
What’s the real problem?

Khaw Boon Wan made the statement that he believed all the first timers who wanted to apply for a BTO flats in non mature estates would have a chance to do so. Is this statement comforting? At first glance it is like saying all those first timers who applied would get their flats, but no. Actually Boon Wan was talking about the chance to apply, nothing about getting the flat. Why is there a need to say this? Any first timer can apply if they have not been kicked out of the system.

This is like saying the NPark needs foldable bikes and foldable bikes are lighter than non foldable bikes. Anyone disagreeing to these statements, or are these the concerns? What are the real issues in both flat applications and the Bromptongate?

What about those first timers that have waited too long because of the cutting down in building flats and ended being kicked out of the scheme when while waiting, their income exceeded HDB? Many young people fell victims to the mismanagement of housing programmes then. They were simply told to empty their savings to buy private.

Now Boon Wan is discouraging them from applying for the 50 year loan gimmick. So what should they do, cannot apply for HDB and not advisable to apply 50 year loan? But the young people don’t really have so much money to splurge. So, would Boon Wan undo the mistakes of his predecessor and allow all the young people that were affected by the arrogant policies to buy a public flat, to be prudent and buy within their means? Just because some jokers said public flats are affordable, so it is affordable? Or just because some jokers decreed that you earn so much you must be able to afford private properties?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

For problems that ministers are unwilling or unable to solve ... here's something to make you feel better:

a. "messy selectively"


b. "appreciation of complexity"


But maybe Minister Yaacob did not get the press release and/or memo.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> the young people don’t really have so much money to splurge.

I wouldn't be so sure of that. You obviously don't have a fucking clue about the demographic of which you speak.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Please don't talk through your arse again. For every one young man with that kind of money, there will be at least 1000 who don't.

Many young people may be earning 5 figures, but they too have other commitments and housing is just one of them. It is better that they be prudent with their money as an employee they can lose their jobs anything for any reason. It is not grandfather's money to spend.

But don't quote me sons of ministers or the super rich. Those are exceptions.

Anonymous said...

How many sinkies out there still cannot buy a public flat, have not bought a public flat, would not be allowed to buy a public flat and cannot afford to buy private flat?

How many new citizens have bought public flats while our very own children cannot buy for some fuck reasons dictated by some fuckheads?

Anonymous said...

Continue to fuck with housing and be fucked by housing.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of idiots

Anonymous said...

Matilah, u obviously belong to the top 10% wtf u obviously talking through your asshole and not know what is going on. Knn

Anonymous said...

Not idiots, just blood suckers.

Anonymous said...

i know matilah. he does not belong to the top 10%. but he admires them. just like a teenage girl admires k-pop stars. matilah would do anything to lick top 1% arseholes. top 10 percenters don't read redbean's blog, much more bother to comment on it.

- 1 of the 90%

Anonymous said...

Matilah top 10%? Hahahahahhaha....maybe for sucking bananas.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

That I agree. Top 10% don't come here to read my blog. They will send you know who here to read for them.

Anonymous said...

"What about those first timers that have waited too long because of the cutting down in building flats and ended being kicked out of the scheme when while waiting, their income exceeded HDB?"
THIS was exactly what happened to my nephew. As a result, besides being forced to delay his marriage, he is forced to buy a private condo and spend the next 30 years servicing the bank loan.

Anonymous said...

There are many young people whose lives were screwed by the HDB policies. They, their families, friends and relatives would be voting against these policies for sure.

Many are still out there, forbidden to buy HDB flats but did NS to protect this country and all the flat owners while they are left in the lurch, no place to stay, private properties too expensive for them.

How atrocious can HDB policies be against the young people?

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story. Just cos you have a little dick, do you need to fuck your own backside?

Anonymous said...

Only fuckheads will discriminate against the Singaporeans and think daft Singaporeans cannot do anything about it. The daft Singaporeans are waiting to screw them when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies claimed and are claiming that Mabok Tan screwed and played them out when he was the Housing Minister.
When pious Cow took over, many were singing praises and are lauding accolades to him. Sinkies forgot how the then Health Minister screwed them thru and thru. Means testing was formulated by him, it must have been very effective. This means testing should applies to buying property using loan as well.

The Present Housing Minister is definitely cleverer than the Previous One.

Anonymous said...

Annon 2:02, I agree! All the same but this one is clever.

Anonymous said...

If not clever how to become minister Tio bo

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The shit is that We Are the Citizen of Singapore, who pledge ourselves as one united people.....This is my country, this is my home.

Sorry jerk. You got no country and got no home.

And we vote for a govt to look after us, not to fleece us. When the people know that they are being fleeced by the govt, the govt is history.

We, the citizen of Singapore....That is our bragging right. This island belongs to all Sinkies. And the Sinkies would want their island back.

Anonymous said...

"Sorry jerk. You got no country and got no home.", unquote.

Whence one lives in hotels, one needs no country or home. Di oei, 'Di ko liang, di ko chor', 'di ko ah nia sui jiu po'(exploit whatever advantage available and grab whichever beautiful girl one can find). To hell with nationhood and loyalty!!!

Invictus said...

I think if KBW is honest, he needs to review the entire public housing. Don't expect any earth- shattering chances as it will burst the bubble overnight. But make steps in the right direction, to comfort Singaporeans that public housing will always be within their means and a birthright.
Hey, you never know - it might even encourage the young (and some not so old) to have more babies

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The problem created is not difficult to solve if the intent is there. Just make sure all Sinkies can buy from HDB at a real subsidised price for first timers. Second timer at another rate and third timer, fourth timer at different rate of subsidies.

The resale market will stabilise accordingly and can even allow PRs to buy to make sure the prices do now fall too rapidly.

The main point is to build enough for Sinkies to buy direct. The resale market will have its own dynamics to play itself out. And so will the private sector.

Making sure that all Sinkies can buy a flat from HDB is the first priority of the govt. Otherwise what is the point of being a citizen and doing NS? Where is that asshole?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oh Invictus, welcome to the blog.

Just to add, the current HDB policy only allows a citizen two purchases from HDB. After that you die your pasar. Go to resale or private.

This needs to change as well given the long lifespan when needs and circumstances change. There was an urgency for this when there was a big shortage of flats.

The recent shortage is artificially screw up by HDB. When there is adequate supply thru proper planning, there is no need to control like shit to limit to two times from HDB. 3 or 4 times should be more practical as the fortune and family needs of people changes over a life time.

patriot said...

Where the hell got problem if non-citizens are barred from buying public housing.

How many more Singaporeans are buying for a home or even forming a family?

So many are remaining single and if they are married, they are not making babies.

The demand for public housing by locals cannot be anymore than before. It should be at the lowest now.


Invictus said...

I think if KBW is honest, he needs to review the entire public housing. Don't expect any earth- shattering chances as it will burst the bubble overnight. But make steps in the right direction, to comfort Singaporeans that public housing will always be within their means and a birthright.
Hey, you never know - it might even encourage the young (and some not so old) to have more babies

patriot said...

In fact, me thinks there should not be any housing problem since decades ago as our population was not growing since then.

The Problems were caused by the influx of foreigners allowed to buy public housing.

So, should not have problem, 'real' or otherwise.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

It comes as no surprise that public housing is in a perennial mess. From the time it began it has been tinkered with, politicised and used as a tool for voter manipulation.

The reason is simple : Because public housing is based ENTIRELY on the ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY Both the people and the government they deserve are at fault.

Tip for the day (in case you forget) : Politicians and politics DON'T SOLVE PROBLEMS because they can't. What they can do is confer an advantage for MASS CONTROL and DOMINATION, pitching one group of special interests against other groups of opposite interests, or groups that simply don't give a flying fuck and would prefer to be LEFT ALONE.

Got it into your thick heads yet?

Anonymous said...

MS, you are so thick. Insist on a position and insist you are right. The housing problems are not insurmountable problems that politicians can't solve. They can if they want.

The 70s and 80s the people were quite happy with the state of housing and many were simply happy and upgrading and upgrading. The problems today are so severe that they are very difficult to unwind without hurting many people.

Who was the shit who created these problems where they were already passe?

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