
Japan, revival of the monstrous barbaric Imperial Power

Japan is trying to revive its role as the number one military power in Asia. It is talking about rearming itself, about militarism, about war. It has just completed a tour of Southeast Asian countries, visiting countries that it thinks will support its militarization and military role in the region. It visited the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Myanmar to drum up support to be the top military power and leader in the region, to take on China in a war if needed. These countries are expected to support a neo militant Japan, as the cronies of a new Japanese Imperialism.

The irony of it all is that all these countries were victims of Japanese aggression, conquered and colonized by the Japanese, and ruled by the Japanese during the Second World War. Now the Japanese want these countries to come under its influence once again, willingly, and to fight China, the biggest investors and the biggest market for their exports.

Are the Japanese in delusion, that these countries are blind or crazy? Some are, for short term benefits and interests. What would the leader of Asean, Indonesia, do with the flirtation of Japan? Should Asian countries welcome the return of this evil and barbaric power? Are the memories of the suffering from the Japanese Imperial Army so easily forgotten?


  1. I have watched CCTV3 海峡两岸 yesterday that Singapore offered to America to park their war ship (航艇)to earn a good sum of money.
    Wonder if anyone is aware of it. Any other chinese viewers who watch it? It's shocking and worrying.

  2. oops it's CCTV4.

  3. In a year or so Japan will essentially be BROKE -- i.e. her sovereign debt will be so huge the BoJ might run out of ink before it can print enough Yen to keep the lie running.

    ...and so Imperialistic Conquest might be a way out. Hey, that's what they did the last time! Banzai!


  4. Let's China settle its blood debt with Japan once and for all.

    Had kept the sufferings and revenge under wraps for too long.

    Annihilation of Japan once and for all

  5. It shall be for a fact to say China or rather the Chinese of PRC, if they are patriotic, can cripple Japan within months by totally boycotting anything from the Japanese.
    The PRC can afford to even remove all Japanese owned industries in China.

    Having said the above; me of the view that younger Japanese in general are not as interested in war as their forebears.

  6. Take out the USA from the equation and I doubt the Japanese leaders would be so arrogant and militant.

  7. Japan has fallen prey to the greedy capitalists. They borrowed so much monies from them that they have to do anything they are asked to. I just hope they will not be so stupid to start a war and killing people on behalf of those capitalists.

  8. "I have watched CCTV3 海峡两岸 yesterday that Singapore offered to America to park their war ship (航艇)to earn a good sum of money.
    Wonder if anyone is aware of it. Any other chinese viewers who watch it? It's shocking and worrying."

    Are you really really really really really really really really that stupid ?

    Left hand give, and right hand take. Didn't we give IMF US$4 billions and we lose unspeakable billions in TH and GIC in US ? So horrible that only foreign papers can print the number loss.

    What a good deal !

    what do you think ?

  9. -- OFF TOPIC --

    Juicy piece just ripe for comment.

    7 MILLION!!!

    ...like I said: "I told you so", several times right here on MySingaporeNews, although I think they're pussying-out...9 million is a "truer" number.

    Get ready for jaw dropping change, and wonderful new opportunities!
