
Olympics - The reemergence of the Koreans

What is so great about a rich first world country winning a bronze medal (no intent to rub down our achievement) when a country repeatedly branded by the ignorant self proclaimed experts in the West, including Sinkie experts as ‘abject poverty stricken country’ could win 4 gold medals and 1 bronze at this stage of the Olympic Games? Who is having the last laugh and who is calling the bluff?

Yes the ‘poor and poverty stricken’ North Koreans, all starving, where got energy to do anything, have won 4 gold medals! Believe it, is it true? The disbelievers will claim it is a lie. The Brits will claim it must be the works of drugs. Like it or not, the North Koreans is shaming many rich countries in the Olympics.

At this point in time they have more gold medals than Japan, Italy, Germany, Russia, Australia, Netherlands and many of the countries that are used to sneer at them.

And between the North and South Koreans they have a combined haul of 11 gold medals against 14 won by the Americans and 18 by the Chinese, ranking number 3 in the Medal tally ranking. The Koreans have arrived. They are going to take on the world and show the world that the Koreans can be high achievers.

Imagine France only had 7 and Great Britain has 4 and mighty Germany, Russia and Italy each with only 3. And Japan, Korea’s colonial master has only 2 gold medals.

Well done Koreans.


The said...

/// The Brits will claim it must be the works of drugs. ///

No, no, not the Brits - they are more refined and cultured to be sour grapes. It is the Americans who will make that claim.

What is the difference between an American and Yakult?

One of the them is cultured and the other is not.

Anonymous said...

[Medal count]

Anonymous said...

RB, it is not true that North Koreans are starving. Only those outside of Pyongyong are starving. North Korean leaders choose loyalists to come to the capital and they are well provided for. Their "job" is to dance and make the leader proud like winning international sports. So they have all the energy and training. What is unknown is what happens if their fail to get a medal. No one knows.

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story? You want gold? Be freaks like the North Koreans.

Anonymous said...

How can small prick people achieve gold? Very difficult. Play chess also cannot beat the Europeans. Run, cannot run faster than blacks. Kick balls, cannot kick better than qwei lows. You what good?

Hire foreign talents do all the planning lah!

Make decisions fatten your pockets you the best!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Western view is that North Koreans are evil and devilish and living in the medieval age. It is a poverty stricken country, people hungry and hiding in the dungeons.

And athletes who failed to win a medal or lost would be imprisoned and suffering punishment.

You believe that?

If that is the truth, every athlete sent overseas would either kill themselves or seek asylum the moment they lose. No one would dare to go home.

As for the drought, many countries encountered that now and then. God is not so evil to strike North Korea with perpetual droughts to starve all its people. The country side like all country side, people may be poor, but they live off the land and would not be starving like the west made them out to be.

They are not rich but not dying of starvation. What did the west know when they never even set foot on the country? When the first picture of Kim's wife appeared on paper, they quickly attacked him of adultery, that his wife was somebody's wife.

What a cheapshot and sneaky bastards the western journalists are. Let's have respect for other people and not rubbishing people just by reading western reports of what they want others to believe about North Korea.

oldhorse42 said...

In North Korea just like in PRC, the states groom their sport talents since young with centralised training, good food and good living conditions so that they can honour their fatherlands by winning accolades in nternational arena.There is tremendous motivation for the young to excel in sports to hace a good life.

oldhorse42 said...

In North Korea just like in PRC, the states groom their sport talents since young with centralised training, good food and good living conditions so that they can honour their fatherlands by winning accolades in nternational arena.There is tremendous motivation for the young to excel in sports to hace a good life.

Anonymous said...

oldhorse42 said...
In North Korea just like in PRC, the states groom their sport talents since young with centralised training, good food and good living conditions so that they can honour their fatherlands by winning accolades in nternational arena.There is tremendous motivation for the young to excel in sports to hace a good life.

In other words, freaks!

Anonymous said...

When the first picture of Kim's wife appeared on paper, they quickly attacked him of adultery, that his wife was somebody's wife.

What a cheapshot and sneaky bastards the western journalists are. Let's have respect for other people and not rubbishing people just by reading western reports of what they want others to believe about North Korea.

Read ST..State Tabloids....run by women for women and of women

Anonymous said...

"RB, it is not true that North Koreans are starving. Only those outside of Pyongyong are starving"
@ August 03, 2012 12:12 PM

Reminds me of Singapore.

"it is not true that Singaporeans are starving. Only those outside of Orchard Road are starving"

Anonymous said...

I agree that North Korea is shrouded in a lot of mystery, but just because loyalists, sportsmen and the military are well-supplied in pyongyang does not mean that the average kim isn't starving. There is pretty good evidence from satellite images and witness testimony from refugees about the presence of brutal concentration camps and of wide spread famine and environmental devastation. I agree that the US foreign policy pronouncements on human rights are mostly extremely hypocritical and self-serving, however we are doing a disservice to north koreans if we ignore their potential problems because we associate that with the US's meddling hands. 2 separate issues. North Korea has began sending unpaid labour to russian logging camps. An investigative documentary showed the kinds of conditions they have to deal with. Not the treatment that international sportsmen receive I can assure you.

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story? Can't resolve your own backyard problems, stick your noses into your neighbors toilets and take a deep breathe to look smarter than them!

Anonymous said...

Arts, sports vital to new ministry's work: said Lawrence Wong.

Let the domination begin!

Anonymous said...

How well we do( in sports and arts) has an impact on the whole national psyche and the whole characteristic of singapore society.

WoW. Eyes big big.

Anonymous said...

"How well we do( in sports and arts) has an impact on the whole national psyche and the whole characteristic of singapore society."

What bullshit!
Just stick to the basics.

Cheap housing.
Cheap food.
Cheap public transportation.
Honest and capable civil service.

Farking arseholes.

Anonymous said...

It is the high income that do us all in. Not just the ministers who feel they deserve the money, everyone wants high pay and low everything!

Are you for real?

Anonymous said...

Low housing costs, low COE costs, low transport costs, low food costs, low health care costs, low education costs, low maternity costs, low elderly care costs, low child care costs and low geyland costs.

Everytin low except my salary must be high!

Who can deliver? Your grandfather ah?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The North Koreans are not rich and relatively poor. But they are definitely in better conditions than many African states and even many parts of India. Their rural population would probably be at a state of development similar to the Chinese in the 60s and 70s.

Oh, forget about the widespread famine and all those rubbish. That was long ago. Anyone can cook up stories of deprivation and poverty even in Sinkieland with pictures to prove it. Satellite pictures?

When you see those pics of North Korea of poverty and famine, please take a closer look at them and you will find that they were very old pics that have been rehashed over and over again to tell a story that the West wants you to believe and to hate the North Koreans. They have an agenda.

Look at Myanmar and how bad the West was trying to tell you and how close were they to do a regime change. Now that Asean has helped to open up Myanmar, you find that they are not rich like Sin but they are not dying or all locked up in concentration camp. Some political dissidents are, like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and Alcatraz.

No one really know the truth about the rural life of North Korea and it is best we take all the one sided reports from people with an agenda with a big rock of salt.

I do not know the North Koreans nor have any vested interest in what they are. Just want to caution people not to be misled by misinformation and let the West plant ideas in your mind and make you think what they want you to think.

I am neutral and have no agenda except to be critical and questioning.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I feel very insulted for the West to think they can make me think what they want me to think with their doctored articles and biased reports. They should stop patronising the Asians as if they are really daft and unthinking.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:23, you are very deserving of the daft Sinkie tag.

Anonymous said...

Okay fair enough you've made some pretty valid points. I guess one day perhaps we will find out the truth. With regards to the Western media patronising Asians because of their portrayal of the DPRK, i'm not so sure i agree with you entirely. There are many discourses about asia that run concurrently in the western media depending on the news source. Many alarmist tend to portray China as this emerging power currently experiencing an inexorable rise.(Like they did with Japan in the 80s). Our region is also nowadays portrayed in a fairly good light. However i have to say when it comes to human rights issues im pretty pissed off at how Singaporeans are usually portrayed as ( in the words of someone else), "unthinking automatons without any agency."

Anonymous said...

Both the west and the north are indefensible Lan.

Coming back to the topic. We should question the whole notion of sports.

With so much money at stake in sports, who are we really serving here?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Anon 2:23, you are very deserving of the daft Sinkie tag.

August 03, 2012 2:33 PM

Please. You dare say not true?

Eagles 2nd Eye said...

Anon 2.33
And you are not deserving of the daft sinkie tag ? Maybe you are dafter than daft.

Anonymous said...

If you are so smart, would we all be here talking cock?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Now I am seeing all of you thinking and questioning the truth and what is printed in the media. This is a good sign.

Don't believe anything that you read. Just like my posts, sometimes I appear to be on this side, sometimes on the other. You have to decide which is real and which is unreal. At time I would say foolish thing and if you agree, then you deserve a scolding.

I expect people to disagree with me when I utter rubbish and point out the truth. Then I have done something good.

Eagles 2nd Eye said...

The best is don't read anything in the printed media. Then you dont need to think and question so hard.

Anonymous said...

We all know whose side you are on.

Anonymous said...

It is stupid to pay million dollar salaries.
And in return, don't ask for;

Cheap housing.
Cheap food.
Cheap public transportation.
Honest and capable civil service.

Anonymous said...

Agree. If paying so much and got cheated or fooled into accepting rubbish or mediocre work, who to blame? With this kind of money we want the best and would not accept any half baked ideas or solutions.

Demanding for cheap housing, cheap food, cheap public transportation and honest and capable civil service is not unreasonable.

Some daft Sinkies would not agree and would not mind being kicked around.

Eagles 2nd Eye said...

Of course. We the citizens should eat the bananas, we are the masters. We work hard and we pay good money. We deserve nothing less. If they don't want the banana skin we can always throw at the alternative party come 2016.

Anonymous said...

And the truth is....They eat the banana, throw the skin on the floor, and you slip.

Anonymous said...

Opposition Parties Good.

Monkeys-In-White are BAD.

Eagle's 2nd Eye said...

You are confused about the banana analogy. Easy solution. Just choose the alternative party come 2016. Everything sure will become cheap cheap. Ministers cheap, housing, food, cheap, air is clean, civil service suddenly wake up and become super efficient.

Daft, what else can I say ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Eagles 2nd Eye, thought I have extended my traditional welcome to you before. Just in case I forgot, welcome to the blog.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as cheap in the free market system. Theoretically, prices will be driven up and cheap is just relative.

Truth is, money will never be enough even for the rich.

If opposition can reverse some of our policies, and let say make certain people happy, there will be many others who wil be conversely affected by their policies and a new war will emerge to an unending feud.

When that happens, your opposition leaders may have to twitch the laws to stay in power or be driven out before they can even warm the seat on the throne

Anonymous said...

You know what is banana in your mouth or not? Is a nice way of saying your lun jiao is in your mouths lah...lol

Eagle's 2nd Eye said...

@Anon 4.25,
I know what you mean. But people can't see that far.
@Anon 4.29, you want banana in your backside?

Anonymous said...

Wow, seems liked there are lot of South Koreans and North Koreans here too.
Game for a war?

Anonymous said...

"There is no such thing as cheap in the free market system."
August 03, 2012 4:25 PM

Typical Motherfucker-In-White logic.

My salary is $2,000/month.
Minister's salary is $1 million every month.
And there is no such thing as cheap?

The only thing cheap is what your mother charges for her work in Geylang.

The said...

/// Anonymous said...
I agree that North Korea is shrouded in a lot of mystery, but just because loyalists, sportsmen and the military are well-supplied in pyongyang does not mean that the average kim isn't starving.
August 03, 2012 12:50 PM ///

Well, the situation is no mystery here. Just because loyalists, sportsmen and the military are well-supplied in Singapore does not mean that the average Ah Beng, Abang and Ah Neh aren't starving.

Anonymous said...

Whether on the side of the north or south, there will be winners and there shall be losers. At the end, in market economy, money talks.

No one wins so long as north is north, south is south and the threat of war always around the corner between them

Anonymous said...

Tan How Lian said..you want world class sportsman? Can....have the spirit of freaks! Who want to sacrifice to be...freaks?

freak - someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction

Anonymous said...


life in north korea

Anonymous said...

Right, why dont we sponsor or buy over North Korea, instead of getting PRC scholars, sportsmen.

Wont it be cheaper, faster and better than PRC.

Anonymous said...

"Tianwei's victory today is a historic day for Singapore table tennis and for Singapore sport. I think what Tianwei has achieved today shows what is possible. I hope it will inspire more young Singaporeans to aspire to do likewise," he( Tony Tan) told The Straits Times.

Who believes that her win will inspire true blue Singaporeans to do likewise?

Anonymous said...

Lucky Tan
[In Sports : Home grown vs Imported Success]
"To come in late in the day with imported talent and claim they are British success stories isn't about being open to migrants. It's just cheating. Nobody watching will be foforefoled. If they get medals, we'll feel a little embarrassed. Whether it's swimming or anything else, let's have a sporting culture strong enough for us to know, when we win, that it's a real, homegrown achievement, not a fiddle. Otherwise, frankly, I'd rather we lost." - Jackie Ashley"

Anonymous said...

Singapore is a business entity more than a nation or at best, a hybrid. The leaders will do anything to keep us ahead or relevant to the world. Is that a problem?

Anonymous said...

"Singapore is a business entity more than a nation or at best, a hybrid. The leaders will do anything to keep us ahead or relevant to the world. Is that a problem?
ANON: August 04, 2012 10:04 AM

1. Only the Pro Alien Party sees Singapore as a business entity.
And that is a big problem.

2. The leaders will do anything to keep us ahead or relevant to the world.

Yes, we know from history that the leeders "will do anything".

3. "keep us ahead"
"Keep us ahead" of what?
What are you working so hard to keep ahead of?
Please elaborate.

4. "relevant to the world"
To be relevant to the world.
First you must be part of the world.
Part of a community of shared values.
How to be part of the world when you keep setting yourself apart as a self appointed "elite"?

Just a bloody bunch of Nazis.

see origins of the lightning symbol below.


Anonymous said...

@August 04, 2012 10:04 AM

"Singapore is a business entity... Is that a problem?"

eh? no more "What do you think?"?

Anonymous said...

"The leaders will do anything to keep us ahead or relevant to the world. Is that a problem?
ANON: August 04, 2012 10:04 AM

[SMRT, LTA spent S$10 million on COI hearing]

... the LTA said its expenses on legal fees and consultation fees for its panel of experts came up to S$4 million while SMRT incurred the rest.
... the LTA had to accept its share of the blame for not keeping SMRT in check."


Anonymous said...

Trade off. limited freedom for economic benefits.that's what majority wants. That's why we still have many educated idiots going to church

Anonymous said...

Singapore can follow N.Korea's example also,that is pick 10% of loyalists and groom them,but our elites 10% all want their sons and daughters to go to USA for IVY league,who want their kids to go Olympic?
It is very easy to get GOLDs if they want but they do not have such desire.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Hitchens said.....being slaves is a very tempting proposition. People like the idea 24 hrs divine surveillance

Anonymous said...

Yes.only in third world countries where there are many desperate kids that would devote their lives to sports . It is that for them or become prostitutes or laborers working for peanuts. In Sin, the children rather sell insurance our real estate than live the hard life of a sportsman

Anonymous said...

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Never have your SS# printed on your checks I think that is when some people emboldened by the earlier Pythagorean partial inclusion of the knowledge into Therapeutae systems like the Essenes, started to study it and write something about it These chemicals, as well as chemicals in the water supply, reduce the good bacteria in the gut) Your community may only have vets that do a little bit of everything ? and there's nothing wrong with that, if that's all that's available, but I'll remind you ? you usually go to a specialist for your health issues, don't you?If you're new in the community, or haven't needed a vet before ? word of mouth is a great way to start looking for a new vet

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