
Sayang sayang

Alex Tan, a Reform Party candidate who stood in the GE against Hsien Loong is now being investigated for harassment against SBS Transit.

Here is a short clip from a post in TRE, ‘One of the founding editors of The Real Singapore (TRS) is being investigated by the police for “intentional haressment”, following a complaint by SBS Transit (SBS).

Alex Tan ZhiXiang was summoned by Tanglin Police Division after a Magistrate Complaint was lodged against him, for using multiple instances of F* word in an open letter addressed to SBS, commenting on the overcrowding and infrequent bus services.’

I read Alex’s letter which was posted in TRE by another blogger and indeed he spiced up his letter to SBS with a lot of ‘fuck’ words. I am now going to be more careful with using this word in case I offended any bloggers here. It is natural for some to have thinner skin or more sensitive skin. For those who are offended whenever the ‘fuck’ word is used here, let me sayang sayang you a bit to make you feel better.

And for those who are writing complaint letters to corporations, please be mindful that you can be investigated for intentional harassment. So, please hor, no say I never warn you or you did not know, it is quite dangerous and no one would sayang sayang you hor. Using ‘fuck’ word is a serious thing and can be hauled to court hor. This is Sinkapore where we are squeaky clean and a word like this is not for normal use by the inhabitants. They will be very offended by it and can report you to the police and sue you also.

A kindly word of advice to foreigners to read this carefully and don’t come here and fuck around ok and think it is ok. This is my contribution to integrating foreigners to our squeaky clean culture.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The, you are so scholarly in your research of the word. It is indeed a very flexible word and when used correctly, is very effective, forceful and right to the point.

Fuck lah, why so sensitive. This is a casual and friendly way to use this word. No one can be offended by it: )

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having a heart to inform and educate ppl that in Sin there is low tolerance for people who fuck fuck people and when you come across fuck people who use the law or professionally fuck you or attempt to control/fix you, your natural response might be indignant, and you slipped into your lingua fuckya, they say...good, caught you or fault you...you are a condemned sinner and now lets deal with your sin with our laws and we shall hereon ignore your original complain which points offensively to their corruption or hypocrisy.

Don't confuse unreasonable abusive behavior with provoked response or acerbic dressing etc.

Thanks for reminding us that beneath Sin's foundation there lies a religious skeletal ready to condemn sinners who reject their ways or salvation or show disrespect to their priesthood.

Anonymous said...

in other words...no small no big...when you go to the throne...remember to bow to the horny one.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever walk into officialdom office? The smell of chow chee byes can be detected from the nearest MRT station.

Anonymous said...

They should take everyone in hollywood to the police station as well, as the F word is so prevalent there. While they are at it, get the authors of books as well, as many Pulitzer price winners also happen to fans of the F word. And while we are at it, we should also get everyone in the Western hemisphere to be investigated as well.

Write and use what you are comfortable with. And let the chips fall. Police case so police case lah. What is the issue. Lawyers these days come dime per dozen.

Darkness 2012

Anonymous said...

Lawyers are also F people lah. The good ones don't and wont practice law. They can't stand the stench there lah

Anonymous said...

When a girl meets a jerk..she says...go jerk off jerk...we say well, that's ok...when you meet a liar...you say...wau lau..you fucked with your tongue...another say well, colorful way of putting it....but when a police superintendent had paid sex with an under age prostitute...and you say...wau lau, police fuck CCB and the law says.....shut up or be caned or fined?

Moral of the story: don't fuck CCB if you don't want people to be direct and call a spade a space la

Anonymous said...

If your ministers rob you, what do you say?

He is a well paid minister?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

This must have triggered a lot of creative juice in your guys and gals.

And Darkness, read some of your articles. Very cheem and mysterious. Sometimes I thought I am on an intergalactic trip: )

Anonymous said...

Only on the Internet, we get real and tell it like it is. Out there in the surreal world, we are all friends of men in lice

Anonymous said...

Another case of whacking the complainant to fend off the complaint.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Only on the Internet, we get real and tell it like it is. Out there in the surreal world, we are all friends of men in lice

August 30, 2012 11:34 AM

Let me ask you, where is the future in this?

Anonymous said...

You know why a lot of people hate their jobs? Because they love each other

Anonymous said...

The whole bloody city is build on lice

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Let me join redbean in sayang sayang you.

I am a romantic. I sayang sayang first, then I'm in the mood to FUCK.

If your father didn't fuck your mother's chow xi bai, then you wouldn't even be around to complain about the word.

SBS? --> motherfucking morons!

Go ahead, sue me :-)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Do you know how many souls your ministers have killed out there?

Anonymous said...

do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be afraid of (him) who can destroy both soul and body in HELL

Anonymous said...

Sayang my foot :)

Anonymous said...

Why don't you people start answering to straight forward questions? Can't right?

You are from the establishment lah

Anonymous said...

Well, you can go fuck your mother chow Chee byes...plural

Anonymous said...

Your establishment has a lot of lice working for you..MUAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Well, you can go fuck your mother chow Chee byes...plural

August 30, 2012 12:19 PM

What is the future of this? There are countless number swearing at you in the night.

Anonymous said...

Aiyah, ignore Lah. Not happy? sue lor...hahahaaz

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Your establishment has a lot of lice working for you..MUAHAHAHA

August 30, 2012 12:29 PM

are they stupid or what? lol

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If your ministers rob you, what do you say?

He is a well paid minister?

August 30, 2012 11:21 AM

Tell me, can you write...fuck you, why you fuck me?

August 30, 2012 11:46 AM

Well, RB, how you gonna answer to that? Obey Shan?

Anonymous said...

Magicians call this mis-direction.

Alex Tan is upset with the service levels of SBS Transit.
The Real Issue:
Is Alex Tan correct in his assertions?

The number of times the word "fuck" is used does not change the facts of SBS Transit service standards.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Matilah wants to know ...Did you FUCK MY MOTHER, or did you FUCK MY MOTHER?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No no cannot say that in the real world....must smile, exchange polite conversations, hugs and have sex....so nice, so perfect, ,,, better got future like that mah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Woah, these are interesting stuff. RB must be "popular" by now lol

Anonymous said...

Matilah, just finished masturbating? When you going back to lick your mothers twat again?

Anonymous said...

You see MS, you are full of angst and shit too. You can't answer straight questions even when your mother dog life counts on you

Anonymous said...

We have never failed nailing bastards in our lives. We don't think you are an exception

Anonymous said...

The establishment has more to answer than the common people. You are dead shit

Anonymous said...

The only way you gonna shut people is to use your fucking laws

And we shall be civilize till you decide to fix us, yes?

Wow, kampong spirit for you hoooor.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

August 30, 2012 12:47 PM

This engrish too chim for u is it?

Anonymous said...

You can learn more about the word FUCK at this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26UA578yQ5g

jjgg said...

Haha...smrt took him to court cos kena fuck too much!!! Maybe he should just give them ONE BIG FUCK..

Anonymous said...

matilah...go back to TR on TOC lah..there got more intellectually challenge can challenge you...here in RB blogs....low traffic...lowly grass people talk with F here F there one...nobody read one lah....why bother what F here F there people think or say...go listen to doctors and lawyers preach lah...better...they got more power one....bengs and lians talk...aiyah...IGNORE

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

WOW! It seems that I've upset some of the fan boys... you know the folks who get all bent out of shape because I "insulted" their hero and their favourite time-waster -- the TRE.

anon 140:

>> go back to TR on TOC lah..there got more intellectually challenge can challenge you. <<

Wha? Bwahahah...good joke lah! The TRE is a website dedicated to the activities of RETARDS who have got bored masturbating internet porn, and therefore need some "stimulation" i order to have some "purpose" (??) in their shallow, loser, hopeless lives.

Got Kleenex?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He calls himself infidel...muhahahaha

Anonymous said...

Is this the PM's call for national conversation? Someone sending the internet brigade to talk cock in Redbean's blog to turn it into a foul site?

Anonymous said...

If this is the work of the regime, then please don't talk about national conversation and the heart. The heart is not there in the first place when bottom feeders are sent to sabo bloggers.

Sooooooo pathetic.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I just dunno what to say.

But somehow the people's trust is in now question as anything that is not right is pointing at one direction. How so? Can we blame this kind of thinking? Is it justifiable?

Are there really internet brigades doing such things?

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

there is no national conversation and never was in s a government. not possible

Anonymous said...

Fuck must be out-lawed, but M_S must be around, cos he fucked the government over and over, day in and day out. There is nothing the government can do to him cos he never said which government.
If fuck is not out-lawed, problem for magistrates, they will get sodomised everyday.
Want to fuck with no problem, learn from M_S.

Anonymous said...

If Alex has a case, the fuck is justiifiable. The extend or magnitude of the fuck depends on his other cumulated grievances against the govt, not just the bus operator.

He must have his reasons for fucking the govt. If the fuck is more of scolding than mean abusive attack on someone, then they should learn to listen well.

It may improve hope, heart and home.

Anonymous said...

Matilah, what's your mother pubic's hair length? Did it choke you?

Anonymous said...

try to get past the priests and priestesses first.

Anonymous said...

you mean the pedophiles?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Well Alex apologised and hopefully case over and not sorry not enough.

Anonymous said...

What choice does he have? Can he not apologize and not be satayed alive in char siew sauce?

Anonymous said...

Remember this, you don't solve Alex problems. Which means to say, you don't solve 5M plus problems

Anonymous said...

Me think Alex is the problem and they have solved it. Now where got problem?

Anonymous said...

Alex could just be frustrated with the system. The problem is a systematic one. Society must accept that there are many Alexes out there who are not Oxfart trained to deal with such frustration. We can't Oxfart train everyone and to silence them through force is to build yourself time bomb. How your family members won't be gunned down or run down on the road by the Alexes of Sin.

Anonymous said...

Alex could just be frustrated with the system. The problem is a systematic one. Society must accept that there are many Alexes out there who are not Oxfart trained to deal with such frustration. We can't Oxfart train everyone and to silence them through force is to build yourself a time bomb. Hope your family members won't be gunned down or run down on the road by the Alexes of Sin.

Anonymous said...

There is a price to pay when you use force unjustly. It goes both ways. I do not think officialdom has no wrong.

Anonymous said...

He is 'apologizing' but I doubt he conceded. If he has not conceded, you have a problem, maybe even a bigger one considering the millions your ways have affected.

Anonymous said...

One MP got attacked. You probably know more. How much do you think the laws can protect them?

Anonymous said...

The numbers here are in the millions.

Anonymous said...

Don't be an idiot. Your salvation is in Alex.