
The age of Scams

Why are consumers being scammed by the insurers and no authority bothers to do anything about it? Why are the workshops continuing to scam the insurers who in turn pass the buck to the car owners? Really, that there is no way to curb the scam, like loan shark harassments?

Scamming and cheating the consumers seem to be fair game as there are profits to be made, depending on which side one is on. Even in the internet, spamming, Nigerian scams and spreading viruses are allowed with eyes wide opened, encouraged, as it means big businesses to the software developers.

There is no moral or ethics to talk about when making money is concerned. As long as there is money to be made, the scams will continue, the spammings and the development and spreading of viruses will be part and parcel of internet biz. Only the poor consumers ended as suckers, paying for the irritations, harrassments and the damages.

This is the real world. How many of the less enlightened, computer illiterate, and the poor, have to end up forking up money to clean up the virus infecting their computers? How many people would fall victims to Nigerian scams? How many people will have to live with the spamming and abuses or invasion of privacy to their internet accounts because no one deems it necessary to stop the nonsense?

This is exactly like the American weapons industry. The industry thrives on warfare and they will get the American govts to continue to incite and start wars to feed the industry. The poor buggers will be the American boys and girls coming home in black plastic bags or live a life as invalids on wheelchairs, and the collateral damages, the innocent victims of the targeted countries and the ruins of their countries and lives of their citizens.

Scams are good for biz.


Anonymous said...

Those that arrived home in black plastic bags were heroes that died for their countries.
They deserve the highest respect.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Heroes, martyrs, patriots, called them what you want. I watched the programme '40 years after Agent Orange' shown on CNA a few days back. The photos of those marines, they were boys, like our 18 year olds, fresh and innocent. Didn't know why they were there in Vietnam. Many died, many crippled for life.

One ex President, George Bush Jr, avoided being sent there to die for his country. The current Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney did the same.

Only daft young men are drafted to die for their countries and came home as dead heroes. The rich young men would find their ways to be far away from danger.

And both Bush Jnr and Mitt Romney would swear to God that they are ready to fight and die for America, sitting in the White House, and encouraging and sending more young boys and girls to war, to die for America.

Is this not another big scam?

Anonymous said...

No scam, those who volunteered to go to war were given the opportunity.
Those who refused to go to the war zone were not forced to, it was practised democratically and with freedom of choice, at least for the Americans.

Veritas said...

No scam, those who volunteered to go to war were given the opportunity.
Those who refused to go to the war zone were not forced to, it was practised democratically and with freedom of choice, at least for the Americans.

You must have not study your books.

Anonymous said...

You have books to show that Americans were forced to fight in other countries?

Veritas said...

Please look at USA conscription @


It is a criminal offence to dodge draft and conscript are liable to be court martial if they refuse to bear arms.

Anonymous said...

Many also die in cultural revolution. Whether there are arm deals or not, people should learn not to sacrifice themselves for propaganda, ideology, religion, race or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Killing one is a criminal but killing thousands is a hero. What a irony in life!

I believe many Americans joined because they think they are helping the world to get rid of the evil communists but unknown to them, they are just pawns in the hand of politicians. Sad.

Anonymous said...

The American Army is run like a democracy. They elected their generals and commanders. And the soldiers decide if they want to fight, want to go to war. So if they got killed they deserved it. If they came back as heroes, they deserved it.

Where got find such democratically elected army?