
An ageing population is a triumph of development.

‘We should stop seeing elderly Singaporeans as just a drain on our economy and as a hindrance to our goal to keep Singapore dynamic. Older Singaporeans have much to offer us, and not all of it can be measured in economic terms.

In fact, our elderly Singaporeans are essential to maintaining a Singapore core. Older Singaporeans are custodians of culture and, as some have suggested, can be employed in schools to teach subjects such as social studies and national education, or encouraged to volunteer to do so. This is also a way of encouraging cross-generational sharing and learning, particularly in a society where family trends are shifting and there may be less opportunities for inter-generational sharing within the family.’….

I like this part of Chen Show Mao’s paper. The senior citizens are not a waste or rubbish waiting to be thrown away. Many are a store house of information and history. The accumulated experience in them is wisdom that cannot be found in the text books.

And with today’s medical advancement and the quality of life, many are very healthy and can go on till 70 or 80. I see myself going on to 70 without much stress. And many of the seniors are in such shape but thinking that their days are over, as society or govt has so fixed, and thus wasting their times in club houses or playing golf. Many can still be gainfully employed if they so choose.

The employment policies of the govt and private organizations, public and private institutions, should cater for this mindset change to welcome more seniors back to the work force. Many are financially sufficient and do not need abundance of money to work. A decent salary will be enough to keep them happy. By so doing, the labour cost could be lowered and more seniors would be independent instead of being a liability. And there is lesser need for foreigner to support a bigger ageing population when more are supporting themselves. When seniors are working till 70 or 80, they are economically active and contributing and supporting the economy as well. Isn’t that good?

There must be a serious conviction and commitment to restructure the workforce, to retain more people in the workforce for as long as possible. After all we have become an economic animal and working to death is our new mantra. Just look at the cleaners in the foodcourt will do. This, couple with the savings in their CPF or in their bank accounts or assets, the data on ageing population to be supported by a bigger and younger pool of workforce, particularly the PMETs, and that’s what our seniors will be as we move ahead, is thus misleading. There are many PMET jobs that are not directly related to ageing. The new seniors are knowledge based seniors. Many are armed with professional and tertiary degrees and wide ranging skills and knowledge. They are no longer the artisans or coolies of the past.

Think sinkie first and as the WP suggested, think of tapping the pool of the seniors and those females that can participate in the economy. Cut down on the one track mind of relying on foreigners. It is a drug, a bad habit. Kick the habit. Don’t be lazy, think harder.


Anonymous said...

/// Cut down on the one track mind of relying on foreigners. It is a drug, a bad habit. Kick the habit. Don’t be lazy, think harder. ///
QUOTE: redbean.

To which I humbly add:

// Cut down on the one track mind of relying on PAP.
It is a drug, a bad habit.
Kick the habit.
Don’t be lazy, think harder. ///

Say cheese.

patriot said...

For the First Time, me has to say that I find this Thread in My Singapore News as one that has the most contradictions within Itself. On the one hand Redbean laments that elderlies have to work to survive, on another, he says the elderkies must be given opportunities to work. Redbean seems to be of the view that many have savings but, woukd like to work to spend their time 'meaningfully' and as a collateral contribute to the economy. Do not be surprised that this is the Point where I find most difficult to understand and agree with.

As per normal in any society, elderly folks woukd have had studied, worked and married All if not most woukd have grown up children, grandchildren and some may have great grand children whence they go beyond 70 in age.
For some elderlies, like me and my siblings, our parents was/is alive when we are senior citizens ourselves.

Allow me to state that generally, Angmos spend their twilight years travelling and enjoying whatever leisures they like. This shows they know the RIGHT WAY TO RETIRE. OTHER THAN IN SIN, most elderlies in other countries 'RELAX' themselves when their children are independent. THE LEAST THEY DO WILL BE TO 'SLOW DOWN'.

The Crux of the Matter to me is that AFTER INDEPENDENCE, SINKIES HAVE BEEN IMBUED WITH PERVERTED VALUES OF BEING ECONOMICALLY RELEVANT AND PRODUCTIVE. When the stage arrives for one to enjoy playing with grandchildren, their cousins,catching up with siblings
and old friends and neighbours and even see the World, SINKIES FEEL BORED WITH NOTHING TO DO, LOL and ROFL to do it . No wonder Sinkies have become the Laughing Stock of the World.


Okay, me will accept that one WITHOUT family friend and TOTALLY WITHOUT HOBBY AND INTEREST, will be justified to live
his/her old age as envision by Redbean.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Patriot, yes the contradictions are glaring but not for no reasons. It was better that the seniors enjoy a carefree lifestyle well provided for by themselves or children. This is not working given the new situation. Some babyboomers have stashed enough away to do so. Many did not and could not. This couple with longetivity and inflation, the former means more needed and inflation means even more money is needed as the real value is being eroded away. Many pensioners will find their pension eaten away by inflation. Not enough.

In big families with a lot of children, each one contributes a little, the parents will be well provided for. With small families and if the children are not doing well, they themselves struggling for a living, looking after parents becomes a big burden.

Many seniors would have little choice but to work. Then again, for those who can and wanted to, who don't need to work, can still choose to work to keep themselves busy. But this is voluntary, not a force choice like those that are not well provided.

The new social and economic construct spares no one. The high inflation and cost of living will force many to continue to work to survive.

Inflation is a heartless robber of savings.

patriot said...

Chin Leng:

Eversince villagers were resettled to highrise living and inculcated with encouragements toward materialism, Sinkies themselves have thrown away their traditional culture. They have no time for anything, family becomes secondary to self. Siblings, relatives and neighbours
less important than bosses and career.
Friends everywhere but non bosom or close.

See the Problems with people who have to while their time away working? Because one has grown lonely over the years chasing money and neglecting everything else including ones' interest.

How to expect anyone to knit the family when one has gone solo in pursuits of self attainment and glory neglecting everyone else around?


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I have made a choice long ago: I never intend to retire, unless my health gives out and I'm forced to.

The way I see it is that even if you have a nice monthly positive cash flow from assets, the purchasing power of the currency unit -- any currency unit -- is being eroded away by inflation based on monetizing debt.

And the cuntrees are taking on more and more debt. It looks like the kids and their kids will be taxed and regulated from cradle to grave simply to pay it off.

Singapore oldies have it quite good. Especially for the guys -- there's plenty of horny, young pussy to bang until the CPF runs out :-)

For old guys, Hotel Singapore is a rocking place -- pussy heaven!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, our gahmen is only capable of creating third world countries jobs that are physically demanding and labor intensive. After 50years of lousy rule, the poison is too deep to purge out.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, elderly especially those above 65 should have a choice whether to work or retire. They should be given a minimum sum enough to survive basic costs of living if their cpf is insufficient and if they needed more, they can do some easy jobs such as those in PA to earn extra. Why do PA need to get some fancy women to work there? to seduce the MPs?

Anonymous said...

"For old guys, Hotel Singapore is a rocking place -- pussy heaven!"

There are basically two main ways to deal with resentments, one way is to fight back like RB and another way is to resign like MS and look for shelter under certain umbrellas like sex, drugs, alcohols.

Anonymous said...

I also do not think that people these days live longer. It is just a propaganda to squeeze money out from us.

Anonymous said...

The wise matilah needs no country and he is fine to live anywhere be it ruled by dog, monkey or hyena.
The only place he loathes is one without female species.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ various anons:

>> live anywhere be it ruled by..[...]

There you have it. I consider myself a free individual and therefore have no desire to be "ruled" by anyone or anything.

Those who choose to be ruled over by some arbitrary, but consented-to "authority" are welcome to their choice of voluntary serfdom and minionhood.

So far all the cuntrees I've lived in has had ample numbers of fuckable women. No worries there.

Singapore will continue to exist as a cuntree with or without my "fight" -- so I don't even worry about that.

At present, and for a few decades already, it has been my No.1 Awesome Rocking Hotel, buit if that ceases, I'll find somewhere else.

Frankly I find most of the people damn stupid when it comes to the ways of the world and human nature. The people, or rather Sheeple are hell bent on self-sabotage, and they are arrogant to boot.

However, that makes for comedy GOLD and spectacular ENTERTAINMENT!

Got encore?