
Australia opens its door to convict immigrants

A White Paper will be submitted to the Australian Parliament on the need to increase the population of Australia to ensure a high GDP growth rate. One of the key features is the need to allow more immigrants into Australia. The TFR of Australia is low, just like any developed country.

The choice of immigrants is more specific. Australia is founded and built by the early immigrants that were mainly convicts from the British Empire. This is the rich history of Australia and it is appropriate that Australia should allow more convicts from Europe to settle in the continent, the caliber of people that has the drive and talents and motivation to build what is Australia today.

Many Australians were angered by this proposal. When challenged, the MP said that the proposal is not without precedents. He was inspired by Singapore for forever remembering that their forefathers were immigrants and so immigrants become part and parcel of the nation’s psyche. Singapore will always welcome immigrants as that was how it started. It will always be a nation of immigrants, with shallow roots, more like instant trees. Forget above national identity and culture and all the bull shit, those are at best only an aspiration. And this is how the City grows and prospers. The ageing immigrants and their descendants have lost their drive and ability and talent to sustain the continued growth of this progressive City. The City needs the drive and oomphs of new immigrants to keep it alive and vibrant. The City needs help from talented immigrants.

Similarly, Australia is suffering the same fate, low GDP growth and a lazy population. Australia needs to lay down the red carpet and welcome convicts, the European types, to reinvigorate the population and reinvent itself, more drive and vitality and vibrancy, like before.

Still many Australians are angry with this silly MP and his silly logic. But his White Paper is likely to be pushed through when the Whip is in force.


Anonymous said...

RB, are you kidding me? The last I checked on the website, even I as an Australian graduate but unemployed for 12 years now are not qualified leh

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Their country is built by convicts and they love convicts. Are you a convict?

Just kidding lah : )

Virgo 49 said...

convicts talented people??

Talented in their coloured and white collar crimes??

Got drive yo be driven to prisons

Anonymous said...

Hi rb,

In their White Paper, these newcomers do not have to sit and pass an English language test. Help would given to help them to pick up the language when they have landed.

As for integration, plans are afoot to assist in their assimilation, if they want to.

Restrictions would be relaxed to allow extended family members to join. All social benefits and welfare payments would be given to accord them an Australian way of life.

On public housing, they do not have to join the long queue. They get priority to ensure proper roofs over their heads.

Universal healthcare and education would be provided.

It is hoped that these newcomers would support the aging population, boost the economy and contribute to maintain the system and the high standard of living that Australia have achieved.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

well, there you have it, faber.

Anonymous said...

Your piece (though you are obviously kidding) brings out an important point - the distortion of history. Australia was a convict colony but many of those "convicts" would have been acquitted of their " petty crimes" as many were indeed falsely accused. Many were highly talented and rose to high positions in their own lifetimes being given "tickets of leave" (sentences suspended so that they lead normal lives and not in prisons) as their talents were recognised.If you watch the BBC programme of Who do you think you are you will note that these convict carry a complete and detailed record of there profession or trade. Besides there were just as many normal non-convict immigrants, especially during the potato famines in Ireland.Coming back to Singapore this whole argument that we are a nation of immigrants therefore we should welcome the new immigrants similarly distorts history. Many. if not the majority were transients. They did not want to settle and die here. They went home to die. Even LKY`s great grandfather did that and his grave can be found in their ancestral homeland. So were many of our forefathers. They did not displace the "locals"(if there were any).Those who stayed were not in the majority and had many reasons to remain - poverty and inability to buy their fare home, being married to fellow immigrants,etc. Most of the women were brides -to-be or single women. Remember the mah chehs. Even LKY`s black and white has gone home and gave interviews recently to the press.who stayed wily nilly made do and out of this mix was born the "true blue" Singaporean. It took more the 100 years. Even as late as the earlt 1950s marriage across dialect groups were discouraged and they stayed in distinct geographical areas - hokkiens in the Telok Ayer area, Teochews in Upper Serangoon/Punggol and the Cantonese in Chin Chew Street part of Chinatown.The current mass immigration bears absolutely no resemblance to the early immigration. Even then THE British did not give citizenship to the majority of Chinese immigrants. LKY in fact took advantage of that and came into power because the Chinese who had voting rights were born here and became British subjects. They were in the minority.Even as late as the mid-1950s the Lim Yew Hock governments gave free shipping passage to the Chinese who opposed colonial rule back to China and many went.The weare a nation of immigrant crap is known derisively in professional circles as the Whig Interpretation of History - looking at history through the distorted lens of the present.

Anonymous said...

You were not accepted bcos You're not White mah.

Anonymous said...

It is a fact that most criminals are intelligent, way way above the average.

Anonymous said...

Why the need for English?

Sin is no Oz and more a British Colony.

All immigrants must be fluent in Bahasa Kebangsaan(Malay/Indon), the National Language of the Region

Can anyone please explain why Orientals/Asians have to adopt English?

Anonymous said...


Sin is no Oz and no more a British Colony.

Anon Above.

Anonymous said...

forget the concepts of 'true blue singaporeans', 'transients', 'immigrants', 'indigenous people', 'convicts', etc. just look at it from a simple analogy: the bus is full and crammed and muggy and smelly lah. to those people who still want to board, fuck off lah & take another bus!

Anonymous said...

& fuck off to the bus driver who's still leaving the door of the bus open!

Anonymous said...

Since and after Independence, the History of Singapore has been and is being remade to glamourize the Local Regime.
The Sinky Sheeples are bathing in glory with the New History oblivious to the fact that the Local Regime has failed very badly to build a nation out of the Given Autonomy.

Lamentable. However, it could be a blessing in disguise; Sg could become a province of a true nation someday and may that day arrives soon.

Anonymous said...

Ancient Singapore was founded by Sang Nila Lee Kuan Yew. Price of Palembang, Sumatra.

Modern Singapore was founded in 1819, by Sir Stamford Raffles Lee Kuan Yew.

The first non-white President of the United States is Barrack Obama Lee Kuan Yew.

And Mother Teresa Lee Kuan Yew was responsible for helping the desperate poor in India.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

At the rate things are going in the real world, in real time, Arse-trailer is more than likely to become a Muslim cuntree in a few decades.

I have a feeling, after that happens, Australia will become part of Indonesia.

I'm good with that. I can eat delicious nasi padang everyday, and bang women that are adept at "coomut" (the tensing and relaxing of the vaginal wall muscles applied to the male penis during intercourse -- mind blowing stuff)
...however chances are, I'll be dead or close to it by then. Nevermind, lah, I could then try "death by coomut"!

The said...

I am full of conviction. Do I qualify?

Anonymous said...

I look at their website they do have a category for rich investors of at least a$5 million but u can stay only 4 years. Who on earth with the right mind want to place a large sum and stay 4 years for migration purpose? The guy that came up with this scheme ought to have his head examined

Anonymous said...

Such ignorance based on asian racists . As a psychologist Ive examined all the people of asia pacific and the most civilized and decent Ive found were european australians and new zealanders.The asian minority who are racist need to be scorned for what they are convicts ands criminal.

The most primitive, oppressive societies and peoples are ones with Islamic values and rules.

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