
Containment of Japan

There have always been talks about the containment of Communism and China as if this is something only the Empire and its allies can do. Why don’t the Russians and Chinese do the same and starting with the containment of Japan? Russia, China, Taiwan, Honkong and Korea, all have problems with Japan and were victims of Japanese aggression in the past.

The above countries are not dependent on Japan anymore and can do away with trades with Japan. All they need is to cut down on their trading activities with the Japanese, boycott or sanction Japanese goods etc to strangle the Japanese to go on their knees.

Crippling of the Japanese economy will force the Americans to extend its helping hands, but being a bankrupt country there is really nothing the Americans can offer except its military might. Neither can Europe be of any help. If there is anything that the East Asian countries want to do against Japan, this is the moment.

The combined forces of China and Russia, plus Korea and Taiwan would be something to keep the Americans wary and not to do anything foolish.

Hey, the containment game can be play by other parties too.


  1. The war ended more than half a century a go. China is as dependent on Japan for investment capital as Japan is on China for its markets. China will never attempt anything so foolish. The horrors and scars of an old old war do not factor into decisions of international relations and nor should they. It is one thing to point out that Japan needs to come to terms with its disgusting habit of historical revisionism and quite another to suggest isolating it geopolitcally and destabilising the whole region. - jo

  2. Hi jo, welcome to the blog.

    There are many levels of play in international relations. There are the obvious, the things for the newspaper and the masses to read and scream about. There are the real deal makers, there are things that are said only behind closed doors. There are official views, there are unofficial views and there are noises.

    It is stupid and foolish to listen to everything and think that that is the truth or the only way.

    And please don't take everything I said as the truth. Please don't blindly believe what I have posted. Many of my views are very provocative, to stir the water and the sleepy mind.

    Please regard my comments as noises. If you treat them too seriously, then you have a problem.

  3. If the Russians and the Chinese keep talking about it, it will give the Japs something to think about.

  4. Mr redbean, the war ended long ago, many countries commits acts of war against others, some commits acts of wars to themselves. Time will lessen the pain

  5. hi redbean,

    u might even see it as a such. in a souring of 'international' relations, china can raise commodity prices. in turn japan raise the price of the parts. the end product that the world buys gets bumped up. the consumer loses, the 2 asian country rake in the income. the cycle continues.

    these are just 1 of the many possibilities.

  6. There are different trends of thoughts and perspective to the past. Some would say it is already past even if the gangsters came and raped and looted the family of its assets. And 30 years later, the gangsters still driving the family car. Now the young man has grown up and seeing his family car parking in the gangster's porch.

    The young man is now able to take it back. He can say it is already past, never mind. Or he can right the wrong of the past, of the bullying of his parents, and to seize back the car.

    Some will subscribe to one and some the other.

    The Diaoyu is a country's land. No country would allow another country to seize it by force and when it is able to take it back, it would say, never mind, it was done in the past.

    And the Japanese are not even admitting any guilt. The Japanese are claiming that the islands were always theirs and China was the trouble maker asking for the return of islands that don't belong to China.

    This is the kind of arrogance that China had accepted grudgingly in the past. Would China accept it again?

  7. Containment of Japan - that has been tried before. The US imposed an oil embargo on Japan and she retaliated with Pearl Harbour. The rest, as they say, is herstory.

  8. Fear not, anti-Nippers.

    Nippon Inc is facing severe sovereign debt issues. If things don't change, Japan should be teetering on the brink of a crisis within about a year.

    There are too many old fucks living too long and draining the system.

    I suppose they could get their cute Jap school girls to sell more of their soiled panties and get their crazy women to act in more sick, twisted Jap-fetish videos...so that the hard-up China and Korea guys have something to jack off to, and pay money for.


    You're welcome

  9. When Japan launched the attack against Asia, practically every Asian country was as good as unarmed. Even China was already a crippled nation. Southwards and westwards were all European colonies with over stretched European soldiers.

    Today, even the two Koreans could take on the Japs head on. And China would bury the Japanese anytime. Don't believe, just try to start a few more Mukden or Marco Polo Bridge Incidents and see what would happen.

    The Americans would have second thought to engage China militarily. The days when a country like Japan, UK or Germany to conquer the world is over.

    Only the Americans would start a war with smaller countries for fictitious reasons or a lie.

    China is waiting for the Japs to fire the first shot.

  10. With so many samurais in the cabinet, China is saying, 'Make my day.'

    Samurais, quick quick, draw your swords.

  11. " And 30 years later, the gangsters still driving the family car. Now the young man has grown up and seeing his family car parking in the gangster's porch.

    The young man is now able to take it back. He can say it is already past, never mind. Or he can right the wrong of the past, of the bullying of his parents, and to seize back the car."

    Except said young man also killed and drove out his parents (the KMT). He was also responsible for killing more of his siblings and starving them then said gangsters (Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution). One wonders if the remainder of the family preferred the gangsters.

    "The Diaoyu is a country's land. No country would allow another country to seize it by force and when it is able to take it back, it would say, never mind, it was done in the past."

    See Mexico, Germany, Spain, Norway for countries who realised that some pieces of land aren't worth the hassle.

    Oh and China. I remember Vladivostok and Siberia being the homeland of the Qing Dynasty. China of course would prefer not to bring attention to the fact they gave up several million square miles of land in perpuity to the Russians.

    "Today, even the two Koreans could take on the Japs head on. And China would bury the Japanese anytime."

    If my work in the embassay in Seoul thought me anything about American and the thinking of the other major powers, it's not happening.

    Firstly, both Koreas are at war with each other. The ROK also happens to be allies with Japan. The entire ROK military is also geared towards a war with North. Not to mention the combined fleets of both Koreas are still massively outclassed by the JSDF.

    Secondly, the Chinese COULD in theory launch their missle arsenal at Japan, but they will inevitably bring about full scale American intervention and the Americans won't hesitate to bury the Chinese in return.

    Saddam made the same mistake back in 91, thinking that America, still reeling from a recession isn't going to go to war over Kuwait.

    It'd be like the Americans standing idly by when the Soviets level the UK and West Germany. Not happening. The American president is going to unlock the football.

    "Don't believe, just try to start a few more Mukden or Marco Polo Bridge Incidents and see what would happen. "

    Some protests, maybe some live firing excerise in the Sea of Japan. They backed down when NATO bombed their embassay, they won't do anything drastic now.

    "The Americans would have second thought to engage China militarily. The days when a country like Japan, UK or Germany to conquer the world is over."

    Not if China starts a war with their major Asian ally with American assest in it. The Americans won't conquer the world since they pretty much run the world already. They'd just end it.

    "Only the Americans would start a war with smaller countries for fictitious reasons or a lie."

    Tibet, Vietnam and South Korea say differently.

    "China is waiting for the Japs to fire the first shot."

    Well, the PLA hawks certainly are hoping to see some action as do the many feng qing stuck in shitty jobs.

    Fortunately, the CCP seems to have good control over them, and they're a lot more level headed than people give them credit for.

    The thing about wealth is that the more you have, the less likely you're willing to risk it, like start a war over several rocks in the ocean.

    On a side note Mr Chua, your bloodthirstiness seems to be a tad overdone. People like me who have good health, youth and wealth would like to live out a few more decades rather than see the end of human civilisation in our lifetimes.

    Don't be so selfish. If you have children, think about their future where nuclear winter hasn't blotted out the sky.

    If you don't, take your petty grudges with you to your grave. We the future owners of this world would like to inherit an intact world.

  12. You are so silly JayF. You think RB or you or anyone else blogging here is going to matter and to start a war. You forgot your medicine? Or have you been drinking?

  13. Below is a comment by HsunTze, a regular commentator in China Daily.

    HsunTze 2012-09-16 22:23
    When an Asian country listens to the dictates of a foreign Western power, that Asian country brings shame to Asia. Oh so Japan is a Western country? But its location is in Asia and its people do not look Western with blonde hair and blue eyes.

    Japan must be a White chicken among yellow chicks. Depending on the USA is not providing a long and permanent solution to the dispute. Japan has got to be wise (be free) to move along independently and share the growth and prosperity of Asia with Asians. Asia is going great and even Russia wants to be a part of the growth there.

    Russia wants to be a part of the growth but to me the USA wants to be part to bring down the growth or would we see it wagging its tail with Vietnam and the Philippines in addition of course to its main lackey Japan. I would like to leave out the ROK which I believe would be able to see more clearly the future of Asia and of itself being of Asia.

    Japan, the chief lackey has disputes with Russia, ROK and China. The address is on China because the USA sees China as its main threat and challange. Evil USA has been trying to encircle China with other lackies as well but Destiny does not seem willing to go along. It is why it has this Muslim anger going around. Indonesia and Malaysia are both pissed off with the issue and one can see the strain relationship with the USA as a result.

    Perhaps before the USA isolates itself, Japan will find itself isolated first. Asian countries are beginning to see the real truth of USA movements. The Muslim world has seen it and it would not be too difficult for the others to see the USA cat coming out of the bag.


  14. To anon,

    Of course Chua doesn't matter. Don't be absurd and assume I thought otherwise.

    His views are racist, bigoted, ignorant and is quite frankly, mental masturbation.

    My deepest apologies for any unpleasant mental images the previous sentence has caused.

    His attitudes however are sadly reflected in a young generation of Chinese who grew up not having seen the devestation the many wars and uphevals caused in the early half of the 20th century. China's amnesia of Tiananmen, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution coupled with the steady stream of daily anti Japanese propaganda have produced a generation of young Chinese who frankly, don't seem to realise just what going to war with their neighbours mean.

    Chua's advanced age quite frankly means he should know better, but his flippant attitudes towards potential conflict that has the ability to end the modern world is poisonous, since such views lends credence to the young.

    I suppose living in relative comfort in Singapore has shelthered him from what war really means.

    If you've actually seen the shows of the strident anti Japanese riots recently, you've may have noticed the overwhelmingly youngish looking faces. It is telling that this are the people who were born long after all the upheavals were over eager to go to war.

    I will always remember when I was at Yunnan. My cab driver was a cheerful, somewhat uncouth man in his 50s. He also had a left foot missing and two fingers on his left hand.

    Lost those during the border clash with Vietnam back in 79. When the reforms came, his pension dried up, which wasn't much to begin with and he ended up driving an illegal taxi.

    I remember asking him if it was worth going to war to reclaim Taiwan. That was a few years back when it was all the rage in China to say invade and restore Taiwan to the motherland.

    He always had a cheerful disposition, but on that day, his face darkened and he spat on the ground.

    Wars like this are useless and the government will just throw you away once they're done with you.

    Just like they did with him. Perhaps if China had fought a few recent wars with more shattered veterans on the streets, my peers appearing on TV won't be so eager to have their lives ruined.

  15. War with alien enemy will wake up the Chinese and strengthen their cohesiveness.

    If the Chinese are not fighting others, they will soon fight amongst themselves as history had shown repeatedly.

    Like the US, China too, must test its' ordnance and check it effectiveness and usefulness.

    I am a senior citizen too.

  16. Hi JayF,

    For several centuries, yes centuries, China and the Chinese people were victims of foreign aggression, including the Koreans. They were butchered and abused by the Japanese, lost their pride and dignity, lost their self confidence, lost their countries, and still some islands today, to the Japanese.

    If you are so afraid of war, why do you think the South Koreans are doing everyday with the US? Conducting war games simulating attacks on the North Koreans, to provoke them. Silly isn't it?

    Why should the Chinese people accept their fate, of their countries being invaded and their land and islands taken from them, and say never mind lah, don't fight with the aggressors?

    War is bad, many people will suffer and die. Who wants war? But when the bullies and aggressors come knocking at your door, instead of telling them off, you are telling the bullied to back off.

    No wonder countries like Korea will always be divided and bullied by the Japanese. And the best part, some will gang up with the Japanese and Americans to kill fellow Koreans. Very thick.

  17. Hi Patriot, after several centuries of fighting among themselves, I think the Chinese have learnt one lesson, not to fight among themselves. And China is also telling the Asians not to fight among themselves and the westerners to benefit from their fighting.

  18. Hi Patriot, after several centuries of fighting among themselves, I think the Chinese have learnt one lesson, not to fight among themselves. And China is also telling the Asians not to fight among themselves and the westerners to benefit from their fighting.

    China fought India and Vietnam but pulled out to maintain a status quo. No aggressive intention against its neighbours. It is those pesky little countries that are coveting Chinese territories that threatens an open conflict.

  19. JayF, your Mr Chua is not a hot headed nitwit like you. His wisdom is beyond your comprehension.

    You are so shallow and instead of a proper discussion you have shown your ill bred and starting to attack him personality. Everyone can see that and your hidden agenda and motive.

    You are just another ass pretending to be decent.

  20. Thank you JayF, for enjoying my mental masturbation.

  21. Chin Leng:

    me wishes that the Chinese will be sensible liked You have described. However, me am not that positive about them.

    From what i have learnt, the Chinese were/are indeed the least war seeking Race against others. But, within the many thousand years of it's existence, China was fraught with civil and ethnic battles on top of ideological combats fought again and again.

    And each time China opened its' doors, it got invaded not just physically, most Chinese were overwhelmed by alien cultures. Religion which the early Chinese had none were/are foreign adoptions. It was a blessing to China whence Mao Zedong disallowed Religious worship and brought back some sanity to the Race.

    Today, from the comments at your blogs, You get to read that Mao is accused of killing millions of Chinese. It was neccessary for him to establish his political ideal.
    Rest assure that that are many other Chinese in China having ambition and ideal much different from each others. To actualize their goals, struggle cannot be avoided unless they united to fight alien.


  22. The politicians will struggle and fight for power and putting down the opponents by all means. This is different from genocide or conquest of another country or colonialism. It is the ancient and less enlightened way of acquiring power. It happened in Europe as well, but they were fighting to conquer other people and countries.

    Today the central govt is in control and hopefully they could maintain law and order and keep the country as one without fighting and breaking up the country again.

  23. Although it is absolutely sad to see internal strife and war, history has shown that they were and are necessary in the World of beings.

    Many villians and despots were justifiably killed and removed from power. Had there not been uprising and revolution, all dictator and despot would be in perpetual control of their people.

  24. "For several centuries, yes centuries, China and the Chinese people were victims of foreign aggression, including the Koreans. They were butchered and abused by the Japanese, lost their pride and dignity, lost their self confidence, lost their countries, and still some islands today, to the Japanese."

    If you want to really go into the history of foreign invasion of China, the Xiongnu and the Turks invaded millenia long before nation states exisisted.

    The abuse that the Chinese sufferred under their own compatriots are not less than what they did under the Japanese or the Westerners.

    Fact is, unless the Chinese are so immature as to not be able to let go of the past at no real loss to themselves, everyone of their neighbours are going to be nervous as hell as the Chinese gain power. Countries on the rise with a view to right historical wrongs tend to start wars.

    China was more than willing to settle with the Russians and give up Siberia, which is equal to a landmass equal to Western Europe. So why the insistence of the Senkakus?

    The simple answer is that the Japanese make good whipping boys whenever the Chinese gov feels a need to distract their population and the people are being played like a fiddle.

    Tell me, are the Chinese today suffering because of a lack of access to the Senkakus? No, their suffering tends to stem from their own inhumane Chinese bosses who ill treat them and poison their enviroment. From the corrupt cop who extorts them, from the corrupt teacher who extorts gifts for grades and for the doctor who withholds valid paid for treatment for an ang pow.

    If you are so afraid of war, why do you think the South Koreans are doing everyday with the US? Conducting war games simulating attacks on the North Koreans, to provoke them. Silly isn't it?"

    Everyday? War games are conducted seasonally, planned long before and the dates are well known in advance. To the North Koreans, the very existance of the ROK is a provocation. Showing the N.Koreans that the ROK is superior in both arms and training with supplies to burn in live fire full mobilisation excercises reminds the North Koreans to keep their heads screwed on tight.

    Ever since the 90s, it's been a long time when most North Korean generals have the spare fuel and ammo to conduct these war games.

    "Why should the Chinese people accept their fate, of their countries being invaded and their land and islands taken from them, and say never mind lah, don't fight with the aggressors?"

    They did it with the Russians. Why not the Japanese who hold onto an island the PRC didn't claim until the 70s.

    War is bad, many people will suffer and die. Who wants war? But when the bullies and aggressors come knocking at your door, instead of telling them off, you are telling the bullied to back off."

    You. You want war. Your posts scream that the Chinese should go to war to deal with pests, not seeming to fathom, or perhaps willfully blind to the fact that with so much firepower in North East Asia, the explosion will kill almost everyone.

    No wonder countries like Korea will always be divided and bullied by the Japanese. And the best part, some will gang up with the Japanese and Americans to kill fellow Koreans. Very thick."

    Bullied by...what? That would be news to the Koreans on both sides of the 38th

    Last I checked the ROK and DPRK are both independant states. The alliance with the Americans is the whole reason the ROK is a thriving democracy today.

  25. To anon

    "JayF, your Mr Chua is not a hot headed nitwit like you. His wisdom is beyond your comprehension."

    I don't have a Mr Chua, dear anon. You're right, I cannot fathom wisdom that gets basic facts wrong. Wise people according to my understanding do not ignore facts not to their liking. Nor do they advocate war over rocks between major nuclear powers.

    "You are so shallow and instead of a proper discussion you have shown your ill bred and starting to attack him personality. Everyone can see that and your hidden agenda and motiv"

    I am sure his personality is as prickly and vindicative as his writings suggest, but that really isn't what I am addressing or interested in. I am however addressing his personal views expressed as ignorant, racist, bigotted and reprehensible.

    A proper vigourous discussion generally involves calling out any inaccuracies the other side uses or addresses the inherent reprehensibleness of any ideas or terms used. Chua has in his writings used blatantly racist terms to describe Native Americans, Japanese and openly called Obama a nigger president.

    If he had any reputation to defend as a commentator, he'd be immmediately mothballed. Fortunately, he doesn't.

    I don't remember hiding any agenda or motive. My only reason here to is point out the wrongness of his facts, beliefs and the moral wrongness of several of his vile musings.

    My motive is openly visible. I derive pleasure seeing bigots get their views shot apart.

    "You are just another ass pretending to be decent."

    I take offense to that last one. I never pretended to be decent.

    "Thank you JayF, for enjoying my mental masturbation."

    You're welcome Mr Chua. I admit I have my share of guilty pleasures. It's a very disturbing and disgusting mental image, but the bile fascination is the whole reason whole swathes of the internet exist.

    China fought India and Vietnam but pulled out to maintain a status quo. No aggressive intention against its neighbours. It is those pesky little countries that are coveting Chinese territories that threatens an open conflict."

    How exactly would you define the actions of China who struck first without a declaration of war against India and Vietnam as anything but aggressive?

    What Chinese lands did Vietnam covet in 1979? And how is India, an Asian giant almost on par with China in population and landmass a little country?

  26. Thank you JayF, for admitting that you are an ass. I rest my case.

  27. Dear anon,

    You never had a case. What exactly are you resting?

  28. Anon 10:39, I agree with your conclusion.

    And thank you JayF for spending so much effort writing such a long reply. Honestly, I don't read comments from asses. But you are welcomed to continue to shit at me. No problem. The readers will judge your intent and motive and credibility. You purpose of coming here is very clear.


  29. " Honestly, I don't read comments from asses."

    So you don't read what you type? Well that explains the quality of your arguements doesn't it?

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