
Laura Ong – The people are angry

In all my postings, one of my key principles is to avoid tarnishing anyone personally, and the least for indiscretion in their private lives. I avoided writing too much about the high profile X rated cases in the courts. I also schemed through briefly about the indiscretions of the two MPs except making some factual reports that were already in the media.

Many people have taken high moral grounds to dismiss these people in all manners and descriptions. Some had done it to score points, some with an agenda. Even the public had a great time humiliating, sneering and laughing at the people involved, as if they were all saints and angels. They were not merely giggling at the victims but enjoying every bit of it. You can see them and hear them everywhere.

I reluctantly dragged myself into this sordid affair as some called it, or more politely, improper conduct for one reason. The people are angry at the diatribes thrown at Laura Ong. It seems that it is all her fault, that she is the troublemaker, the bad one, and the other party is wholesome goodness and honourable.

How could people be so wrong and unjust to one party of an indiscretion between two consenting adults? How could one be dragged across the public square wearing a conical hat and another praised as good and respectable, full of integrity and full of sympathy and forgiveness?

I am not going to say too much about this. The commentaries in the media are more sordid than the affair itself, and the people berating them are worst. I am very proud of the bloggers in this blog who have not indulged in the same manner as the ruthless and unspeakable. Let the one who have not sinned be the first to cast the stone.


  1. Red bean, I totally agreed but in singapore, the good guy is the important guy like the director case, the poor girl after kena screwed is made up or make up as if she is a slut. She is very young.

  2. Has anyone with some authority and decency, said a good word for Laura Ong? There must be something good that Laura had done to receive some kind and consolatory words from his bosses or the organisations she worked for.

  3. To become a director of PA.
    Must first become a PAP member or not?

    This is part of the meritocracy value system founded by Lee Kuan Yew and his cronies.
    Michael Palmer is more elite than Laura Ong.
    So he is the saint and she is the devil.
    Never mind about justice, fairness and the truth.

    My guess is that BOTH Michael Palmer and Laura Ong belong to the Pro Alien Party.
    But Michael is more elite than Laura.
    So Laura Ong is being sacrificed "for the greater good" of the Pro Alien Party.

    Laura. Welcome to the other side of the political divide. Now you know how we feel.

  4. The One who give offers for whatever gain
    is more sinful than the One tempted to receive the offer.
    if the Offerer causes pains and sufferings to third, fourth and more parties, it is very hurtful.

  5. While I do not endorse their action, I do agree with RB that MSM is not fair to LO. If any praise should be given to MP, then why not LO. In the first place, MSM and mininsters should not try to re paint MP. I suspect they did that just to tell the world that their selection critiria is not flawed. Saving themselves and not that they love MP.

  6. Good morning RB..having enticed a few young things in my time....hehe..it is difficult to envisage a situation where LO can actually manouever herself into a stalking position..look at what her pre husband n current boy friend is doing..does it look like somebody who rub shoulders with rich..powerful n famous? There can be only one stalker in this affair..after it commenced then different story la..stalker become stalkee..same old story..hehe ..MSM will do what they need to do..reporters,journalists n editors need to keep their jobs till they retire..

  7. Luckily they never burn her on the stake.

  8. This is the justice system of dynastic China.
    Welcome to the Leepublic of Singapore.

  9. I think our leaders in white are sending a serious message to all those slutish women in the PA who may have intention for a amorous fling with the all powerful MPs to enhance their status and career prospect.The message is that: when the affair is blowm, they would be portrayed as the bad girl who led the good guy in white astray.It is just like the Chinese slaying a dog to teach the monkey,or in this case the wu li gin(vixen)a lessson.

  10. The moral of the story is BIG FISH escape SMALL FISH is facing the punishment SHAME same THE SMRT CEO STORY is the same
    Good luck singapore

  11. Hi RB,

    Laura Ong is not lynch. All extra-marital affairs will be sensationalized in every society other the Islamic countries, if one party involved is from elite class. Even in China where sexual moral are much loose, soon after any party official is exposed to have mistress, the netizen try whatever means to uncover the prima dona.

    The PRC even has a term for this (人肉搜索).

    While all screwing between consenting adults are private affair, screwing between a public officer and mistress may not be so simple. We know even in the most open France, the affair of President Mitterrand and Chirac are still topic of interest.

    In the west, there are ways and means to check that mistresses of elite public officers will not get special favors. But I do not think this is entirely possible. In PRC, very often mistress amass millions or even hundreds of millions of fortunes.

    Keep mistress in office is often a precursor to corruption.

    If someone is in public service, his must be aware that there is some prohibition in private life. Just in anyone can screw a girl above 16. But a MOE teacher who screw his student even if she/he is above 16, will generate a lot of buzz.

    In Chinese society, if you are a tycoon, you may screw as much above 16 as you like, although you will still generate attentions. The HK tabloid never cease to report on the lurid life of tycoon 劉鑾雄 Joseph Lau Luen Hung, and his mistresses get exposed.

    No one claim the the mistresses are being persecuted. In fact, his mistresses are all proud for their catch.

    In Islamic society, the elite can have as much woman they like. The mullahs will hash it up. Ibn Saud, the first boss of Saudi Arabia have hundreds and probably up to thousands of woman, you probably is going to hear more about Islamic court stoning woman to death for a single case of fortification than cursing the deprave Al Saud family.

    Another famous criminal is the depraved late Sultan Iskandar of Johor. He is still revered.

  12. There is No need to feel sorry for someone who is sleeping around with 3 men at any point in time. And actively seeking sex from a married man from her SMS. She is not a victim. She is the aggressor. Had She been a man, She would be greatly chastised. _

  13. And the world has become more equal place where women can be the sexual predator. No need to feel sorry just because the home wrecker and horny one happens to be the fairer sex. I think the papers and general public has been very kind to her already. Comparatively, Cecilia Sue seems likE
    e an angel.

  14. Everybody has the right to seek fulfillment of gratifications.
    And in doing so has to bear any consequences arising from the pursuits.

    To err is human, to be responsible is divine.


  15. I feel sad for Laura Ong.Had the sexual affair had not been Palmer,a PAP MP and Speaker of Parliament,she would not have been demonise and sodomised by the state-controlled media.
    The PAP govt will use every available means to always protect and potray its MPs as the" cleanest" guyswhile the rest of the population that threatened them are crooked.
    That had been the way for the last 50 years

  16. I do not see how this Laura Ong are being deliberately victimized. Unless she get screwed by Islamic sheikh where things will be hash up, in all other society, people will be curious to find out the physical look of the mistress of a public officer.

    But then, if our society is able to completely hush up elites affairs like those occurred in Saudi Arabia, I think LO will then really be victimized.

    Ibn Saud has played hundreds and up to thousands of woman, he dumped or divorce most of them -- mercilessly, soon after screwing them.

    The hushing of elites escapade requires the total submission of entire intellect class to the rulers, like what has happened in Saudi.

    I think that can only be a tragedy.

  17. And She is a public servant screwing with a up and coming minister and collecting Dior Bags on a monthly basis and possible conflict of interest and at the same time bonking other guys in grassroots. And also free vacation for bonding sessions overseas. It should be investigated. How many other men is She bedding? Did She use her seduction to get what She wants? Did She do it during office hours to go hotel rooms? Her Monday bonking session weekly with Michael Palmer is all during office hours BTW. Tax payers money used to fund her sexual activities?

  18. And the world has become more equal place where women can be the sexual predator. No need to feel sorry just because the home wrecker and horny one happens to be the fairer sex. I think the papers and general public has been very kind to her already. Comparatively, Cecilia Sue seems likE
    e an angel.

    You are quite correct. We must to fall for the crocodile tales of these dirty woman. I do not even has sympathy for Cecilia.

    Cecila and LO are not ordinary girl next door. They are not those weak, kind, gentle, tender or submissive mistresses. They are powerful alpha female. They knew what they are doing. Cecil is high flyer of Oracle while LO is director of PA.

    Anyone who believe LO and Cecila is innocent is naive. These are woman who will not give a damn to poor man but are most willing to let any dirty and powerful elites to pee in them, for the purpose of gaining material favors.

  19. And the reason why she is more widely reported because her numerous sexual partners makes for interesting reading. Who wants to read about Michael Palmer who only has 1 indiscretion? This married woman dating another grassroots and Michael Palmer and 3 Timing and sending SMS asking for more intimacy and Monday office hours rendeavours at Fairmont and acting cute with Teo SL a possible suspect makes one evaluate whether is guy is always the aggressor n woman the victim.

  20. Wah! Now I know where to go to get an easy lay.
    Women who wear white are so easy.

  21. A gold digger who got burnt by playing too much with the fire. What if this extra-marital affair is not exposed? She would break up Palmer's family, become his wife and climb up the social ladder. She is just another Ceceilia Sue Siew Lang. She deserves NO symphathy from me.

  22. As the saying goes "Let those without sin cast the first stone" and I bet no one has the moral right to throw that stone. So, I think we should not blame Laura Ong for the problem. It takes two hands to clap, right?

  23. redbean is showing his years. getting very senti-mental in his dotage.

  24. >>
    How could people be so wrong and unjust to one party of an indiscretion between two consenting adults? <

    Because Singaporeans are KAY POH KIA.

    And they hate their govt so much. When an "easy target" appears....all the anger, frustration, neurotic mental shit gets dumped on -- in this case Laura.

    "Home-wrecker", "the other woman"...

    ....please lah never forget Singaporeans are still very CONSERVATIVE (and thus narrow-minded and bigoted) in their views.

    Of course there are exceptions.

  25. "She would break up Palmer's family, become his wife and climb up the social ladder."
    My only problem with this is "climb up the social ladder."

    This has nothing to do with climbing the social ladder.
    This poison of meritocracy has really become ingrained into our Singapore society.
    Well done LKY.

    "The evil that men do, lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones."

  26. Prostitutes Action Party ???

  27. While others read Bible and become reactionary, hard-core right wing conservative, I become a socialst. And the more I read religious text notably like Buddhist scripture (I was from Maha Bodhi School) and Confucius teachings, I got more and more fascinated by socialism.

    I fully agree that "Let those without sin cast the first stone". Only radical Islamist will want to stone somebody to death due to fortification while keep a blind eye about they conducts of their leaders.

    But that does not mean that we must censor our media in covering such lurid stories. The mistresses of Ex French President Mitterand, Anne Pingeot, and bastard daughter Mazarine, today face media. Current French President Francoise Hollande dump his copine Segolene Royale and openly now cohabitat with another slut call Valérie Trierweiler.

    We let the people judge. All these slut faced bravely the public. We are not radical Islamist, we are not going to stone them to death.

    But public has the right to know the public sphere elites' private life.

    In USA, Clinton and Lewinsky affair goes public. Recently General David Petraeus and his biographer turned mistress Paula Broadwell affair goes public.

    I do not see how the femme fatale got victimize? Many are damn proud of their skill of seduction especially Valérie Trierweiler.

    The more we uncover these affair, the better. We should have a higher standards than the west, not lower.

    Only North Korea or radical Islamic countries like Saudi hush everything up for their leaders.

  28. When an affair occurs, the blame should be shouldered by all 3 parties, and not just 1. Laura Ong has been made a scapegoat. I feel very sorry for her, first reading Michael Palmer's expressions of love and then having to hear on the news that she was a "grave mistake".

    We are humans. Sometimes we marry the wrong person, and sometimes even when we marry the right one, we stray. I just hope that Michael Palmer will have the courage to look deep into himself to realise exactly what he wants.

  29. When an affair occurs, the blame should be shouldered by all 3 parties, and not just 1. Laura Ong has been made a scapegoat. I feel very sorry for her, first reading Michael Palmer's expressions of love and then having to hear on the news that she was a "grave mistake".

    We are humans. Sometimes we marry the wrong person, and sometimes even when we marry the right one, we stray. I just hope that Michael Palmer will have the courage to look deep into himself to realise exactly what he wants.


    这个 Laura Ong 下贱过潘金莲,现在她已经干过三个汉子,可能还有更多奸夫。


  30. Most younger Singaporeans are victims of their own parents who bought into the ideology propounded by the Local Rulers. That is success is measured by wealth and status.

    Matilah would say that is the right yardstick and fucking around is definitely alright if one pays for it. No raping, no forced entry, willing and consensual, therefore no one should interfere.
    Me agrees with him if the relationship hurts and harms nobody nor contravenes any legal implication.

    Me will even say going after ones' needs(physical,emotional and spiritual in no particular order), happiness and thrill are the goals in living. Everything is fair in war, love and survival. Do whatever and face your detractor(s) and answer to all like facing your enemy at the battlefield except the ultimate price one pays will never be ones' life. When You have paid the price, one can walk tall like a peacock/hen again. For, by now You have become some sort of celebrity, at least become welknown. Worth a gamble for fun and thrill seekers.


  31. Let us not be distracted by the adultery case. It happened to more than 50% of the adult out there. We should instead focus on the independence of election department. If PAP has been screwing the PA, the voting of last election may be unreliable. A country wide election is needed and an independent election dept has to be established.

  32. Rb, you are right to agree with Jesus. (John 8:7 - So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.)

  33. Had jesus been her husband, it would had been a different story.
    One can always talk like saint when not a victim or affected party.
    Pity the folk that is not able to empathize.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Had jesus been her husband, it would had been a different story.
    One can always talk like saint when not a victim or affected party.
    Pity the folk that is not able to empathize.

    Those who commit sin can always go and say sorry to Jesus, and his blood will cleanse away your sin..... You have a limit of 70x7 times of sinning....

    This is what nuts head pastor stress today without looking at the whole Bible. These pastor are either too stupid or are simply charlatan.

    Laura Ong do not just screw one man. But 3 man. I cannot empathize how can a woman be so shameless, who let so many man pee on her.

    She must have nothing else to play, get so bored so as to play the hole which spill out excrement and urine. She play her stink shit and urine hole as well as others.

    Why cant she remain a virgin? Is is so difficult. I don think so. Everyone gone through temptation and I can tell you according to my experience, nothing is more simple to remain a virgin.

    Laura and her fan should be ashamed of themselves.

  36. @ patriot:

    If I were to have such a "yardstick" as you suggest, then mine would definitely be calibrated to the the idea of the nature of the relationships in that situation -- the couple themselves, plus the nature of relationships with other people in the couples' lives -- are they OK with it?

    Adultery is a very serious matter. Because it involves the breaking of not just an expected DEEP trust, as expected in such a relationship. The emotional consequences of the exposure of adultery are high and volatile: anger, humiliation, hatred, lack of self-worthiness, jealousy...

    OTOH if a woman/ man knows their spouse is likely to fuck around, and at some level has reconciled it...they might just get a pissed off and verbally berate their wandering partner.

    The one-on-one relationship is the most "sacred" (to use a spiritual term) in humanity. Adultery involves other people who are close.

    We humans are very sensitive to breaking of TRUST. The catch is: your relationship, your one-on-one connection, with another special human being is only as good as to how far you can trust each other.

    There you have it: my "yardstick".

    1. Mr Matilah Singapura:

      Must say to You that Your Response is very consoling though frankly me
      does expect it.

      We had been here for years, courtesy of Redbean. Such that knowing what will come from You will not be unexpected. Having said that, me thinks many readers here maybe surprised by Your sensitivity to the feelings of people affected by extra-marital affairs or for the matter, deviant sexual relations.

      Thank You for the most sensible profanity free reply. Many here must be very impressed like i do.


  37. How would you know? Jesus does not conform to norms. Jesus will do it differently and instead of conforming to society pressure in expecting the husband to react in a certain way that is damaging. People are brainwashed by society including the way they should react. There are women that have several husbands in a certain tribe and that works well. or that woman may not have been this way if the husband love her properly. The list can go on. Just focus on the independence of the election department especially the PA chief and his relationship with PAP. THis is even more damaging to voters.

  38. Veritas, you are harsh today. Did you wife also cheat on you?

  39. How would you know? Jesus does not conform to norms. Jesus will do it differently and instead of conforming to society pressure in expecting the husband to react in a certain way that is damaging. People are brainwashed by society including the way they should react. There are women that have several husbands in a certain tribe and that works well. or that woman may not have been this way if the husband love her properly. The list can go on. Just focus on the independence of the election department especially the PA chief and his relationship with PAP. THis is even more damaging to voters.

    Then can I volunteer to screw your daughter or some of your family members if you really think that anyhow screw are justifiable?

    Let me know if any of your sisters got a broken relationship. I have a big dick to comfort her. You happy?

    If Laura hated her husband, she can always divorce and get a new boyfriend of she can become a born again virgin. No one is going to stop her. Or she can persuade Mike Palm to divorce first before she let him screw her.

    I can teach you a new word, many man vs one woman is call "Polyandry". It is wide spread among Tibetan society.

    I would have written alot on it but that is out of context.

  40. @Veritas, I do not think anyhow screw is justified but we have to understand the whole picture.

  41. Btw, I think she is undergoing a rough emotional patch as she is already separated from her husband at that time. We all know divorce proceeding is not immediate and can take a long time. Btw, I do not think she is saint either.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I am not harsh. I have been influence by religious text. I do not want to punish people who commit sin in private life so long as it does not bring harm to public.

    I am not crazy radical islamist. But I want to highlight, unlike many sin of circumstances, sexual sin is almost 99% controllable.

    And I can assured you, girls in SG are not emotionally vulnerable in most of the time. Yes girls do break down. But that does not mean every Tom dick and Harry can gain sexual access because a girl breakdown. It got to be a alpha male. Or maybe the girl is too slut that she is looking for toyboy.

    Laura is not a submissive woman. She was a director of PA. She is a alpha female. She sleep 3 people at least.

    Even if someone gain sexual access when you are down, I don see the reason why she can sleep 3 man and almost certainly at a point of time, she was running parallel relationship between Mike Palmer together with another lover.

    I think its wrong but I do not agree to punish her but at least the public has the right to know, since one of her lover is Speaker of Parliament. She can be like Simone de Beauvoir, go on roof top and shout out that she is a vamp. I even enjoyed her book. Today another slut Valerie Trierweiler is still going strong as pseudo France 1st lady.

    What is wrong about exposing Laura? The French can accept that their Pseudo 1st Lady fxxk around. One day, we may accept that too. Its up to people to decide.

    I have read fairly lot regarding sexuality in different society. I can coin you fancy terms like polyandry, polyamory. Its out of context, so I wont comment.

  44. PAP-MIW Slut Joke
    Q.What did the female PAPig's right leg say to the left leg?

    A.Between the two of us, we can make some serious money.

  45. @Veritas, "She was a director of PA. She is a alpha female. She sleep 3 people at least."

    Our title do not define how emotionally strong we are. Presidents of US, King David, King Solomon also have their share of such failures.

    Do anyone think ordinary people who have to slog throughout the day have enough time and energy to commit adultery? Such things happened because they are overly paid and not given much to do by the lousy gov.

    If anyone have proof that she is screwing 3 guys at the same period of time, pls do share.

  46. "She would break up Palmer's family, become his wife and climb up the social ladder." - Do u think the new wife of existing Law Minister falls into this category? No wonder so many wanna bee.

  47. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PqHB4hVSHtE

    Hi RB,

    Hope you wont mind me posting this doc ...

    A very interesting doc on how the never ending pursuit of profits and productivity turns workers to violent behavior as a push back?

    Its called How America Went Postal .... why postal workers went on spree killings after privatizations ....


  48. Very very disappointed with the local media.

    Totally biased, unneccsary comparisons.

  49. Perhaps this is a wake-up call to the pathetic state of the state-controlled media.

  50. The only wake up call they understand is money.
    I did my part.
    I cancelled my subscription.
    I was a 3rd generation subscriber.

  51. @patriot

    Compliments noted.

    In any relationship, the worst thing one can be is deceitful. Many people choose wrongly when the go behind their partners' backs to have a fling.

    Just think about the times when you trusted someone, and they played you out. Not nice.

    Best to be up front from the beginning and let your partner know that you like "something different" occasionally, bearing in mind that you'll also have to allow your partner the same freedom.

    Unfortunately (Asian) guys are awful at this: they want to fuck around, but if their wife/ girlfriend does so, it is "not cool". Hypocrisy is institutionalised in the culture.

    Trust and fidelity are "all or nothing" deals. And partners respond depending on how they feel about the other's trustworthiness and faithfulness.

    You'll be surprised how understanding your partner can be, if you are forthright and honest with them. I have a friend whose wife packs condoms and lubricant in his luggage when he goes on extended business trips.

    In her mind there is no question about the loyalty of her man -- her husband and father to 5 kids, and her own solid sense of self-worth. However she also understands her man likes, and needs sex -- and I'm referring here to sex (pure fucking); a biological urge; not taking up with a mistress and getting emotionally involved.

    You can have the money and talent in the world. You can even buy affections if that's what you crave...but the "real deal" -- where you can be yourself, express yourself, without having to keep up a guard is only possible in relationships where there is complete trust.

    Like everything of value, trust is rare, hard to cultivate and is EARNED by self discipline and effort, and like love, is usually (or hopefully) reciprocated.

    Honesty, is really the best policy. Dishonesty in matters of money and relationships is a guaranteed way to fuck up your life and someone elses'.

  52. Matilah, me agreed very good post so again I won't say knn to u

  53. Welcome to politics. This move by pap is indeed smart although cruel. It's call 杀一儆百

  54. Facing with a reduction in subscription and sales, the state-controlled media has resorted to giving free newspapers like mypaper, by sph which is loaded with almost daily articles and faces of the ruling party.

  55. The pathetic state-media has refused to raise the very serious issue of how the the PA staff in the photos that surfaced, showing them in PAP uniforms and and carrying PAP election materials and posters.

    They are paid by the Singapore government funded by us the tax-payers.

  56. For those following the story, 3 interesting photosets have emerged. You can can see them here:




  57. "You'll be surprised how understanding your partner can be" - understanding or depending?

    "like love, is usually (or hopefully) reciprocated." - reciprocated love is rare, complete trust is rare too.

  58. But there are still no naked body in any of the pics.

  59. "They are paid by the Singapore government funded by us the tax-payers."

    Someone breaching the Uk Fraud Act 2006? not sure is there this act in Sin city.

  60. who knows.. laura might be a future MP if shes not exposed.

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