
Time to get rid of the old and senile

Shanmugam revealed a few more details of his meeting with this elderly man, a Sinkie, who complained all things about Indians, from smell, social status and turning his flat into a squalor. Being an elderly person, and complaining about such insensitive problems, I would presume that this is another member of the lost generation, illiterate or poorly schooled, and very ignorant of anything further than the tip of his nose.

The fact that he rattled off about how ugly and smelly his Indian neighbour was without knowing that Shanmugam is also an Indian, tells a lot about the mentality of this elderly person. Is he bi polar or senile? How could a sensible person be complaining about an Indian to an Indian without thinking that the Indian he was speaking to could be offended? Maybe he is colour blind.

There will be many of such elderlies that lived in their little cocoon world. There will even be young people who may have such prejudices. Some may need to be sent to the IMH. They don’t represent the normal and the majority.

The point is that such elderlies are remnants of a past where many did not have the privilege of a decent education and have very narrow world views of things. One way is to try to understand and tolerate them in their pathetic and deprived existence. In a way like tolerating the foul smell and squalor of a dirty neighbour. Another way is to tell the world how ugly these elderlies are and dispatch them to some forsaken place to keep them away from creating trouble to the well endowed and affluent citizens. JB, Batam and Bintan look very convenient. I think the latter suggestion is a good and easy way to take care of such elderlies. This beautiful world class city of ours, with all the fine and elegant people, has no place for such laggards of the past.


Anonymous said...

Sad to say.

Singaporeans (leeders and Sinkies alike) have neither the interest nor inclination to uplift "those that are falling behind".

So our culture & values dictate the efficient solution: Dump them somewhere out of sight & mind.

Never once stopping to think.
Someday, when it's our turn to be old and "falling behind", we'll likewise be similarly treated.

Anonymous said...

Minister Shanmugam must not tolerate such a racist who not only made racist complaint. He even 'threaten' the Minister by hinting that he will not vote for him if the Latter does not response to his satisfaction. Blackmail seems a better word than threaten.

Anonymous said...

He did not even know that Shan is Indian, how could he know that he was threatening him?

Anonymous said...

This elderly man,complained to Minister Shanmugam, an obvious Indian looking Indian about Indians just show that Minister Shanmugam is very well respected by this elderly man,whoever he is,it is very hard for me to understand this,but probably the elderly man is not of this world,he is of very much higher spirit.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, don't take a single case and hammer down on all. If you do, then more powers to the minister to justify his party agenda or questionable vision for sin.

Let's be real here. There are tens to hundreds of thousands of grievances(daily injustices) or just too many of such cases for a handful of civil servants to respond to.

At the end of the day, they can only listen to the people's complains SUPERFICIALLY or judge them FROM A DISTANCE( without real contact because it is simply impossible for a handful to deal woth the mountains of complain ).

So the clever thing to do is set up mediation centers to manage the people's grievances/injustices. On the surface, to most unsuspecting folks, there seems to be a solution to their grievances or problems.

But alas, mediation centers are run by creeps with no heart nor souls and are there to earn a living and follow standard legal and basically money draining and time wasting procedures.

There is no right and wrong in most of these centers and it is totally voluntary which means to say, no one is obliged to participate or if one wants to settle, the other refuses, the mediation process cannot proceed.

Your next recourse then has to be legal.

Let me ask you, who goes to money sucking kangaroo's court over trivial, not life threatening, issues?

Obviously no one wants to be a fool and they swallow their pride or walk away from daylight robbery by MIW.

Most wrongs suffered by the people are not heard because hypocrites have set up a system to throw the shit they have created back at their doorsteps.

Their solution for you is basically a non solution - go to spineless mediation centers or straight to court!

Veritas said...

Every time such things happened, you will see clowns using exotic English, attacking Singaporean Chinese, as racist. The fact is, never mind Chinese, Malay or Indian, as long as someone smell like fish, they will be complained sooner or later. What is there to be racist about about Singaporean Chinese?

Now, it happens that "Indian" adjective is being use. Then racist cheers, they found a target again. Singaporean use to be insensitive about many of the racial slurs, until PAP started importing FT.

Anonymous said...

What is he insinuating?

Anonymous said...

corruption in high places?

Anonymous said...

There are 2 types of mediation. One, dispute betw 2 parties and mediated by volunteers. This is truly a waste of time in most cases. Two, dispute or complaints mediated by the court/judges. This can be serious.

Heard of a trivial case but the provocateur party got money, made complaints and hired lawyers against an innocent party. The judge saw through the scam. He screwed the lawyers and told them to fuck off and don't waste the court's time.

Anonymous said...

aNUS = The human anus (from Latin anūs meaning "ring", "circle")[1][2] is the external opening of the rectum. Like other animals, its closure is controlled by sphincter muscles. Feces are expelled from the body through the anus during the act of defecation, the primary function of the anus???

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"There are 2 types of mediation. One, dispute betw 2 parties and mediated by volunteers. This is truly a waste of time in most cases. Two, dispute or complaints mediated by the court/judges. This can be serious."

Non solution for most common folks. Just look at thir faces on MRT trains. Open their mouths, can't spek poper English or talk coherently...who take them seriously?

Anonymous said...

What is the intent of the minister?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Can the elite forgive the elderly ignorant man for his insensitive rant? Or should the elderly man be whacked in public to prove a point?

Anonymous said...

Why not educate both the idiotic minister and the elderly in IMH?

Anonymous said...

He should be whacked in public to teach all wannabes a lesson not to play with fire.

Anonymous said...

Intent of minister is to look morally upright or righteous at someone's expense but where he has no case, sweep it under the carpet by the use of legal force or brutality?

Anonymous said...

You have a mountain cobra and a worm taking up national head line? How interesting

Anonymous said...

What is the minister trying to teach the nation?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Let's not stoke religious or racial emotions. We should be able to discuss such issues with an open mind. I am not happy with the way the minister raised this issue.

Veritas said...


I am extremely worried about Singaporeans. In whatever workplace I went, Singaporeans now are being bullied by own Singaporean managers and FTs. Many FTs commented openly that Singaporeans are lazy and stupid. Singaporean managers play politics on our young people.

And we have FT Indian clowns who never miss a single opportunity to brand the most gentle Singaporeans as racist. The 6 Sikh killings in USA, if you look at many forum, receive comparatively subdue comments.

I have seen FT racist from PRC and India replacing every Singaporeans and to add salt to insult, accusing the most hardworking Singaporeans as incompetent and lazy.

And today, our newspaper are certainly bias especially against Singaporean Chinese. A few month ago, the masquerade party in UOB was used by ST to prove racism of Singaporean Chinese. And that is despite that the masquerade party is 100% accurate in portrayal of south Asian.

Then, a 17 years old poly girl was reported by MSM, of racist against Indian.

Today, the way Shame-mugan raising the issue certainly puts down SG Chinese.

I have sense racist attacking us at all angles. I really suspect PAP is trying to degenerate us.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

A very sad state of affair.

Anonymous said...

Right and wrong can be clearly established in most cases. But when the case goes up the bureaucratic ladder, the story changes or gets manipulated and it becomes the interpretation of those in charge

People who write to gahmen people would know. For that matter, any establishment. You won't get straight forward replies or expect them to answer to the questions.

And we know why don't we?

MIW seems to condone this kind of corrupt practices. How to expect fair justice?

Gintai_昇泰 said...

In the Sg context, race issues will always be with us no matter how much progress we've made in social integration.
Most of my non-Chinese colleagues agree on one thing. The relentless influx of FTs whether from PRC, Indian or Philipines, there is a silver lining. That is local Sinkies tend to unite against them cuz they see FTs as a common threat. Our local races are not united in the face of the FTs onslaught! Do you agree? What do you think? Langgar!

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Sorry, correction. Typo error.
"Our local races are now more united ..."

Anonymous said...

"Right and wrong can be clearly established in most cases. But when the case goes up the bureaucratic ladder, the story changes or gets manipulated and it becomes the interpretation of those in charge"

We have a lot of corrupt civil servants and community leaders covering their assholes or deliberately blind to people's complain. They assume the people are idiots not knowing right and wrong.

Anonymous said...

In Sin, what is right or wrong?
Is it base on justice, fairness and reasonableness.
is it base on interpretation of laws, power and wealth?

Anonymous said...

You can't talk in general. But in most cases and if you bother to scrutinize or use your common sense( the same common sense when dealing with family matters), right and wrong can be established. You don't need civil servants who are salaried workers and are beholden to the powers to tell you what you already know.

Problem here is that, despite all the evidences provided to proof your case, they ignore everything and assume their own interpretation as final or true,

They know your are powerless under their rule.

Conclusion: no justice or the perversion of justice!

Anonymous said...

My parents are now very vocal and are not afraid to speak their minds.I can fully understand why they like to argue (or complain) because for almost half a century of their lives,they were denied and deprived the right to speak or speak freely in an oppressive country.
Now my parents are glued to the net everyday,blogging and tweeting
Good for you,papa and mama,you have found a new freedom in the NET
and I also noticed papa and mama are quite sharp since they stopped reading and watching the state-controlled media.

Anonymous said...

Haha. It's SHIT everywhere.

Speak mind also no use. Just Shut Up and get on with your Pathetic life. The more you speak the more mess it is. Everybody wants a clean mountain but NOBODY wants to pick up the litter and shit along the way. Step on own shit still don't know.

Anonymous said...

Without a home to live in, more families getting help
Number of homeless families assisted by MCYS nearly doubles in last three years$$$$$

Good good..can't wait to see the housing system collapse on their faces....

Anonymous said...

More and more people will be disgruntled and turn against the govt.

Don't think they will last

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When they allow housing to become a commodity and ignore the interests of the people for a roof over their heads, the problem will get worst over time.

The two bites of the cherry and with high inflation will get more and more people into dire straits once they sold a second time.

Anonymous said...

That's why RB, we keep our mouth shut where it matters. They carry shit everyday with people cursing them everyday...sooner or later....the curses from the people will come to pass

Hey, is not our problems right? It is...theirs ::) .

Anonymous said...

What they sow, they shall reap. The bigger an asshole they are up there, the better haaaaaa

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

You have to hand it to the old guy for being at least honest with his opinion.

This is not a racist complaint. It is an expression of disgust because of an unhygienic neighbour.

Non Racist:

"My neighbour is an unhygienic asshole. He is Indian"

Possibly Racist:

"Because my neighbour is an Indian he is therefore unhygienic".

The difference is subtle, but important.

Not every complaint against your behaviour is racist.

Got tolerance?

Anonymous said...

Fuck tolerance. Establish first what is right and wrong then we talk!

Anonymous said...

And please fucking don't shaft your religious values on us! We are not your home grown rats.

Anonymous said...

If not for the corrupt legal system practiced here, these people would have been long stoned to death

Anonymous said...

They must assume we are fools, do not understand right from wrong. Fuck you, we are very clear as to who are the fucking bastards here.

Anonymous said...

RB, are we fools? Not knowing right from wrong? RB, are you a fool too?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That's why RB, we keep our mouth shut where it matters. They carry shit everyday with people cursing them everyday...sooner or later....the curses from the people will come to pass

Hey, is not our problems right? It is...theirs ::) .

August 23, 2012 2:27 PM

Precisely. The day of reckoning shall be greatly anticipated.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 2:49,

Your question very tough to answer.
Some people said they are fools but other people don't think so.

Some people said they are not fools but everyone knows they are.

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Are you a fool, RB? How do we establish you are or you are not?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

What is there to establish? If you are a fool you, are a fool. If you are not, you are not.

Everyone here knows. Save yourself the trouble.

Anonymous said...

You see, you don't fair any better than civil servants, now how do you expect to solve the people's problems? Aren't you a fool then?

Anonymous said...

This is a chance for you to conduct a proper dialogue here. Do you think such a dialogue is possible and that you can fair better than civil servants?

Anonymous said...

Civil servants don't think, they basically follow laws. They have no sense of right and wrong because the laws said so and end of story. Understand RB?

Anonymous said...

Come, come, only a fool will think of solving the country's problem here. And only a fool will want to solve a country's problem for free when the people paid in millions to solve the problems need not have to.

Anonymous said...

Oh I wouldnt go to the extend to think no one out there can see where the problem lies.

In the least likely places, a light may just emerge. The good book calls them...fools

Anonymous said...

RB, who is everyone? All of us are anonymous playing the fool, like you.

To another anonymous, they see only anonymous talking to himself or herself. You mean you see more? Care to tell us how so?

Anonymous said...

"And only a fool will want to solve a country's problem for free when the people paid in millions to solve the problems need not have to."

There must be a lot of fools blogging then?

Anonymous said...

RB, you are basically another hypocrite probably working for the liegime.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who turns to Sin legal system to seek justice is a fool. Anyone who recommends you to take legal action is a mother fucking evil bastard.

The latter continues to find employment because we have many fools in Sin!