
Today I have done the unpleasant but necessary

Of late there were more comments filled with vulgarity for the sake of vulgarity that were simply unwarranted. Though I am very tolerant to some swear words here and there, but some bloggers appeared to be only comfortable to spice their comments with crude and naughty words. I hope they were not doing them with some private agenda, to tarnish the reputation and tone of this blog. I suspect that the intention was unfriendly.

I hope all bloggers take note that there are bloggers of all ages here and too much of the saucy stuff may be a bit uncomfortable to some. As for me, I would not want my blog to be infamous for all the wrong reasons.

Please bear with me and not to turn this blog into a smelly longkang. For those who are used to the use of naughty words and do not want their posts to be deleted by me, you are welcome to post in blogs that share the same interests and style of commentary.

Thank you.



Anonymous said...

Red bean, I fully support u

jjj2usg said...

Yes, I strongly agree. Unnecessary
vulgarity is unwarranted. Don't forget there are also female readers too. Thanks very much.

Anonymous said...

Me had wondered for sometimes why You did not delete them.
M_S is an exception though.

Anonymous said...

Does the chee bye smell? ...surely smell right?...so when someone speak truthfully and call it like it is....chow chee bay...right right?

your mother got chow chee bye...true or not?

speak the truth!

Anonymous said...

MS...he doesn't use CHEE BYE.. he is more low class..he use..CUNT..he calls your country...CUNTry...you got problem? No right?

Why you so hypocrite chin ling chee bye?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the government....nabeh chow chee bye....so? Have they acted in chow chee bye ways? Have they? So? So? So?

Anonymous said...

Redbean, you make friends with people who live in smelly longkang, your views of the world are identical to theirs and you play together with them. Now, what do you expect ? You permit expletives from certain contributors while deleting certain others. Why practise double standards ? To me you are not much different from them.

True Patriot

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

To the Anon who posted the above 4 comments. I demand that you stop your posting here and make an apology. I will not delete them and if you continue I will make a police report against you for harassment.

Redbean Chua Chin Leng

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

And don't bother to try to delete them. I have made copies of them for my police report.


Kaffein said...

Totally support you, RB.

Thought the comments of some bloggers were just pure vulgarities and uncouth words. Glad you decided to do a Singapore river cleanup.


Anonymous said...

Chin Leng Sir:

You are doing the right thing!


Anonymous said...

Redbean will get the blessing of matilah too, lol.

Anonymous said...

Redbean, full support. Make sure he appears in court and with his photo in the newspaper.

Veritas said...

Some trolls spam me 200 postings on Lucky's comments. That is the standards of PAP supporters. Cannot defend their stance intellectually.

Anonymous said...

Examine the content( instead of being focus at the DISTRACTION - didnt you read Today forum letter?)and if you are not happy, delete it. Yo do have a choice.

But we will respect your decision because you seem FINAL..

Hey, we are not thick skin. You can just talk to your " supporters" or YOURSELF.

Just like PAP :)

We shall take the GOOD and the "bad humor" and leave your little kingdom alone.

Hope you will be happy now that your little domain has been restored so you can QUIETLY proceed with your "kingdom conversation" with your little people :)

Anonymous said...


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thank you all for your understanding.

As for the anon, I have demanded an apology and you have until this
Sunday to do so or I will go to the police next week.

You now have a choice to say sorry here or wait to say sorry in court and in the media.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Veritas, this one is not from the internet brigade. The police will be most happy to assist.

My friend is helping me to trace the IP now.

Anonymous said...

Redbean, the words he used is not only harrassment but also defamation. You can sue him for compensation.

He thinks he can go around doing this in the internet using anonymous. He does not know that it is so easy to trace who he is and where he's from. Yes, let the police take care of him.

Yaacob is looking for such examples for his code of conduct. He will help to do what is necessary to get this anon.

Anonymous said...


Saying sorry is not a problem. :)

You DO have an IDENTITY( we tried not to be unfair but the Internet has never been fair - think about it). But you have been generally quite accommodating until the bad words turned to your hypocrisy.

This is SIN, after all. The laws, we know how it works in the interests of the authorities and you have been vocal on it too.

So to keep our FINE laws, I am sure your fans will rejoice for you at this moment, we shall give you the apology( on vulgar ties) you requested.

Are you happy now Chin Leng :)

Now, who wants an apology? lol

Anonymous said...

The LAWS is supreme, amen

Anonymous said...

"Veritas, this one is not from the internet brigade. The police will be most happy to assist."

I wonder how you know that, care to share? ;)

Anonymous said...

Chin Leng, since you're so sensitive, maybe you should start moderating otherwise, people will think you ALLOW vulgarities.

Do it like Yawning Bread - i believe he moderates. Otherwise people will call you a hypocrite or...legally mischievous.

Anonymous said...

I think we have another Lee dynasty in the making. Will I be sued for saying that? LOL

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, is that an apology?

Veritas said...

Dear RB, these LJCB brigade appears to work as a team. Some of the post are just around 10 seconds apart, when they spam me. And on one of the spam, they address themselves using "we".

Anonymous said...

Should we ask the PM whether that is an apology?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Veritas, this one is not from the internet brigade. The police will be most happy to assist."

I wonder how you know that, care to share? ;)

September 19, 2012 10:51 AM

how you know? care tell police? or you police undercover?

Anonymous said...

Veritas, you want an apology for provoking anons?

Anonymous said...

Veritas, chance for you to ask for an apology. Will you grab it?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any sensitive anon wants an apology?

Anonymous said...

Please feel free to ask, we shall SINCERELY APOLOGIZE and RETRACT all we say, please ask right now if you are hurt.

Anonymous said...

Please ok if it makes a different in your life.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else been hurt by VULGARITIES IN CONTENT, please let us know. As anons, we are fearful of SIN laws and the police.

We shall submit to the DEMANDS of Mr Chua Chin Leng.

Anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Well, Veritas?

Why don't you ask for an apology? :)

Anonymous said...

Any more demands Mr Chua?

Do you want to demand we stop instantly?


We shall be happy to comply with YOUR ORDER as SINGAPOREAN


Anonymous said...

Don't say we don't give face TO THE POLICE :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

any sensitive and mature souls out there crying for help? me can give help line you know

Anonymous said...

Mr Chua, you can be assure we won't be reading your blog. I am sure that's how NATIONAL CONVERSATION should be conducted.

YOUR CALL...legally speaking.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well, Veritas?

Why don't you ask for an apology? :)

September 19, 2012 11:24 AM

cmon, your chance, do a RB thing and call the police to fight for him

Anonymous said...

RB, I suggest you moderate if you can't take the insults. In life, no one is spare from that you know, not even the PM :)

Not even GOD :)

Anonymous said...

Well, RB, if you ARE SERIOUS, say STOP. We, as singaporeans, WILL BE LAW ABIDING( I hope the police will be satisfy with that statement? If not, can you get the police to come to your blog and tell us so? Pretty please?)

Anonymous said...

Redbean, I support your move, but you must do it regardless of who posted it and whether it is an anon or not. In the past, you have tolerated such vulgarities beyond comprehension.

I hope you do as you think you should have done long ago.

Anonymous said...

Well, he has not decided whether he wants to act like PM or not. Give him sometime.

If he wants to act like PM, we shall comply. Fair?

Anonymous said...

such people suka suka use vulgarities on others, scold scold, scold. now kena warning, suddenly scared of police, come a crawling begging for forgiveness. despicable. don't forgive them, redbean. report to police immediately! if you forgive them, they will do the same thing on other blogs. teach them a lesson.

Anonymous said...

Veritas, why don't you ask for an apology? What's your reasons for not asking? :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
such people suka suka use vulgarities on others, scold scold, scold. now kena warning, suddenly scared of police, come a crawling begging for forgiveness. despicable. don't forgive them, redbean. report to police immediately! if you forgive them, they will do the same thing on other blogs. teach them a lesson.

September 19, 2012 11:50 AM

Well, he DEMANDED it, in his own words, is he back tracking? Or are you his MASTER telling him to do your DIRTY WORK? :)

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon, close the cinemas down for spouting VULGAIRITES in the movies. close GEYLAND down for VULGAR whores and VULGAR PIMPS..send them ALL TO PRISON...better still...GET AN APOLOGY FROM THEM before you send them to prison! LoL


Oh, please shut down VULGAR MBS..I BEG YOU...CALLTHE POLICE. ...pleeeaasse

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr Chua, your highness, please state YOUR DEMANDS legally so there is NO MISUNDERSTANDING.

According to your earlier statements, you DEMANDED we STOP.

We, I am sure the police too, are waiting for you to CONFIRM IT.

When you confirm it, we take it that YOUR DEMAND has been met. Fair?

Anonymous said...


We are going somewhere....no vulgarities, clean, spotless, where angels dwell.

Sometines, I wonder.... sure or not?

Anonymous said...

As Singaporeans, we all shoud respect the law of the land. Eat your bread quietly, don't go to places you are not welcome. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon, close the cinemas down for spouting VULGAIRITES in the movies. close GEYLAND down for VULGAR whores and VULGAR PIMPS..send them ALL TO PRISON...better still...GET AN APOLOGY FROM THEM before you send them to prison! LoL


Oh, please shut down VULGAR MBS..I BEG YOU...CALLTHE POLICE. ...pleeeaasse

September 19, 2012 11:57 AM

close down kopi tiams too where many uncles and aunties scold chee bye here chee bye there too :)

heck, school children also scold chee bye here chee bye there. shall we close down schools for failing their jobs? :)

Anonymous said...

Childish Matilah should also ask for a apology lol

Anonymous said...

Oh, let the whole works apologize to Mr Chua. He is such an important person :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, let the whole world apologize to Mr Chua. He is such an important person :)

Anonymous said...

Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...
Thank you all for your understanding.

As for the anon, I have demanded an apology and you have until this
Sunday to do so or I will go to the police next week.

You now have a choice to say sorry here or wait to say sorry in court and in the media.

September 19, 2012 10:29 AM
Chua Chin Leng aka redbean said...
Veritas, this one is not from the internet brigade. The police will be most happy to assist.

My friend is helping me to trace the IP now.

September 19, 2012 10:33 AM

Anonymous said...

How you know not Internet brigade? :)

Veritas said...

I really cant help feeling high when someone take the trouble to spam me few hundreds. I hope they can spam me 1 millions.

Why should I be angry. It just shows that I am important.

Anonymous said...

Internet brigade means can suka suka come into forums and whack citizen izzit? :)

Anonymous said...

Veritas said...
I really cant help feeling high when someone take the trouble to spam me few hundreds. I hope they can spam me 1 millions.

Why should I be angry. It just shows that I am important.

September 19, 2012 12:17 PM
C'mon,Veritas, be sensitive and important, ask for an apology. Your mother will be happy for you you know :)

Anonymous said...

I hope the press will publish the entire dialogue here on NATIONAL PAPER, that would be funny lol

If they do, you win Mr Chua. And PM be praised! LoL

Anonymous said...

I think the police has to haul up EVERY singaporean who spouted vulgarities on line - to be fair :)

Shall we change the law so Sin can be a land of white angels! :)

Propose that in the next election and see what happens :)

Anonymous said...

Anyone wants an apology? Please ask..oh no, demand

Anonymous said...

Are you still hurt Mr Chua? Need sayang sayang you big man?

Anonymous said...

Ask and you shall receive...ask my child

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mr Chua, you can be assure we won't be reading your blog. I am sure that's how NATIONAL CONVERSATION should be conducted.

YOUR CALL...legally speaking.

September 19, 2012 11:31 AM

Not taking up the challenge?

Anonymous said...

TODAYonline | Voices | The dos and don'ts of national conversation

Third, do not dismiss online vitriol. It may not be pleasant reading, but some people may be angry for a reason. Sometimes, one needs to dig through the dirt to find the roots of the problem.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr Chua is not a hypocrite hoooooor...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Internet brigade means can suka suka come into forums and whack citizen izzit? :)

September 19, 2012 12:17 PM

Of course, the press is in It too I am sure. They have the connection mah :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Mr Chua, you can be assure we won't be reading your blog. I am sure that's how NATIONAL CONVERSATION should be conducted.

YOUR CALL...legally speaking.

September 19, 2012 11:31 AM

Not taking up the challenge?

September 19, 2012 12:33 PM

Your call before we dust our feet

Anonymous said...

Your highness, we know you are reading this...your fans are waiting eagerly for YOUR DEMANDS...even our PM and his army are waiting on you.

Just say...GET LOST..the light shall depart..you are that powerful

Anonymous said...

where r your fans to egg u on?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon,

Now that we understand each other, let me repeat, I do not come here to make enemies with anyone. My advice to you is that you should not anyhow mess around with people you don't know.

You are still welcome to post here if you do not indulge in those expletives like you did.

Just a simple 'I am sorry' will do. By the way, I will just put aside the info I have received from my friend and will not proceed further unless you give me a reason to do so.

Don't take things for granted and think the internet is play play.


Anonymous said...

No can do Mr Chua. We respect your decision. I am sure you are aware we had never used vulgarity on you from the beginning(until you got hypocritical, and even that, you were not personally attacked). We are always mindful not to unfairly 'bad mouth' people who put a face to their voice(unless you have power over the public and even then, there must be basis for the insults). But for other anons with a handle or avatar, the rule don't apply because they are treated as anons. Anons are just nobody and the only thing that matter is their opinion and usually, they are attacked for a view they hold - not personally.

Vulgarities come with the territory. And it is not mindless vulgarity. If you have an issue with that, you should write in to the government and stop a 3D movie from Hong Kong currently running in our cinemas.

Read that it is vulgar.

Adios, good luck.

Over and out.

Anonymous said...

Redbean, you are letting this rascal off too easily. He thinks it is ok to go attacking people in the net. Don't accept his half hearted apology. Just make a police report.

Anonymous said...

dear redbean, you have got these troll by the balls. they are frightened already. don't let them off so easily. but they can't help it and still reply to you in a rude manner. if you let them off, they will still continue to post vulgarities on other blogs and even your blog eventually. stop this rot. report to the police. from now onwards you don't deal with them. let the police deal with them.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Not to worry, I am leaving all their posts here as evidence. I also have a file for it. And I have more information on them in case I need it. Will let them go this time but not the second time.

Hope they will be less wild in attacking other people and get themselves into real trouble for nothing.

Anonymous said...

ok. if you need any help, just ask for it. i've got some friends and relatives in the police and the ministry of home affairs. can seek their advice.

Anonymous said...

Jus wanna say Singapore is for all Singaporeans, we got to work together to build a better place for the future generations. if we are cutting down our brothers, then how do we expect to move / progress into the future. Trolls or IB, you guys got to realise that Singapore is your country too, n wouldn't You want this to be a better place for your kids?
Someone once said to me "if u dun hav nutin nice to say - then dun say anything at all" . Better to keep your thots to yourself, than to hurt and cut down your brothers - and i think this holds true till today.

agongkia said...

Chai Siang chze Fu nen Chern Chuan.
Be magnanimous.
Lets move forward.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks Anon 10:49. You sure have good connections: )

Yes, we are just ordinary people. No need to carry knuckle dusters or knives everywhere and use if frivolously. And it is very silly to hide behind anonymity and can go screwing around.

Let's be sensible and gracious ok.

Anonymous said...

Redbean, that was a really silly asshole. Good that you gave him a piece of your mind. Other people may go straight to the police to teach him a good lesson he won't forget.

Anonymous said...

This anon must be born by his father, got no mother, no wife and no sister. He is so full of himself as a male specimen and held the female organ in contempt.

He is likely to spit at his mother or wife or sister if he has one.

Anonymous said...

If you need my help you can come to me. I have connections to anybody you can think of.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Thanks anon 2:36.

No intent to make life difficult for that guy. Now he has left, let it be.

Thanks for the offer anyway. Hope there is no need to do such things.


Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed at the large number of spam messages above. Hope the spam stays away 😃

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Don't worry. All the spam messages came from one single person and he has apologised and left.

If he does it again, he would not be let off so easily.

Anonymous said...

Let us let the Matter rest.

It is nor nice to revisit something
regrettable or taste obnoxious.