
Japan Asean Co Prosperity Sphere

‘Japan and Asean can regard security cooperation as a realistic option because China is their common adversary.’ Dr Hideshi Takesada, a Japanese defence expert, former professor at South Korea’s Yonsei Unversity.

This is the gist of the vice ministerial meeting in Tokyo hosted by the Japanese for the Asean ministers. It is a new tag to bring the Asean countries into the Japanese sphere of influence not much different from the failed Asia Co Prosperity Sphere of the Second World War. The difference then and now is that Japan was the enemy, the invader of China and Asean countries. Now Japan is touting China as the common enemy of Japan and Asean.

Would the Asean countries bite this Japanese line and pitch themselves as the enemy of China, taking sides with their brutal and barbaric occupation force that attempted to colonise and rule over them? Japan has a real pricky problem with China, having seized Chinese territories during its imperial days through wars. There are disputes between some Asean countries with China but over islands in the South China Sea that have not belonged to any Asean countries in the first place. The Asean countries like Vietnam and the Philippines, including Malaysia and Brunei are staking claims over some rocks in the high seas that China had claimed centuries ago.

Japan is arrogantly and adamantly sticking to keep the Chinese territories it seized from China and is likely to go to war with China for that. Would the Asean countries be prepared to go to war with Japan against China for uninhabited islands that they are just staking claims to but with very little supporting documents of ownership?

The stage for a Sino Japanese war is imminent. Would the Asean countries, those with counter claims against China, willing to be sucked into such a war and fight for the Japanese that was the aggressor and holding on to war loots from China? Japan is luring the Asean countries and telling them China is their common enemy. Are the Asean countries that gullible to be conned by another revisionist Japan Asean Co Prosperity Sphere with Japan as the over lord? The tagline is very humiliating to the Asean Ministers attending the Meeting. The Japanese must be thinking that the Asean Ministers are impressionable little school boys with no knowledge of the past, of Japanese colonialism and atrocities, and can be easily talked into fighting with Japan against China.


  1. Japan is actually sincere about its WW2 "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere " 大東亜共栄圏.

    There are japanese atrocity in WW2 but its details are often not clarified to confuse people what actually happened.

    Japan did invest a lot of effort in building up Manchuria and Taiwan. There is a saying that Manchuria and Taiwan would be better if it is under the control of Japanese.

    Japan's ultimate enemy is not china. It is the white man.

  2. >> Japan is luring the Asean countries and telling them China is their common enemy.

    No Japan is not "luring". ASEAN Cunts are going in there with eyes wide open, on their own free will. Any fool can see what's going on.

    >> Are the Asean countries that gullible to be conned by another revisionist Japan Asean Co Prosperity Sphere with Japan as the over lord?

    Nope. Again, it is politicians getting together (power getting together) so see what "horse trading" they can do and how each can extricate "maximum benefit" for themselves FIRST, and their cuntrees a far-behind (optional) second.

    >> The tagline is very humiliating to the Asean Ministers attending the Meeting.

    No lah. Wayang wayang only.

    >> The Japanese must be thinking that the Asean Ministers are impressionable little school boys

    I don;t think so. The blur fucks being conned are the peoples of each of the cuntrees. Their leaders play a grand game of geo-politics, quan xi, play some golf, rabah and korek geisha girls, drink sake...and fucking CUT DEALS behind the people's backs.

    Please lah redbean. You give no credit to the concentration of territorial power and all the collusion which does go on, unbeknownst to ordinary folks.

    I'll bet you anything you will find representatives of US defense contractors who will "just happen to be" in Japan at the time, and "just happen to strike up" conversations with ASEAN leaders and their entourages they "just happen to meet".

    Then ASEAN leaders will return to their respective cuntree and scare their citizens, and use the excuse of "invasion" to justify BIG SPENDING on military weaponry, then receive generous "incentives" when they buy from the US defense cunt-tractors.

    When the people find out that their leaders have played their backsides, it's too late already. The leaders are richer, the defense contractors are richer, and the people are more scared and probably poorer.

  3. Ahem Veritas,

    The whole East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere is to colonise the entire region under Japanese ruled. What the Japanese did in Taiwan, Manchuria and Korea are the examples of what life will be for the colonies. They developed and started some industries but for the good of Japan first, not for the good of conquered people.

    The Taiwanese got it better as there was no resistance or little resistance to Japanese rule. Many Taiwanese were recruited into the Japanese Imperial Army and were part of the invading forces that swept through SE Asia.

    The intent was Japan the big boss, with market and labourers and resources from the colonies.

  4. With the bottom layer of the populations, their pay had been stagnated for the past ten years, where the money went to, went to the top? In real term, after inflation, their income is worse then ten years ago? Quite a few are indebted, with the flourishing credit companies? Because got to pay the money to the top, through indirect taxes?

  5. Matilah, agree that the politicians would wayang wayang and enjoy the rabah and the geishas and more sakis. And the Americans would be there to sell more weapons.

    And they will come back to ask their govt to buy more American weapons believing there is an evil power in China waiting to invade SE Asia.

  6. Wonder the $16k MP job should be a full time job?

  7. Government populist career politicians love it when their citizens become "nationalistic" -- because they can count on those votes and maintain their stranglehold on absolute power. Why not?

    Also the citizens may mistrust their neighbours,to the point of racism or xenophobia, but the politicians of various cuntrees all attended the same usually US tertiary institutions, many of them already "networked" with each other BEFORE they assumed political office.

    Playing wayang wayang and pretending hostility is a great way to unite the people whilst the politicians scratch each other's backs/ suck each other off for mutual benefit.

    No need to go to war -- unless there is personal gain. Just create the illusion that war is eminent. Keep the fear. Keep the control. Stay in power. Increase that power.

    The present bogeyman - "terrorism" -- is getting a bit tired. Now the political/corporatist/ fiat money masters need another bogey to maintain their "purpose":


  8. Spend the revenues from the Casinos, $260 billions in foreign reserves, Rental, COE, ERP, GST, Sales of Properties & levies etc. to develop Singapore into the most creatives nation in the world for the locals, increase the birth rate, standard of living, engage worldwide consultants to develop and market the SME products worldwide, narrow the income gaps? Free educations till tertiary, training for the SME bosses and local workers? Engaged worldwide international recognised designers to design our products and increase our tourist and increase the yield of tourists?

    We now don't have the facilities and infrastructures to support 5.3 millions people and possibly 20 millions tourists, we want 6.9 millions people?

  9. The whole East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere is to colonise the entire region under Japanese ruled. What the Japanese did in Taiwan, Manchuria and Korea are the examples of what life will be for the colonies. They developed and started some industries but for the good of Japan first, not for the good of conquered people.

    The Taiwanese got it better as there was no resistance or little resistance to Japanese rule. Many Taiwanese were recruited into the Japanese Imperial Army and were part of the invading forces that swept through SE Asia.

    The intent was Japan the big boss, with market and labourers and resources from the colonies.

    I agree on that.

    I think China is having the same dream of " East Asia Co Prosperity Sphere" also. China is the natural leader for yellow. When China is strong, yellow people stand up, and when China is weak, yellow people falls. Japan tragedy is that it tries to assume China's role.

    The yellow people need to be united. People now forget the atrocities of white man.

  10. People didn't forget the White Men's atrocities. They were hardly reported and often when mentioned, sugar coated. From the two Americas to Africa, Middle East, India,SE Asia and East Asia and Australasia, all suffered White Man's atrocities.

    Most did not know because the Western Media did not say so. Western Media only frighten them with the communist and now China bogeyman.

  11. This meeting only proves how sneaky and slimy the Japanese are.

  12. Most White Men's atrocities have been largely whitewashed. Who talks about the fate of the Red Indians or the Aborigines? Who talks about the millions of civilians killed in Vietnam, Korean War, Iraq, Afghanistan etc?

    The Western media talks more about civilians killed at Tiananman, the collapse of WTC, the killings by Saddam Hussein and all the enemies of USA.

    You will be surprised that many Asian and Asean countries are leaning towards the US and therefore indirectly siding with Japan against China. Japan knows this very well and is playing the game of 'any enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

  13. Afro Asians are plain stupid and deserve to be ruled by white men.

  14. I wish to highlight also yellow man is atrocious as well. But there is a difference between white man atrocity and yellow man atrocity.

    White man are generally good to its own tribe. The German and Nordic people take care of their old and jobless. But to others, white man can be quite wicked. The German murdered a lot of Jews, and earlier the Prussian native.

    The worst is Indians. Aryans are white man. Today, the conquered Dalits are worst than animals.

    Yellow man are different. Yellow man are wicked towards its own people. Mao murdered 30 millions in Great Leap Forward. Pot killed probably 1 million Cambodians. But generally, yellow man's big atrocity are not that deliberate but it happens during abnormal historical events.

    White man atrocity is by careful design. Today, there is still strong support for the institution of caste and raping against Dalits.

    Its better to live under yellow man than white man.

  15. Its better to live under yellow man than white man.

    I want to make a little ammendment. This is not entirely correct. The HK people and Singaporeans prosper better under the British rather than communist. But that is a stroke of luck or due to our virtue rather than due to white man kindness.

    The white man feel that Chinese is good worker. So they import Chinese to exploit their labour. Then yellow Qing dynasty was so screwed up that its better to be exploited by whiteman.

    In Congo, the white man conducted genocide, because it deem African as uncivilized.

    In India, white man exploitation can last 3000 years, stratified into caste system.

    Nevertheless, whiteman has improved since WW2. Today, most colored people are better off in whiteman land. But, this happen under pre-condition that

    1) White man received their lesson from WW2
    2) The emergence of China create a counter balance against white man.

    If white man has a free hand like 19th century, who knows what will happen?

  16. As one born yellow, I wish the yellow tribe can be united together.
    As to who leads, it does not matter if he/she is Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Eskimo. What is important is that he/she is wise and humane.
    However, the world will end before it happens.

  17. Afro Asians are plain stupid and deserve to be ruled by white men.

    What you say is not true. Yellow man IQ is the highest on the earth behind Jews.

    Blacks has low IQ.

    Genesis 9:20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
    21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
    22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
    23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.
    24 ¶ And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
    25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
    26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
    27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

    The above passage is from Bible. Its seems to imply that white man are divined to rule.

    You may not believe it.

    But this is what I get when I observe Indians and whiteman.

    Some Indians are really stupid. But the boss really scare of them for reasons unknown to me. These stupid Indians can manipulate clever yellow people. These Indians can become managers simply by talking cock and knows nothing about job.

    Yellow people can follow stupid Indians and sucks them up, but yellow people will stab other yellow people. Yellow people do not stab Indian. They are frighten of Indians.

    Same applied to white man.

    It seems to me that there is a invisble force around fucking Indians that give them a power to rule over people.

    Also low caste Indians told me something. When they see a high caste indians joining a team, they get jealous and envy but they can do nothing about it. Even the high caste indian is fuck up, promotions will go to high caste indians, even if the manager are of the low caste tribe.

    I am a Christian. I believe God design a master race that can rule over us. The black could be the slave race. The yellow I am not too sure. But it could be also the slave race.

    Although the white man has divine leadership ability, that does not mean they must be the leader. Yellow man must work hard. One day, we may evolve into having an innate leadership capabilities.

    1. Talking cock and entertaining oneself with superstition. No wonder despite being so garang, nothing tangible or concrete is achieved.
      The bible is a book like any other books that contain fable, stories and figment of imagination. What divinity?

  18. What is the point of having UN when any head of state can anyhow say something like that? We are the world citizens. Everyone should be united and care and help each other so everyone has basic housing, sanitary, roads, food, education etc. Perhaps only when some alien force outside earth attack earth and people whatever races, religions, colors will learn to unite and fight together against the alien force. When will they ever learn?

  19. There are good and bad people in every races, religions and places. Do not be so fixed about people. The most innocent looking people can also be the most brutal.

  20. Veritas - do not write rubbish lah. You are a christian but you are not pope. Been to israel or vatican?

    1. Why go to the vatican?

      Look at how they pollute the world with toxic smoke from their chimney just to play mystery. Cant the most 'enlightened' use non toxic signal or just make official announcement?

  21. Been both Israel and Vatican. Been Syria, Jordan, Turkey (where all churches of reveletions are located ). Been Egypt.

    Actually, I worked in Israel. Been Iran, formerly Persia, whose King Cyrus is the greatest king in Bible (in my opinion). I do not hold high esteem to King David or Solomon.

    When I was in Israel, I walk from Jerusalem to Bethlehem, during the 2nd infatida. I saw fights of IDF and Palestinians. I fought one another, but left passerby like me unmolested.

    Individuals IDF soldiers offer me alot of help. I still remember fondly of them. I like Jews. But I speak truth. I need to point out also the destructiveness of Jewish financiers.

    I been Greek, and to many Greek cities of Bible.

    If you read my comments long enough, you will know I am a avid back packer in my younger days.

  22. Veritas, just to clarify on the points you raised about wickedness of Mao and Pol Pot.

    The Great Leap Forward was an economic programme intended to improve the Chinese economy and raise the standard of living of the people. It was not meant to kill and destroyed. The death of people during the campaign was due to it being ill conceived. It was a failure but not a wicked plan to kill people.

    Pol Pot's regime was more controversial. He felt that the people, particularly the elite, educated and half educated, were too corrupt and incorrigible to change for the better. He wanted a new people with new ideas, attitude and values. He wanted to start from Year Zero. He rid the country of the past, like the burning of books by Chin Emperor or the Cultural Revolution.

    Pol Pot was cruel in mass killing but not for killing and cruelties per se. It was a misinformed view of a pseudo intellectual that thought he got a new solution to the woes of his people and country.

    Both Pol Pot and Mao or the yellow people did not kill to decimate another race or people for their own survival and well being. The Europeans were cruel to others for their own good. They killed for dominance.

  23. 'The bible is a book like any other books that contain fable, stories and figment of imagination.'

    Agreed, just like any information available in the world. Facts or myths or half truths? Killing own kind or other kind or whatever is still a murder and is wrong. When will people ever learn?

  24. Both Pol Pot and Mao or the yellow people did not kill to decimate another race or people for their own survival and well being. The Europeans were cruel to others for their own good. They killed for dominance.

    I agree.

    But I would also want to ask is the death necessary? Are those commie too wicked.

    In China, there are enough food even during the bleakest days of Great Leap Forward. What happen was the local cadre rob people all the food to fullfill the food quota that is to be taxed.

    These commie are able to see people dying as high as 30 millions. Mao knew all these as well. He could have save the life by opening the granary.

    There are egalitarian reform elsewhere. Non can be as bloody as China. And all these starvation occur on peaceful time.

    Korea's Syngman Rhee and Taiwan's Chiang Ching Kuo conducted land reform. It is bloodless.

    Similarly, Nordic country was once feudalistic. Its transition is peaceful.

    I believe the tragedy of China is due to our innate dark side.

  25. Where did you get the numbers in the tens of millions, western media? The most killings were done when the communists took over in 1949 against the landlords. I don't think it reached tens of millions.

    During the Great Leap Forward, there was no agenda to kill. How could there be tens of millions being killed?

    The Japs even disputed the numbers of killed during the Rape of Nanking.

    Read the numbers carefully and with a big pinch of salt. Ask who provided the number and the agenda. How many Red Indians were killed, how many Jews were killed?

    Ask the Americans. You think tens of millions or hundreds of millions? It was genocide of the biggest scale in human history. A continent of people, a civilisation, totally wiped out by the White settlers bent on wiping them out to take over their land. There was a plan, efficiently executed on a national scale by a marauding army with modern weapons.

    Only in such a manner can the numbers be in the millions.

  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGzZeaIeSBE

    Above is VOA documentary interviewing Yang Jisheng 杨继绳, about Great Leap Forward. He is the chief editor of magazine 《炎黄春秋》 Yan Huang Chun Qiu. Yang used to be a senior journalist of Xinhuashe, the official news channel of PRC.

    Yan Huang Chun Qiu is supported by the democratic wing of elite CCP cadre. It is not blog or normal magazine. Hardliners want to shut it down, but the magazine backers are too powerful.

    What Yang Jisheng gave, should have some credibility even though the official numbers are not out.

  27. 'Been both Israel and Vatican. Been Syria, Jordan, Turkey (where all churches of reveletions are located ).' - so rich to travel here and there and still want to complain about pap all the time.

    Veritas, I think you better think twice what you said. Very few locals are below povety line. Very few locals are very talented. But here, I see very intelligent and educated eastern europeans working in west eu as construction workers. Not all angmohs have good lives, many are still below poverty line although they are intelligent.

  28. Veritas, I think you better think twice what you said. Very few locals are below povety line. Very few locals are very talented. But here, I see very intelligent and educated eastern europeans working in west eu as construction workers. Not all angmohs have good lives, many are still below poverty line although they are intelligent.

    Sometimes I wonder are we in bubble. I feel very uneasy when I worked with many talented engineers in Europe and found that they have less disposal income than me. They have higher gross income but got tax away.

    I feel I do not deserve the pay.

    Anyway, most engineers are not highly paid, including me. But I wonder if those bankers in CDB really think they deserve their salary?

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  30. china is still a pussy nation. after 60 years of saber rattling and making noise still haven't conquered taiwan. china can only bully the minority races in xinjiang and tibet. so china is still a pussy nation. china must conquer taiwan first, then all the east asian nations and south-east asian nations will shut up and kowtow. if not, china is and will always be - just a pussy nation and the countries around it will play punk with china.

  31. China is not a pussy nation, it is a nation that will not be easily manipulated to fight a stupid war causing millions of people to die innocently.

    The main problem in this world is not because of race or religion or nationality. It is because of greed - the top 10% of wealth owners in this world cannot stop wanting more. This top 10% controlled more than 50% of the world resources. They are very skilful in creating conflicts between races, nationhood and religion inorder to continue to expand their wealth empire.

  32. Anyway, China has been conquered by non-chinese (manchurians) before the angmohs came into the picture. Perhaps they served as a cause for China to return back to rightful owners.

  33. it is not the top 10%. it is actually the top 0.1%

  34. No point telling the world we have the richest city, and most millionaires, we can't even take care of the old, the disadvantages, all these are artificially created?

    We got to benchmark our country against those with high standard of living, the wealth that is more evenly distributed, low wages gaps and less overcrowded countries like the Nordic and New Zealand? High birthrate?

    With massive revenues from Casinos, Rental incomes, COE, ERP, GST, Properties, Levies & $260 billions returns etc, Singapore can well afford to raise it games then years ago, which we rely on been cheap, Singapore can't go back to the past depending on cheaper and cheaper foreign workers. Singapore need to develop more and more efficient schemes to lower its income gaps and develop its lower wages workers?

    It is not how many millionaires you have, it how you take care of the old and the poor? And what is behind the millionaires city?

    Reduce the income gaps, minimum wages and inequalities? Behind all these hype many old people got to eke out a living collecting cans and cardboards? How many lost their home due to lost their jobs to foreigners, broken families, sleep in the streets?

    Singapore need to reclaim back its title of been the best workers in the world, and add more been the most innovative and productive etc?

    All these need lots of widely acclaim international consultants from Sweden and Denmark?

    Sweden to guide our country to implement a system how to raise the local workers to be highly in innovations, inventions and patents creations and the Danish consultant to develop our designers teams?

    Engage world wide recognised consultants in developing our tourism industries, to be the best in the world, adding more tourist offerings and raising the yields, consistently improve and find new offerings to excite and retain the guests and continue to upgrade and train the tourism staff? Aim to have at least 23 millions high yielding tourists to come to our shore?

  35. Should we benchmark out ministers' salaries and performance against the Nordic and New Zealander ministers' salaries and performances, because the few countries the populations are a few millions? In reducing the wages gaps, overpopulations, birthrate, inequality and standard of living etc?

    What type of social program our leaders planned to benchmark against those countries that has a few millions, populations.

    Israel has no resources yet it is the only 3 countries in Asia to be considered advanced including South Korea and Japan?

  36. totally agree with Anon march 15 12.17am. if i go to another country and i know that that country has the highest percentage of millionaires in the world and yet i see the old and frail people still working at menial jobs, i see the homeless and i see a lot of poor people then i won't have any respect for that country not matter how big your gdp is, how many billionaires you have, how big your airport is, etc. i'm not saying that we have a welfare state but i'm saying the govt shouldn't allow such things to have happened.

  37. yes, it is like going to india. i know there are plenty of billionaires and millionaires and quite a chunk of the population there are middle class. however, when there are people shitting, sleeping in the streets, where the poor have no rights, i'm sorry, i cannot respect your country no matter how great your other achievements are, how great your philosophers were, whether you are a cradle of a great an ancient civilisation, birthplace of hinduism, buddhism, etc. the same goes to china and other countries, especially s'pore.

  38. it is like a large family where many of the children are millionaires. then i found out their grandfather is dumped in an old folks home, their grandma is forced to fend for herself, working at a hawker centre, clearing tables. i got no respect for that kind of family.

  39. RB, Veritas, Anon 4:54
    The bible is from the Arab....... The Arab should rule the world.
    Make sense but on the contrary most Arab are Muslims now and their Koran says -
    O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things) - 49:13

    Precisely the above addressed to you guys, RB included. Get that book like I did. Beat all those travelling and soul searching. The Arabs and Muslims are definately most blested sitting on those petrol coveted by others. But then men being men, they do hv their shortcomings. Sigh ......

  40. The early Arabs and Jews were of the same tribes, the semites. The new Jews now in Israel, many of Eastern Europeans.

    I actually read the bible many times and written a book, unpublished, titled, 'What the Bible really says'.

    Not too flattering and the believers will be very unhappy because they don't really believe in what the bible really says.

  41. I think semites are brown, Arabs. Jesus is also brown, may even be African black. No description of him in the bible.

  42. RB
    Wat the bible? Its so passe lah
    Go get updated, read the Koran lah. Dont be scared. Yr eyes will be widely opened. Get it from the Muslim Convert Assc at Geylang Serai.
    Read with open mind without stereotyping. U too Veritas. For all yr travels and so-called IQ, you sure are shallow as proven by yr abv comment.

  43. Veritas. For all yr travels and so-called IQ, you sure are shallow as proven by yr abv comment.

    Have read part of Koran. Tried learning Arabic MSA, but give up. Up till now I dream take 3-4 years leave, studying persian in Isfahan, studying Arabic in Lebanon and Turkish in Istanbul. Working in Israel is one of the best time in my life.

    Persian and Turkish seems much more easier. The sound of persians are appealing to my ears. But I have no time for it at the moment.

    Arabic really sucks big time to learn. Almost impossible to use my old trick to pick it. GuessI will never have any meaningful mastery until I am able to live in Arab land and study there for sometime.

    I prefer Persian and Turkish culture more than Arab, though the Syrian enchanted me very much also. I think Syrian are the best Arabs.

    Egypt sucks, but I have heard from long time visitor in Egypt that you will like them once you stay there long enough.

    Israeli are nice. You work in Israel, you will know why Jews are so intellectual.

    Muslim cannot see that their backward in technology is due to their culture and mindset.

  44. Not too many in Singapore traveled so much in Muslim land than me.

    I have many stories to tell.

    One day, I cross the border of Georgia Adjara into Turkey Sarp. Georgia was former USSR. I wanted to go Syria, more 1000 km away on the road.

    I stand on highway, try stopping every truck passby. I found one.

    I spend 4 days 3 night on the truck. The name of the driver was Mustafa.

    I have enough monies to pay for coach. But I wanted to feel local.

    Mustafa hosted me with alcohol that he has hidden, give me plenty of cigarrete, pay for all my food, and my hotel.

    He detour 30km for me to send me as close to the Syrian border as possible. I am in working distant to the border.

    I stayed one night at the Turkish town south of Hatay. Next day, I went jalan jalan in the slump. Turkish children were extremely good looking. There are no crime in the slump. Everyone are smiling. Unlike India, there are no shit in the slump. It is amazingly clean.

    I still can remember a small Turkish girl and her eyes. Its so good looking.

    This is my little story.

  45. Veritas - there u go again.
    While your stories captured my imagination and mesmerised me but thats it. U right at times I did think you're either an alien being or maybe u lived under someone's bed.
    Why you must learn Arabic at this moment is beyond comprehension. Hv you mastered Chinese?
    The Koran has been translated. Why read part? Or is it you cherry picking to suit yr contorted view?
    You will never gain true knowledge until your intentions are pure my friend. Maybe only then you'll understands Arabic.

  46. Veritas - there u go again.
    While your stories captured my imagination and mesmerised me but thats it. U right at times I did think you're either an alien being or maybe u lived under someone's bed.
    Why you must learn Arabic at this moment is beyond comprehension. Hv you mastered Chinese?
    The Koran has been translated. Why read part? Or is it you cherry picking to suit yr contorted view?
    You will never gain true knowledge until your intentions are pure my friend. Maybe only then you'll understands Arabic.


  47. LOL too.
    How come no comeback. Oh yeah lunchtime is up;)

  48. Veritas, go and marry a turkish girl lah.

  49. 'Whites are aesthetically good looking'

    LOL. have u seen those norwegians? some looked like aliens.

  50. 'The bible is a book like any other books that contain fable, stories and figment of imagination.'

    The bible is also a book that contain truth. It is for the enlightened ones who can fish the facts out.

  51. Anon 6:26
    The bible is also a book that contain truth. It is for the enlightened ones who can fish the facts out.

    A book that contain fable, stories n figments of imagination? Whose imaginations? It sounds like RB, VERITAS n MATILAH lump together.

    Dont waste yr time lah. Be a man and face the Koran. Dont cherry picked to suit whatever agendas.
