
Foreign talents needed?

‘A TR Emeritus (TRE) reader posted a comment [Link] on TRE yesterday (19 Mar) highlighting that a Junior College (JC) is looking for English tutors for its international scholars.’

It is normal for a college to hire a good English tutor to teach English or GP. Wait a minute, the adjective English means the subject English and not a native English tutor. There is no requirement to engage a native speaking English tutor to teach the subject when a local Singaporean can do the job equally well. And don’t forget, many Singaporeans are technically native English speakers as English is the language they were borne with and spoken for their whole life in an English speaking environment. The criteria shall be good grades in English, trained or experienced in teaching the subject and not being English. Being English has nothing to do with being able to teach the language well.

The confusion with the term talent and ability has been so misleading, wishy washy that many Singaporeans have been conned and stupidly accept the presence of foreign talents. Allow me to give a simple example to illustrate the silliness of people at the top. If a photographer is assigned to take a picnic or dinner event, what camera shall he use? A point and shoot, a prosumer mid price camera, an entry point DSLR or a high end professional DSLR? If the result is to print 4R or 5R prints, actually any of these cameras with at least a 6 megapixel sensor is more than adequate for the job. Anything more, a DSLR, entry level or professional, is over killed. There is no need for the additional resolution and camera power. Most of the shots are point and shoot scenario. Even some difficult lighting situations would not be a problem with a point and shoot. There is no need for a foreign talent or super talent when a normal talent will be more than adequate to do the job. This does not take into account that many foreign talents fall short of being talent or are really worst off than local talents, or fakes. Many jobs can be done by any Singaporean.

In the case of the English tutor, what does this mean, only a native speaking English native can do or anyone proven to be good with good grades would be better able to do the job? Singapore in practice is an English speaking society and our understanding and command of the language are not inferior to native English speakers. You are looking at the professional level and not the Ah Lians in the shopping centres. If the ad is to engage native English, it is an insult to the abilities of all good English Language teachers here, and an insult to the person putting up the ad as well.

He knows not what he is doing. Still living in the 1950s and 60s. I hope I am wrong and indeed the college is not looking for native English tutors but just good English Language tutors. It could be just the way it is worded.


  1. I think the main problem is with the complaining kaypoh kias who have no business in poking their beaks into other people's business.

    Get fucking real -- No one owes anyone a job of a living.

    Private individuals and enterprises can spend their money anyway they decide -- on foreigners or locals or robots -- it is THEIR money.

    If you don't like businesses hiring foreigners, you are quite within your rights to BOYCOTT that business and urge your friends to do the same.

    For me, I don't care: the labour pool is GLOBAL, as is competition. Enterprises need PEOPLE to get the jobs done -- it doesn't really matter WHO is doing the job. The Boss gets to choose, and if he is wrong, then he suffers the consequences.

    Time to wake the fuck up and smell the kopi. Freedom rules. As does autonomy.

    Enjoy your multiple kopis.

    1. Well said Matilah Singapura.

      U deserve many tigers.

      Unfortunately there is no tigress.

  2. MS, you asshole.

    This is Singapore and foreign businesses want to do what they want and discriminate against Singaporeans they are not welcome here. they can go anywhere and do what they like but not here.

    Piss off.

  3. Idiots like MS are plenty. They think people really practise meritocracy when in fact they are practising racism. They got screwed from behind still did not know and continue to shout, meritocracy, meritocracy.

  4. Agree. He thinks he is street smart and out scholar book smart. Both kenna outsmart thinking everyone playing by their meritocracy rule when people playing their pantat.

  5. Go and mati lah asre hole

  6. Hokkien kong see beh tita maritah go and mati lah

  7. I think the country is broke so they want to lure them in and screw them. Locals already being screwed until too broke and nothing left to screw.

  8. WOW! Me and my big fucking mouth. Offending all those people...oh dear...

    And the best they can do is call me names...no wonder they're "helpless" -- can't even be bothered.

    Anyway, have a good life.

    Living well, is the BEST revenge :-)

  9. redbean:

    >> He thinks he is street smart and out scholar book smart

    How in jesus mother's cunt name would you know WHAT I am thinking?

    Just for the record, I consider myself "just another average guy" -- no special natural talents or attributes. I don't think I'm smart at all, but I do have many bloody clever friends and professional contacts in my networks ;-)

    I don't "practise" meritocracy at all. It is "natural" meritocracy in the marketplace which rewards or punishes us for our productivity, judgement, right actions or lack thereof.

    We live in a physical universe. To get from one state to another one must TAKE ACTION or refrain from acting, which itself an action (the action of restraint).

    Your brain does some "calculation", and then it actuates muscles in your body, which act on the environment and other material objects, to produce a result which is desirable or undesirable to you.

    If you're in a fucked up state, chances are (i.e. probabilistically speaking) you've taken "wrong" actions, which result from (again, probabilistically speaking) suspect thinking which is founded on myths, wrong premises and untenable beliefs.

    If you're doing well, power to you. Enjoy that which you have created and earned.

    "People seldom get what they expect. However, whatever they DO get, they usually DESERVE"

  10. 'Living well, is the BEST revenge :-)'

    Haha - coming out from the mouth of a bitter guy who has to pay alimonies to 3 different wives who can use the alimonies to fuck other men.

    'However, whatever they DO get, they usually DESERVE'

    Are you saying those kids deserved to die in ww2? those underage girls deserved to get gang rape? knn.

  11. @826:

    I live well. And I am very grateful for that.


  12. Long live M_S in Sin.
    You are as wise as LKY.
    KY makes U smoother.
    But do not let it makes
    U cheaper n faster.

    1. KY makes yr life smoother.

      No wonder Matila grateful.

  13. @ anons ass-bangers:

    Astro Glide is much smoother than KY.It is the closest synthetic lubricant to natural chi bai juice. Invented at NASA. (I'm serious)
