
Uproar over 6.9m population

Less than a day after breaking news of the Govt White Paper on a projected 6.9m population in 2030 the internet was buzzing with cries of outrage. 5 articles appeared in TRE alone, 1. White Paper calls for up to 80% increase in foreign population in SG, 2. 7m population and the lack of foresight by Sorry Lee, 3. Govt White Paper plans for 6.9m by 2030, 4. Population White Paper projecting 6.9m. U-turn on influx…., 5. Poly student rebuts NPTD Population White Paper. And there were many articles posted elsewhere with the same view, against the huge population, Lucky Tan, Feedmetothefish, just to name a few. All says it is a crazy idea. Are the Sinkies that daft not to know what is good or bad for them?

The contents of these articles were similar, all were against the 6.9m population as unacceptable. And all received huge numbers of comments sharing the same unhappiness over this projected population in this little island.

What is very clear is that the clever thinkers and planners and the Govt are all marching to a different tune and in a different direction while the people are going the opposite way. Is there a meeting of minds? Nay is being too conservative. While the tone of the Govt is all in favour of this great projection to save Sinkies, and without the increase in population, the island will sink, the future will go kaput, the people disagree and do not think so.

With such a divergence of views, would this paper be pushed through in Parliament and the people just got to live with it? Would the outburst of anger and dismay lead to more serious challenges for the Govt to deal with? Or would the Govt, if it fails to convince the people, will simply ignore the people as lunatics, simple minded folks or daft, and that the Govt knows best and what is being done is for the good of the people? Would the people accept such a fait accompli given the admission of lack of foresight and the huge problems the country and people are facing due to the influx of so many foreigners here?

Are the foreigners the spice or the shit to the Singaporean’s life?


Anonymous said...

It's sad that the people themselves have allowed the group of elites to decide the lives of the majority for the future. Or perhaps the 60% accepted and only the 40% rejected???
Are we supposed to swallow this sword down our throat being so helpless??!!! I am glad that by that time, I would be 6 ft underground but the decendants?? so sad.....so frustrating.... to think further..

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! News

[Fury over 6.9 million population target for Singapore]

NB: Don't miss the "Comments"..


Anonymous said...

Why would the govt want to do this knowing full well it runs the risk of election backlash ? Anyway all the ministers will not be around to so called "enjoy" their rewards from higher population numbers, so it can't be self interest.

So for whose interest is it ?

Anonymous said...


The 6.9 million population is all part of a 10,000 year LKY plan to enshrine Singapore as a monument to himself.

Anonymous said...

"Why would the govt want to do this knowing full well it runs the risk of election backlash ? Anyway all the ministers will not be around to so called "enjoy" their rewards from higher population numbers, so it can't be self interest. "

So PAP is taking a big gambling. They know that either they lose big in been removed from government or they succeed in mass import the foreigner into converting them into citizens to dilute all votes of dissenting voices, and put them into power again. didn't anyone see the baby incentives and all sort of goodies, don't anyone think thatit is meant and designed for the foreigners in mind given the timing of their toilet paper on extreme population increase ?

How is it that replacing half the population of Singaporeans with foreigners are not extreme but highlighting such extreme nonsense of PAP by netizens is considered extreme by Pinky ?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

HA. No wonder you fuckers always lose in the political sphere.

By skeptical, and often suspicious brain signals me that this is an attempt to generate "reaction" -- which it has -- to set up the unsuspecting for mass mind manipulation -- a feat which the PAP govt is so damn good at.

Be careful. You are being played.

Anonymous said...

"So for whose interest is it ?"

Hello, if you still by now don't know whose interest to replace the sinkies then you deserve to be replaced. Period.

Anonymous said...


don't worry, we already know the answer already, we just want to act blur to the government by asking question so that to catch them off-guard thinking we are still blur blur like sotong.

Acting blur is one strategy of art of wars to put the guard of enemies down.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 1215:

>> don't worry, we already know the answer already,

Maybe you, maybe your "switched-on" friends. But the majority -- they have NO CLUE about real politik and Machiavellian tactics.

Don't be so cock sure and blindly arrogant about your abilities. The PAP are EXPERT in manipulation of the masses. The empirical evidence is clear and is in recorded history. The PAP have "ruled" for 2 generations already and is on their 3rd.

People are too "future fixated". 2016, 2016, blah blah blah...2016...vote them out...blah blah...cry cry...complain...knn...knn...vote them out...2016.

Man that's a lot of useless HOT AIR, and 2016 is a long way off. a lot can happen in the time. There'll be economic and possibly financial crises, and the PAP will seize the day to "help". Wanna bet?

@anon 925

>> Why would the govt want to do this knowing full well it runs the risk of election backlash ?

An excellent question. The answer: because they want a "wayang" backlash from the people.

At the weekend: people happy that Punggol East "fell" to opposition.

2 days later: bombshell 6.9 million white paper. The mood swings from joy to fear.

BRILLIANT STRATEGY! This is how you play emotions: pump them up with hope and joy, then bring the emotions nose-diving into "negative" territory with shock, fear and the "certainty" of doom.

Anonymous said...

You mean they were experts!
PE proved they are not.

Anonymous said...

When they are unable to deal with 5.3m, you think they can handle 7m?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 1257:

PE didn't necessarily "prove" anything. One small data point, probably an outlier, maybe "noise" as opposed to a valid "signal".


>> When they are unable to deal with 5.3m

Huh? I think Singapore at 5+ million runs like clockwork.

As soon as you step off the plane at Changi -- everything works, cleanly and efficiently.

Anonymous said...

"When they are unable to deal with 5.3m, you think they can handle 7m?"

Hello, who care whether they can handle 7m or not as it is planned to replace the sinkies with foreigners to preserve pappies's vote. Get real and not been drunk ! Trust your own instinct. so many shits created by PAP against the people and yet you think that PAP care for you ? Give yourself two tight slaps to wake yourself up. Better still, go to toilet and eat some shit there.

Anonymous said...

"So PAP is taking a big gambling. They know that either they lose big in been removed from government or they succeed in mass import the foreigner into converting them into citizens to dilute all votes of dissenting voices, and put them into power again"

Singapore imports mostly educated foreigners. Empirical evidence have shown that the more educated, mobile you are, you would desire higher level needs, like needs for democracy and freedom, checks and accountability, blah blah. One cant really bet that new citizens feel they owe the govt anything. If that is true, they would not have lost Punggol this badly, and ditto the last election.

Anonymous said...

"PAP does this for their self interest, so that they can perpetuate their power." Is it true? Do they really need to do this?

In fact, by not doing anything, and even cutting instead of increasing population, playing to the gallery, isn't that a better strategy of preserving their GE 2016 chances, and thus their "self interest?'. One desont need to stay in PAP to earn the high salary; in fact, they can easily earn more when they leave PAP, like George Yeo, and many who left for GLCs.

Anonymous said...

I think it is no use to vent anger and threaten the MIW. They will not listen and neither are they afraid. That they just go ahead and do it shows their arrogance.

In Hougang, Aljunied GRC and Punggol East, the majority of the voters do not show much anger with the PAP during the recent campaigns, shaking hands, smiling etc, but boy, they are really angry deep inside. And they made sure the PAP knows it by using the only weapon left for them to make a difference, which is their vote.

Anonymous said...

"Singapore imports mostly educated foreigners. Empirical evidence have shown that the more educated, mobile you are, you would desire higher level needs, like needs for democracy and freedom, checks and accountability, blah blah."

How do you know ? Does your own instinct tell you so ?

Correct me. All PAP need is to target educated people who live in asian countries worst off than singapore at the worst case, but then why should educated people subject themselves to lack of democracy and convert themselves to Singaporeans knowing they will bear the same shit as singaporeans ? Don't you think they using stepping stone to other better countries if they are educated ? If they know that they will be using sincity as stepping stones, would they vote PAP into power to ensure that their house and properties rose to sky high before they migrate to other countries ?

All you need to do is put yourself into the shoe of foreigners who come here to take advantages of the pappies's carrot to vote them into power, and when you start thinking like them, you can see through the govt's plan.

Yes, no ? You be the judge.

Anonymous said...

""Singapore imports mostly educated foreigners. Empirical evidence have shown that the more educated, mobile you are, you would desire higher level needs, like needs for democracy and freedom, checks and accountability, blah blah.""

all Singapore need to provide to satisfy those educated foreigners to set root in sincity is just to have slightly better democracy, checks and accountability, blah, blah, compare to their own native countries ... Understand or not ?

Anonymous said...

That Singapore imports mostly educated foreigners is a big lie.

It will be more appropriate to say that Singapore imports mostly UNEDUCATED or LOWLY EDUCATED foreigners is the undisputed truth.

One educated foreigner probably comes with a whole family of four or five with little or low education. Just walk around shopping centres and you will believe me.

Anonymous said...

"It will be more appropriate to say that Singapore imports mostly UNEDUCATED or LOWLY EDUCATED foreigners is the undisputed truth."

Support on that. After all daft and stupid singaporeans vote for PAP and put them into power, therefore the same logic apply for UNEDUCATED or LOWLY EDUCATED foreigners.

Can Redbean write a White Paper to dispel the myth of the Toilet Paper of 7 millions population, and help to flush the toilet full of shit ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

What is really important is not what quality to import. This is a side issue.

The most critical issue is to find the optimum population that the island can take. And this must be decided by the people and not by some academics or 80 MPs.

Let the academics do the ground work, provide the analysis and the recommendations and the people shall decide. But make sure the academics are doing it objectively and not beholden to do what the masters want to hear.

Anonymous said...

Hello Singaporeans, you guys seem to be missing a crucial point here about the population issue here. Most of the time you will find that the toilet paper comes in white, there is nothing unusual, right? However, when you used the white toilet paper to wipe whatever with it, you will discard it because it is dirty. Thus, the white toilet paper is like the power games of politics. When you spin a coin, it will come to rest flat after it stopped spinning, but I told you before I spin the coin that if it is head I win, and if it is tail, you loose. By spinning a big number to you, you will be unhappy and furious...and that may allow my exit or discarded from the power game eventually, with your unhappiness of your choosing(votes) and I will live my life as a private citizen. If you allow me to keep bringing in this new number as stated in the media, over time I get the chance to stay in the game, eventually as new citizens and others (votes) me to stay in the power game. So you tell me who is the winner here in this spinning of the coin? That's the spinner! And who say that there is no such thing as, head I win and tail you loose. Ha! Ha! Ha! Good luck Singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

"As soon as you step off the plane at Changi -- everything works, cleanly and efficiently" - our lives do not evolve around changi airport, just look at the mess in our transport, housing, medical, school system. do you think they can handle 7m? they cannot even handled a few china bus drivers.

I think they really want us to vote them out cos they have already emptied out the reserves.

Anonymous said...

"Are the foreigners the spice or the shit" - Blame not the foreigners - it is the gahmen fault especially the familee. Curse the familee everyday you are being squeezed in the mrt, markets, buses, roads etc. This negative energy will form into a huge disaster that will befall upon the familee.

Anonymous said...

Uproar is a milder expression.

Distressed coupled with unsurpressed anger, coupled with a feeling of haplessness is more appropriate.

Now, this is going to be the mother of all mis-steps by the PAP that will be a major factor in 2016!

The beginning of the end for them is not that far-fetched after all.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon 452

>> our lives do not evolve around changi airport, [...]

I take it you meant to use the word "revolve" ;-)

Anyway, who gives a shit about your lives? People who come here come for specific purposes to get their stuff done, and hopefully make a buck or million.

Your life is your business. Why should I care? The people get the government they deserve... so whatever shit you think your're in -- guess what...==>> YOU ARE <<== RESPONSIBLE!

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