its public housing policies,
    one question that needs to be cleared up is
    what would be considered affordable now
    and in 2030."


  8. STFORUM Online

    - Tang Kum Cheong

    [More benefits of a rising population]

    "I READ with interest Professor Ng Yew-Kwang's commentary
    ('Mistaken views on population, immigration'; Tuesday).

    He presented some refreshing views on the benefits of a rising population.

    I have a few more to add to his list...

    Population and immigration issues are emotional matters faced by many countries, not just Singapore,
    and take more than just protests and complaints to resolve.

    I thank Prof Ng
    for his level-headed rationale and courage to offer alternative views."


  9. Singapore is discribe as the richest city but behind it many old people collect can and cardboard?

    Many had work their whole life in Singapore yet end up this state, with the among the widest income inequality?


  10. 不知量力


    新加坡 .

  11. 适合
    Correction for the above post.

  12. The west can learn from Singapore how to become wealthy and reach the top in a few generations, WITHOUT going to war -- which is so expensive, cuntries which engage in it have to borrow heavily and impoverish their citizens.

    Singapore can teach the world that the most effective way to govern is to run your mother cuntree like a no-nonsense BUSINESS, even though the cuntree contains many stupid people who by their "negative spirits" will behave like "enemies within" and try to sabo national progress and prosperity.

  13. Sg is probably one little shop that makes a lot of business due to its' geographical location. Unfortunately, geo-politically, it is not in an enviable location. The rapid development could not be maintained in the long run due to it's size. It will be harder as it's geographical advantages diminish fast with technologies.

    Though most SE Asian countries have formed themselves into an Asean Pact, there are many divides in cultures and one that will not be mendable will be the different religions embrace by the majority of the different countries.

    Religion is fundamental to most culture and it is not surlrising that problems exist in Acheh, Northern Malaysia/Southern Thai Border and now Sabah. The Rohinyas at Burma and infightings within the individual countries over beliefs are quite widespread and will be so for a long time to come.

    In the case of Malaysian/Thai Border, a deep and wide manmade canal to demarcate the two countries will much alleviate the unrest and fighting there. It will also pprovide much convenience for trades around the region. Such a canal will have much benefits for peace and commerce for all. Any mean to foster better inter nation relationship is desirable and preferable over arming oneself to the teeth to defend ones' territory or to take over others.

    In any case, political leaders and businesss are more interested in money than in peace and therefore it is only wishful thinking that humans are capable of living peacefully with others at all.

  14. It is true, the west should learn from singapore.

  15. Especially certain areas such as jobs creation and taxes.

  16. @500 & 503

    ...and much more. Singapore went "green" decades before it became "fashionable".

    They also created very tough legislation regarding pollution, long before the rest of the world.

    Whilst the rest of the developing world like Africa and many other parts of SE Asia, was struggling with problems of hygiene and health, Singapore wiped out tuberculosis, cholera and malaria. Jared Diamond in his book "Guns Germs and Steel" mentions this and stresses that this "unexciting fact" had a lot to do with the ability of a cuntree to succeed. Makes sense. You cannot proper if your citizens are sick and dying all the time.

    Malaysia and Singapore are among the richest and most dynamic economies in the world. Like Africa, they are tropical countries, with the same problems of geography and health, the same endemic malaria. But both transformed themselves by understanding their environment. Fifty years ago, these countries realized the burden that geography and germs could be. Through concerted effort, they managed to almost entirely eradicate malaria from their land, transforming their economies and way of life.
    The story of Malaysia and Singapore shows what an understanding of geography and history can do.

    Ease of starting a business: Neck to neck with that great bastion of capitalism -- Hong Kong -- there is no contest. In all other cuntrees, you will tear out your hair or pay out lots of bribes, just to get your business happening.

    Singapore is Number 2 (behind Hong Kong) in the Global Index of Economic Freedom

    "The US should be like Singapore" -- Fox Business News, John Stossel. Singapore has no minimum wage or discrimination laws and that America should emulate them because that would make a more competitive market. (Hurray! Teach those damn yankees a thing or two about capitalism).

  17. /// In any case Britain had sold out the people of Singapore, Penang, Malacca and Sarawak which originally should have been merged or united to form the country of Sinpenmasawak. ///

    Wow, what a mouthful - masawak - don't anyhow masak masak. First time heard of this - is this your own rojak creation?

    Heard of the Straits Settlement though, comprising Penang, Dinding, Malacca and Singapore.

  18. “Westerners have abandoned an ethical basis for society, believing that all problems are solvable by a good government. In the East, we start with self-reliance.” - Lee Kuan Yew.

    I have to agree with him on that one.

    I've lived in western society for more than 3 decades. Whilst there is some of the old "sovereign individualistic" charm about it, and taken-for-granted civil liberties, all western societies have an "welfare entitlement mentality" built in and permanently fixated into their cultures.

  19. ....So there is nothing to stop us from taking Penang, Malacca and .....

    U mad or wat? Yr fellow Chinese PRC come for that longkang space n not even yr MRT seat, u screamed 'Singapore for Singaporean'

    We came and the Malays embrace us and u want to take the whole log, stock n barrel. Ungrateful trash. Who gave u the license ????? The little red dot aspiring to be bigger than Israel.

    RB - is this really u or is this a fabled aspirations. Win people by all means but not with violence. It could be yr love ones blood that is shed. How are you going to be comfortable with others if yr intentions is actually to dominate.
