
Hypocrisy and War Crimes: The Western Imperium.


Hypocrisy and War Crimes: The Western Imperium

The U.S. has a long history of unleashing chemical and biological warfare against civilians both abroad and at home, primarily as an experiment but also to get rid of outdated stockpiles while inventing a villain to crucify. Canadian author Robert Rodvik rips into Barack Obama for hypocritically warning Syria against its alleged use of chemical weapons and lambastes his own country which, from a potential U.S. target, turned into a U.S. accomplice in the chemical warfare waged against the Vietnamese people.


  1. We live in a world that it is ok to be a whore but not ok to be poor. In a game between morale vs money, money will always win.

  2. Rodvik makes good films, but I am a bit puzzled about his narrative.

    Because of a philosophy called "American Exceptionalism", America is "special" and therefore is "allowed" to do whatever is necessary to secure American security and interests.

    Even Barrack Obama knows this, and is a great practitioner of American Exceptionalism. He is Bush Ver. 3.0, masquerading as the "people's man", and he is handsome and looks way cool in a suit. He is also very book-smart, and is the most skillful orator the American presidency has had for decades. He has Ronald Regan's cheery outlook and "connection" with the people, with Robert Kennedy's vision of global democracy, led by, of course the USA.

    Having the USA as the global super-power is kinda cool. They always put on a spectacular show -- whether it is Hollywood, or a war or a criminal conspiracy, or open collusion in the financial sector -- spectacular entertainment, with superb theater and actors. Even a pyramid scheme like Bernie Madoff -- teeth clenching drama, and shock at the sheer audacity of the scam.

    American style. As promoted b their dominance in the global media -- film, TV, Internet websites, newspapers, magazines, electronic gaming...you name it. If it's American entertainment, it sells.

    American Exceptionalism is woven intricately into the fabric of our present-day humanity.

    @anon 941:

    The world has always been a place where humans have struggled to get out of poverty. If you live in a modern, capitalist society, where everyone has a chance to make some money, you better have a good reason to be poor.

    If however you are poor, you'd better be doing something about it -- or no one will respect you, and it will be your fault.

    And yes, it is ok to be a whore. Who are you hurting by giving pleasure for money? It is honest work, and it sure beats sitting on your hungry, broke arse waiting for "charity".

    Culture wages a constant battle. Western culture in general and American culture in particular is very seductive, so you can't blame people from being "sucked in".

    Even if America humiliatingly lost a war to say, China, American culture will have won the majority of the world' hearts and minds.

  3. P.S. The USA does not respect the "authority" (arbitrary) of the International Court of Justice or the UN Security Council As red-blooded Americans, they have no time and award no quarter to the whims and edicts of a bunch of fruitcake politically correct European welfarists, and IMO, the US is to be respected for this.

    The ICJ is a bullshit court anyway which interferes in cuntrees domestic affairs, especially if those cuntrees have dictators who exert brutality and human rights violations on the people.

    America OTOH will make friends with the dictators, if the dictators serve American interests. If they are a threat to American interests, the USA simple goes in and bombs the place to rubble.

    And a few do-gooders in the world complain -- for e.g. redbean will write a post about it condemning the USA for "atrocities" -- but most people will go with the global media and cheer US forces for their "outstanding job", and mourn the fallen "brave Americans who sacrificed for their great cuntree"

    American Exceptionalism. Anything goes for America to be #1.

  4. Haha, condemning the US sounds so Nazis... For many who knows it, US is controlled by a certain tribe Hitler hated most. Rb=Hilter?
