
The passion of Fish

Singaporeans must recognize the enormous amount of work and effort Gilbert Goh and his team are putting in to organize this protest rally at Hong Lim Park this Saturday at 4pm. This is real sacrifice! The manpower, the logistics, the invitations to speakers, and the spectrums of things that he and his team are putting in, all for free, are very demanding for volunteers, people acting on their free will. It is a people’s movement started by a core of very passionate citizens who wanted to have a say, and also to shape the future of their home country.

Gilbert and his team will labour on to make this event the Event of the Year, with no organizational or institutional help or support. They cannot snap their fingers and have highly trained people at their finger tips. They have practically no financial resources and have no goodies or goodie bags to give away, to entice greater participation. But they soldier on. It will be a sad day if their effort should go to waste if the people of Singapore fail to show up, fail to show support to a very important cause that will transform their lives and the lives of the future generations to come.

Other than Gilbert, there is another very passionate individual among many individuals that are drumming up support for this event. He is none other than the never say die FeedmetotheFish or simply Fish. He will be there with his family and grandchildren. He is calling every Singaporean to be there or at least sending a representative from each family to be there. He is shouting his voice hoarse, despite his troubled heart, both organically and emotionally. Fish is going to lead the charge of the Sinkie miserables. This word, miserables, may not be appropriate or relevant today but could be a pain in the neck in the future when the island is flooded by immigrants.

How many Sinkies will heed the call? How many Sinkies will think this event and the issue are important enough to move their butts to Hong Lim Park? How many are still ignorant of this event? I have yet to read it in the main media. This is an event of the people that have been ignored. Will the people, you, be ignored?

The social media is taking on this daunting task to raise the concern of the average Sinkies and all Sinkies. It is the voice of the people, the silent majority that has not been heard and will not be heard without the social media. There are many heroes in this Event of the Year. Fish, Gilbert and many others stand out as shining examples that Sinkies have awakened and will rise to the occasion when it really matters.

Will you be there?


  1. Sure, will buy some t-shirts or donation to keep this people going.

    Sometimes, Singaporean needs to spurs
    to hit their back then they will start to wake out.

    My wife is having a party in the evening, but I already prepare for her 90% of the things, so don;t care I will run away at 3pm and attend the gathering, see you there


  2. RB, I think not many will move their butts. If you look at your polls, more than 600 said no but less than 200 said will attend. At the end may be 100 will go.

  3. Me very optimistic that there will be thousands of Singaporeans standing together at Hong Lim Park come shine, rain, lightning and thunder as said by Fish.
    This is indeed a great effort by G Goh and his Team. Hopefully, there are many others Singaporeans with resources and time will give G Goh their supports. The least one can do is to be present at the Event to wish each others a better Singapore to live in.

    Must say here that You Redbean aka Mr Chua Chin Leng has worked and is working hard at trying to make Sg a better place for all as well Respect a d kudos to You Folks. My salute to All of You.


  4. Doesn't matter whether it is 100 or 1,000.
    I will attend.
    Because it is the right thing to do.

  5. Hi anon 8:58, normally the people that will attend such rallies will be very small, perhaps 5% of those interested. In the polls here, those indicating that they will attend is 33% or 2/3 or the respondents, and this is very high.

    From the response in the various sites and from speaking to people that I know, many will be attending and a more than 5000 figure should not be a problem.

  6. Have to agree that one gentleman mentioned here have been very passionate,helpful and sincere in helping others including stranger .I find him a straight forward person who is harmless ,very tit ,dun know how to keng and may even sacrifice his happiness in helping others.For this I shall support his effort though I may not agree with some of his opinion.
    I will surely make an effort to be at HLP this Saturday....but I have not much interest in wearing black because my main purpose is to watch the you know who.
    Paiseh,got to be anonymous this time
    though many will guess who am I.

  7. Yes, a protest should be loud and strong.

    Ever considered the possibility that some of the "silent" ones actually might be in favour of an increase in population, and a return to the previously open-borders, free labour market policies?

    5000? Seriously? You think that is ALOT? Around 10^-3 or 1/1000th of the population (give or take).

    WOW! I take the opposite view but I still hope that more than 5000 turn up.

    Man, you fuckers really need to take some advice from Donald Trump:


  8. I will be going with my husband, my mum is old and fragile and she is also thinking of going.

    Keep up with the good work, you all have my utmost respect.

  9. RB
    Ah lao no problem so God willing, I'll be there.

    Mak Yah

  10. I will attend. It is the least I can do. We should cease being arm-chair supporters. This matters to us. This is my country. I wont let anyone run slip shod.

  11. I've not seen this PAP government produce any data on the amount of social spending they are currently spending on our aged.

    If PAP spends $0.00 of subsidy on Singapore's current aged with our current population of 5.1 million.

    How much subsidy will PAP spend on the aged with a 6.9 million population?
    It will still be $0.00.

    So 6.9 million population is not really to help our ageing population.

  12. Hi Mak Yah, good that you are attending. Should try to bring Ah Lao along. Sinkies oredy cannot tahan.

    Very glad that so many of you will be there. I am bringing another friend to come along. Several of my friends are going too.

  13. If the PINK colour can gather 10,000 for their event, dont know the rest of Singapore dare to go...lah...How Singapore changes..

  14. 500,000 hong kongers stood up for the 1 country-2 system to defend their article 23. How comparable is Singaporeans' guts and passion for its own motherland?
    Stand up for your core singaporeans!

    Distinct yourself or be extinct! Tell your Govt to back off the mass import of foreigners! We need to believe in Singaporeans, and not Foreigners/PRs. Until you believe in yourself, MNCs/companies and your MIW will not!


  15. Somebody should invite Fandi and his family to go too.

    HE will be a great champion.

  16. I will be there with my old uncle. Spoken to two of my friends during CNY period. Told them about this. They are attending.

  17. No free chicken rice packet? How many will go??.

  18. Hi Lee Cheok Yew, welcome to the blog.

    There are people who attend such event because of chicken rice. There are people who attend because their hearts ask them to attend.

    Which type do you consider yourself?

  19. I would like to, but too busy with work and family to even protest.

    And so what even if 20,000 people turn up at Hong Lim Park. PAP is still in power and bulldozed this stinking White Paper over us.
    We need to give PAP a black eye at the polls, give them razor thin margins, lose a few more GRCs and they will shit their pants.

  20. Daddy! Daddy!
    Singaporeans want to demonstrate against your policy of 6.9 million.

    Daddy! Daddy!
    How ah?
    You said I will the Singapore's next Prime Minister, after you retire.
    Still can or not ah?

  21. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/15/us-singapore-politics-idUSBRE91E07520130215

    Singaporeans don't need free chicken rice packs to go.
    If you don't show up in solidarity, you and your children will be having sichuan hot pots as national dish by 2030. Guaranteed!

  22. I run a IT business that employs 1 local marketing guy, 1 local admin guy, 1 local project manager and 1 local programmer and 3 foreign programmers. I am a local and I love my country. Should I go protest ?

  23. *If you don't show up in solidarity, you and your children will be having sichuan hot pots as national dish by 2030. Guaranteed! *

    sp has been stealthly taken over alright, actually it isnt so *stealthly* any more these days. the signs are everywhere.

    but if u think its by *sichuan hot pots * eaters then u havent been paying much attention !

  24. It is only fair that Singaporeans show the Rulers that they are upset and unhappy with many problems that immigration has caused and or made worse
    Despite the many years of protestations in the Blogoland, Forums and market gossips, all have fallen on deaf ears and invisible to the Rulers.

    The Coming Gathering will be visible to most and hopefully the Rulers will pretend to be not aware of it and remain numbed as before. It is also a registration of the unhappiness about the high handed ways policies are formulated and implemented with litttle or no deliberation and solicitude for the people.


    1. Apology from patriot.

      '...Rulers will pretend....' should read ' ...Rulers will NOT pretend....'


  25. Hi Patriot and all,

    I think you can copy and paste whatever you posted, do the amendments and post again. Then you can follow up by deleting the previous thread by clicking on the rubbish bin and indicate delete forever.

  26. Thank You Redbean.
    Noted your advice, but have not learn to to do as You suggested on my mobile.

    Will get someone to guide me.


  27. I bought forward an important meeting so that I can be at Hong Lim, and then to rush back and celebrate my daughter's birthday.

    Singaporeans, stand up for your Singaporeans and Singapore!

  28. STForum Feb 16

    [Assessing citizenship applications: It's about keeping families together]

    "WE REFER to the letters ("Close 'escape route' of PR spouses" by Mr Chan Hean Boon, "Allow dual citizenship for S'porean kids with foreign parent" by Mr James Westberry, and "Dilemma of a foreign bride with no long-term pass" by Madam Pham Thi Ngoc Anh; all published on Tuesday).

    Vincent Ng
    Head, Public & Internal Communications
    Corporate Communications Division
    Immigration & Checkpoints Authority"


  29. STForum Feb 16

    [WP's position on foreign workers has been consistent]

    "MR PATRICK Liew Siow Gian ("WP needs to decide on its stand - and stick to it"; Thursday) wrote that during the Budget debate last year, WP SG Low Thia Khiang had criticised govt measures to tighten the foreign worker inflow and argued that this was done too quickly, yet the WP now advocates a freeze on foreign worker numbers.

    Mr Liew has read the above out of context.

    The WP is not calling for zero foreign workers in S'pore, but zero growth in foreign workers if we can increase the resident labour force participation rate and rely on the expected natural increase in the number of working-age residents (due to more residents entering the workforce than retiring) over the next few years.

    ... they do not reflect an inconsistency or contradiction in the WP's stand.

    Gerald Giam
    Chair, Media Team
    The Workers' Party"


  30. Seah Chiang Nee's Saturday column

    [A lifeline for S'pore SMEs]

    "AS the govt was pushing for a larger population of immigrants, a media effort was being launched to persuade people on the need for more foreign workers.

    A spate of reports told of how local businesses were suffering as a result of a shortage of workers.

    It was clearly to reinforce the official 'open door' line to help S'pore’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs), an important segment of the economy.

    It wasn’t something that serious journalists – East or West – would normally do: Leaving out important parts of a national story to slant its angle.

    The reports said that some 40% of the 6,000 SMEs were suffering because of the shortage. No reference to the real threat of rising business costs

    What is happening in S'pore had been anticipated more than 20 years ago.

    As a journalist, I had attended numerous press conferences in which the govt had talked about economic restructuring and business innovation to overcome worker shortage.

    The former PM Lee Kuan Yew had talked frequently about how as S'pore became prosperous, their operational costs would increase and competitiveness drop.

    S'pore does not have enough workers to compete with large countries like China and India, Lee often told us.

    But his stand was
    'Let’s bite the bullet.
    Persuade the investors to go to Batam and Johor, and we move up-market,'
    I remember him saying.


  31. RB,
    It is not only passionate ppl like Gilbert, Fish but I also count you, Lucky Tan, Tattler and many others in cyberspace that are giving a voice to the poor down trodden natives against the massive powerful state propaganda and limitless resources at its disposal to hoodwink helpless natives. Their machinery is drummed up to the max to portray a land of paradise in 2030 when more than 2 million aliens will be co-opted to the local population. Just look at the local MSM to understand what I'm saying! KNN! Langgar!

  32. The social media community is growing rapidly. The news and information shared in the internet are hardly available in the main media. It is like another world existing in parallel to the main media. So alien and so different from what you read in the main media, a very angry mood surfacing and growing.

    Which is real and which is illusion?

  33. @Anon 10:39 am

    You can also count Ng Kok Lim...

    [Not as bad as Mr Khaw suggests]

    "I refer to the 7 Feb 2013 Straits Times report on Mr Khaw’s recent parliament comments.

    Mr Khaw said that Workers’ Party’s alternative road map will badly affect his housing plan to deliver 200,000 new homes in the next four years.

    Mr Mah claimed that the Population White Paper is the most important document since independence.

    ESM Goh said S'pore succeeded because of the courage of our leaders and people to face challenges squarely."


  34. @redbean: Social media vs MSM

    >> Which is real and which is illusion?

    Social media: emotional. Lot's of bullshit, loads of fun. Can get the occasional date.

    MSM: Government sanctioned daily communique...aka "Routine Orders" in NS-man vernacular. Total bullshit, no fun at all. Do not want to date any of those ugly (like wrinkled scrotum) motherfuckers featured in the MSM.

    To me the whole darn thing is an illusion. A very entertaining one at that.

    Embrace and Enjoy the illusion. Fuck reality.

  35. FeedMeToTheFish @ 11:24 AM

    [16 Feb 2013 - Singaporean Singapore Day]

    "You must read The Guardian's Singapore protest: 'Unfamiliar faces are crowding our land' [Link]

    Ain't it a shame that Straits Times and other mainstream media in Singapore has not written anything on this historic event."

