
Lim Wee Kiat prefers suicide to euthanasia

“The feedback I received from my friends was that the alternative plans would kill the economy and this is euthanasia for Singapore. Between suicide for PAP versus euthanasia for the country… my choice is clear, I support the White Paper.” Said Lim Wee Kiat.

This is the first time that a PAP MP spoke honestly about what he thought of the White Paper. He knew that it was political suicide. This is one thing that the people will deal to the PAP comes 2016. What is of greater concern is whether the White Paper would also lead the country into a suicidal path. Many think so except the 77 and are speaking out to stop this self destruction down the road. The fact that the country has come to this juncture where the PAP admitted is a crisis of a life time and going along with the White Paper, a road of no return, speaks for the quality of the Govt to lead the country to a safe landing. Sinkies are now offered an option to jump from a frying pan into the deep blue sea.

Why not give the WP’s proposal a chance as they have not contributed to this crisis that needs another no choice do will die and don’t do will also die proposition of the PAP? The PAP may try to run down the WP proposal or any proposal from anyone, and to call it euthanasia. But that is PAP’s view of things and the WP did not think so and neither do the people. On record, every policy or decision by the PAP is a near perfect solution as claimed, a most well thought out solution, carefully calibrated, but still ended up with this crisis of a life time. It is also a historical fact that none, nothing from the opposition will ever be deemed as workable. Thank God that this is the case and the WP can sleep well that they did not contribute anything to the current crisis and needs another crisis loaded White Paper that is, as expected, touted as the only solution for the day.

Could the current crisis be avoided if the PAP had borrowed some ideas from the opposition, listen a little and not to adopt a ‘knows all’ and infallible attitude? The PAP deserves the full credit of what is happening today and the crisis that it has brought to the people. They have adopted the deaf frog attitude to do what it thought were best that lands the country into the current state of affair.

Without the Whip and without any regards to party loyalty, how many of the 77 would vote against this White Paper? When Hsien Loong shouts charge, how many will be charging with him and how many will just stay put and watch him charging ahead? Hsien Loong can be comforted by having the ministers running beside him, and of course Lim Wee Kiat and a few others.

The GE may come much sooner than 2016. This White Paper could have caused a serious rift within the PAP and a break could come into the open at the earliest opportune time. Surely not every PAP MP is agreeable to this suicidal path. In the last breakout the breakaway camp formed the Barisan Socialis, But history was not on their side and PAP came up tops. Barisan Socialis is history. The impending break could turn the table and the PAP could be on the losing end. All it needs is 37 PAP MPs to walk away to form a coalition with the WP, they could form a majority and the next Govt. This would force the PAP to call for a GE prematurely.

Don’t say not possible.


  1. 5.3m to 6.9m or 1.6m heads by 2030. At 4 heads to a flat, Khaw Boon Wan would need to build 400,000 flats by 2030.

    5.3m to 6m by 2020, that is just about right for 200,000 flats to be built.

    Who do you think will be living in these flats? New citizens, PRs, FTs and foreigners?

  2. I think if lim said pap chose suicide then let them lor. Why stop them cause they have chosen a path that majority disagreed

  3. Gong xi fa cai rb...so u expect 37 pappies to cross over? U so naive..which in the pap camp has such a commanding presence that others will follow? How many mps are recognizable to u n talk with such sense that others will blindly follow? Even if they did follow..pap will just sack the mps and not hold by elections if they are in grcs..2016 is not far off...think well just wait...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just wait for the big tree to fall. They said the monkeys will scatter.

    It is good to have someone so charismatic and convincing to lead a faction out of the PAP. Think there are a few waiting just to do that.

    It can also happen when there is no one so charismatic and convincing to hold them together. This would make breaking away so much easier.

    In politics it is always about survival and politicians will sway with the wind and lean on the winning side.

  6. Chin leng, it won't happen lar.I can not find anyone that is of leadership quality that can pull 37 mp away

  7. Leadership quality is relative. You must have heard of the saying, in the land of the blind, the one eyed Jack shines. Some have built a following over the years and could tap on them if needed be. And what if the bunch have lost faith in the present leadership? It can be pull or push factor to get things going or a bit of both.

  8. This is how I think it will play out:

    1. The plans to increase the population will forge ahead

    2. the figure of 6.9 million will be attained well before 2030

    3. New policies to increase the population will be introduced.

    4. By 2030 the population will EXCEED 6.9 million

    5. Johor will continue to develop to support the influx of Singaporeans and Singaporean permanent residents who will choose to live in Johor and JB.

    6. It wouldn't matter what political party is in government

    7. Redbean is right: the formation of a coalition is VERY FUCKING POSSIBLE. However, there is no gurantee that this new coalition could be WORSE than the present PAP. They could be made up of the many fruitcake bat-shit insane Femi Nazi's -- a rapidly growing bunch of cunts -- aided by many fat-arsed western women now PR or citizens of Singapore.

    8. The future of Singapore politics will include new citizens -- Indians, PRCs, Pinoys, Caucasians...and ay number of the many 'chap cheng' children being shot out from the many inter-racially fucked vaginas which comprise the present gene-pool of Singapore

    The population will increase by NEW BIRTHS alone, nevermind the immigration.

    it is even more tiring listening to admission of flaw, mistake and apology so very frequently from the CEO(PRIME MINISTER) OF SINGAPORE INC. WITH NO ATTEMPT AT CORRECTION AND OR REPENTENCE.

    Suicide or Euthanasia?
    The Latter is preferable as it is less painful, dont the Good Dr Wee agrees?


  10. Rb...u see leaders? I see coat tail hangers..I see parliamentary pensioners to be..I don't see martyrs ...I see people awaiting directorships of GLCs..maybe what u and I see exists on different planes...hehe

  11. >> Suicide or Euthanasia?

    One must be cautious when responding to comments made by politicians who (all) favour the use of emotionally charged metaphors/ language/ words.

    Singapore is not the only place in the world that is going to get more crowded with an increase in population density.

    There are also valid science-based reasons why an increase in population is desirable, and I'm hoping that the discussion will focus more on the science than being driven (at the moment) by emotions and fear.

  12. redbean:

    >> It can be pull or push factor to get things going or a bit of both.

    Absolutely. Also don't forget that Singapore has many new citizens and a huge cadre of expatriate Singaporeans with pink NRICs living overseas -- who are now voters.

    Leadership can come from anywhere, and can be anyone. No one can predict the future with 100% accuracy -- although there are people who will make lucky guesses ;-)

  13. I agree with you that the PAP is seriously afflicted with myopia or even selectively blind and deaf.

    Every policy decision they make is always the best for the country, while every suggestion by opposition politicians is without merit or just brushed aside as a time bombs.

    Politically the PAP is still stunted like a dwarf that never grows beyond a certain size.

    Compare the PAP with the Democratic Party of the USA, where even an opposition Republican political foe is asked to contribute, as with Obama appointing John Kerry as Secretary of State.

    This is a good move to tap the talents of those who can contribute, rather than just soliciting ideas from the same kind of yes-men cronies. They may be willing to just tow the line, but not to be chastised for thinking out of the box. Not so for an opposition given a chance to hold office in the administration.

    1. I think you meant Chuck hagel, secretary of defense eho is a republican. John Kerry is a democrat

  14. I rather suicide for PAP (is clean cut and less painful for them.) but sadly, it will be euthanasia for Citizens. You know what kind of people will request for euthanasia? Mostly those in vegetable stage..or already lost the capacity of both all their limbs to function..thus when they have nothing to live for, they try to find something to die for. IS a VERY VERY SORRY state..that's how I interpret Wee's comment. In other words, it is both party DIE together kind of no-way-out situation.

    Foresight eh..!?

  15. 37 moving to the brighter side is not possible for the dark side is strong and so not condone betrayal

  16. The old man will disagree. Suicide or euthanasia is not on his mind when he created the web of intrigue to make sure the PAP stays in power perpetually. Some believe the dowager was the one behind the curtain planning all the moves.

    Unfortunately, she failed to foresee that even she will have to obey the laws of nature. So, it looks like her death spells the beginning of the end. What is happenning so far is pointing in that direction.

  17. Hahaha

    I do not think 37 PAP MPs will walk away to form a coalition with the WP.

    The present crop of PAP MPs are not like those who walked away to form the Barisan Socialis. Far from it. Ideology was still an important factor then. Monetary rewards was not. A coalition is never a good way to go anyway.

    The first hurdle will be exactly like what Dr Chee proposes. Who is to lead the coalition? Human nature thrive on greed and ego. The coalition will not last a month.

    It is not impossible, but rather far-fetched to be workable. Then, the old man may really rise from the grave to set things right.

  18. Do we only have the Hobson's choice of suicide and euthanasia?

    How about changing the quack doctor?

  19. @The..

    It is in the Making.

    If unsuccessful, it means suicide or
    euthanasia ending in death

    Is there any difference in death?

    It levels everything, does it not?


  20. They are too greedy and too lazy and too dumb to walk out and form another party. Without familee, they are just a bunch of useless shits. Sinky have aleady sinked when the investment arm wagered the monies they took from the fund on the financial casinos. The 7m is perhaps to try to redeem some of the losses. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to kick away gambling habit.

  21. Suicidal economic implications of PAP population policy:
    1. Lazy way; low productivity will be entrenched.
    2. Unsustainable way; there is limited land that you can build buildings, roads, infrastructure, etc.
    3. Huge financial leakage of new hybrid new citizens, PRs & FTs families taking advantage of subsidized HDB housing, scholarships, job opportunities, aviodance of NS and cashing out properties, CPF, etc when time due to move out. Total gains/leakage averaged $400,000 per family. 40% of FTs (2.5mln in total), ie 300,000 families expected to take advantage. Total costs S$120bln to our NATION.
    4. When FTs cash out, the BEAR cycle in Singapore will worsen dramatically. Like Dubai a 70% drop can happen. Total costs from peak to bottom S$800bln just from residential properties.

    PAP is bringing Singapore to FINANCIAL suicide eventhough the current bull BUBBLE maybe maintained and pushed up and prolonged for a few more years.

    All above not including social, political, nation-building, health costs, etc.

    What a low quality, myopic leadership!

  22. LKY thinks he is emperor qin. he wants millions of people bury with him. he thinks he owns sinky and sinkies.

  23. "taking advantage of subsidized HDB housing" - do you mean overpriced hdb housing?

  24. Right now we have 79 useless politicians.
    Q: If 37 useless politicians break away from the current group of 79 useless politicians, what do you have?

    A: 37 useless politicians PLUS 42 useless politicians.

  25. I hope PM Lee remains leader of PAP.

    Under his leadership, Workers' Party has gained Aljunied GRC plus Punggol East SMC.
    With PM Lee continuing to weaken PAP from the inside, we can all hope for more progress in GE 2016.

    So please do not challenge PM Lee in his AMK GRC in GE 2016.
    Let him continue to lead PAP.
    And the Alternative Parties can continue to reap the efforts of his leadership of PAP.

    Huat Ah!

  26. White Paper ver 1 revised and/or version 2 will be forthcoming. Wait a few weeks.

    Singapore Budget 2013 also coming soon.

    Better go and buy lubricant for your anuses. Big government dick is going to make you its bitch.

  27. @patriot...

    Yes, death - the grand leveler of all human greatness, will reduce us to the same state...

  28. /// Yes, death - the grand leveler of all human greatness, will reduce us to the same state... ///

    As a civilian;
    You will get a gun carriage funeral meh?

  29. /// As a civilian;
    You will get a gun carriage funeral meh? ///

    You are still hung up on the ostentation of those who are living. The gun carriage and solid gold coffin are meant to impress the living. Can you take your shark's fins, abalone, diamonds and billions in cash with you?

    When you are dead - your ashes or bones are no more grander than the pauper or the king's.

  30. to anon 9.48: whether you have state funeral or funeral under the block, whether your coffin is 100k or 1k, whether you go on a gun carriage or a mitsubishi van, you are still going into the same hole or the same oven.

  31. Haha do not bang too hard st Anon 9:48, he/she is one step away from understanding the meaning of the ultimate leveller.
    He/She is looking at the material world.

  32. All those yearning for gun carriages and gold coffins are just kidding themselves.

    When the time comes, nothing is worth anything. Money, big houses, designer watches, expensive cars are all left behind.

    Just look at Steve Jobs. Or Mdm Dowager of Singapore. What did they take along?

  33. Oh please lah people. Stop now with your fake "spiritual" hypocrisy lah.

    You are Singaporeans, and therefore love your materialistic trappings. We live in a material universe, and we work for money for many reasons, but the main one is ECONOMIC.

    It is true that you cannot take your material goods with you when you've shed your mortal coil.

    However, being dead doesn't count. It is the LIVING that counts -- that's where you get to experience fun, winning, cumming, shitting and eating...and to do so you'll need MONEY.

    So go ahead. Enjoy your life. Spend your money however you like. And fuck those people who'll bullshit you about "spirituality" (tip for the day: there's no such thing. People just make the shit up)

  34. STFORUM (Online edition)

    [Don't be too reliant on cheap foreign labour]

    "IT APPEARS to me that National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan's planning strategy relies too much on the availability of cheap foreign construction workers ("Major shift in planning strategy: Khaw"; last Thursday).

    May I suggest that the Govt look at how Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Australia are able to build their cities without being overly reliant on foreign workers.

    A strategy based solely on the import of cheap foreign labour is seriously flawed and unsustainable.

    Soh Oon Teck"


  35. STFORUM (Online edition)

    [Businesses addicted to quick-fix drug of foreign labour]

    "... unless the Govt lives up to its constant claims of being able to make hard decisions, and forces S'pore businesses to stand principally on the strengths of its native sons, the nation we grew up to know may not survive.

    Lee Chiu San"


  36. STFORUM {Online edition}

    [S'pore needs to boost productivity, not population]

    "I QUESTION the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises' call for a higher inflow of low-end foreign workers ("Call to relook curbs on foreign worker inflow"; Feb 4).

    In the U.S., 2 staff members at a Starbucks outlet can take customers' orders faster than 3 to 5 of their counterparts in S'pore.

    There are many cases where replacing S'porean workers with foreign staff made both the enterprise, and S'pore itself, less economically efficient.

    Businesses appear to be so fixated on low wages that many hire foreign staff who are less competent than locals.

    Eric J. Brooks"


  37. STFORUM {Online edition}

    [PMET job not the only path to success]

    "Weaning ourselves off cheap foreign labour will not be a quick and easy process, but it is a necessary step towards a sustainable population and dynamic S'pore.

    Aaron Lee Kwang Yang"


  38. TR Emeritus

    [Event: Protest against 6.9M White Paper moves to 4pm instead of 4:30pm]

    "We wil be starting the event earlier at 4pm due to the sheer number of speakers we have and other performances.

    Please try to spread the word around if possible."


  39. STFORUM (Print edition)

    [Foreign labour curbs may hurt S'porean workers]

    "The MOM should not react in a knee-jerk manner to discontent on the ground.

    Chew Cheng Lok"


  40. STFORUM {Print edition)

    [The foreign worker dilemma]

    "Opposition parties should share with S'poreans how they would solve this dilemma if they were the govt.

    They should not just question what the Govt intends to do.

    Goh Khee Kuan"


  41. LuckyTAN's latest

    [White Paper Passed : Roadmap to an unwanted destination....]

    "Happy Lunar New Year.

    I'm sure many of you had this experience when you visited friends and relatives during this week -
    a large group of people gather to talk about various issues, catch up on each others' lives, and at some point someone brings up the population white paper.. and the torrent of negative views about it pours out and keep going until someone reminds everyone else that it is Chinese New Year and we shouldn't be so angry."


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