
Divide and rule in the Middle East…and Asia

As war looms with the US conniving with the Israelis to attack Iran, the rest of the pathetic Arab countries could only watch with disdain. The rest of the world pretends to look the other way. Where is the UN and why is the UN and western media not condemning such an aggression? Some of the Arab states have been targets of regime change and in a state of turmoil, some were semi colonies of the US, needing the Americans to support the regimes, and some were so under developed militarily that they were inconsequential.

These encourage Israel, with the US backing, to strike at any Arab state it likes, at its own time, even talking about it openly without fear. The shit Arab countries could not do anything as they were individually too weak to hit at the Israelis. The western media and western countries would report the whole show as if it was a virtuous war, a right thing to do, to hit at any Arab state, including the current target, Iran. Politically, militarily, economically, religiously, they have all the good reasons to hit at any Arab states to cripple them and prevent them from becoming strong and independent countries.

Now what can the silly Arabs do, splitted, divided, weakened, just like the rest of Africa, and facing the Evil Empire and a powerful bully with superior arms armed and provided by the Evil Empire? If only the Arabs were united, if only the Evil Empire does not arm Israel to the teeth, Israel would not be so foolhardy and confident to take on the Arab world.

The western formula of divide and rule is effective in the past and still effective today. While they divide their enemies, they stand united, like how they united themselves to wipe out the Red Indian tribes to take over their country, the continent of North America.

The Middle East is suffering the same fate, divided and at the mercy of the western powers led by the Evil Empire with Israel as the point man. The same formula is being introduced into Southeast and East Asia. The silly Asians must be divided just like the Arabs and be at the mercy of the Empire. Favour a few, dangle a few carrots, and make them dance, or unite them, like they did in conquering North America. This time it is to unite Japan, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, India and possibly the rest of the Asean states to launch a concerted attack on China. The call is now for Asean to stand united with the Empire to conquer China and turn it into another North America.

The future of Asean is very bright, to own a piece of China and be a member of the Empire. This is the course being charted for them by the Evil Empire. The temptation is very sexy.

The world, especially Africa and the Middle Eastern countries and also Asean, must watch what this Evil Empire is doing, how it is going to work, cloak and dagger, to wipe out Iran. And that is the lesson to be learnt, the true nature of the Evil Empire, attacking any country it so chooses, by giving it a tag.


  1. In today's world, the Western nations just need to allege that their country have lost billions in revenue due to tax evasion and they can bring any country to its knees. Kind of like our ISA.

    Its a much cheaper way to achieve the same purpose.

  2. The trouble is that some stupid Asian and Middle Eastern countries fall for the trick, time and again.

    No need to feel sorry for them at all. They love to be beholden and subservient to the whites.

    In the end, it is still dogs and Asians not allowed!

  3. every night i make doa, so pray pray man that's your hope. eventually they will fall if not die like everyone else. will not see the glory forever.

  4. H.Clinton warns Africa to beware of the new colonialist.Unlike their past white masters who pillage without giving much in return, this Asian giant actually helping to build their infrastructure and sunk in big money in exchange for raw materials.
    Having gone thru' bad experiences before, the Africans are smart enough to give her the middle finger.
    Some Asian countries just never learn

  5. A law-twisting, reality-distorting charge against China over South China Sea
    Xinhua | 2012-8-17 17:36:25
    By Agencies
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    Foreign media may have the freedom to opine on the disputes between China and some of its neighbors over the South China Sea, but the last thing they should do is to pile unfounded charges against China without solid, justifiable evidence.

    It seems that few media have ever shown any willingness to do so, whether out of prejudice or other intentions. The latest example is an editorial published Thursday by The Washington Post, arguing that the United States "is right to assail China on its South China Sea claims."

    The article lashed out at what it called China's "expansive claim to the sea," asserting that "the claim encroaches on some of the 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zones granted to other countries by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."

    The accusation is fundamentally ungrounded as it wrongly asserts that whatever is within the 200-nautical-mile waters off a country's shores, such as isles and reeves, belongs to that country regardless of whether or not the claimant has sovereignty over them.

    It is not right to apply the UN convention to the South China Sea issue, which centers on the sovereignty over some islands and reefs in the water. China has indisputable sovereignty over those territories based on ample historical facts.

    The artical also criticized China's "harrying of the Philippines and the Vietnam over disputed fishing and oil drilling rights."

    However, the fact is that China has exercised maximum restraint on the South China Sea issue and proposed to shelve disputes and seek joint development, in a bid to prevent escalations and maintain peace and stability in the region.

    It is some countries' illegal fishing activities and occupation of some Chinese islands and reefs, emboldened by Washington's "selective blindness," that have fueled tensions in the area.

    Besides its ignorance of historical facts and lack of basic legal knowledge, the Washington Post did reveal the true intention of Wasington's "pivot to Asia" strategy -- the containment of China.

    The article commended the overt US strategy, which included ratcheting up the US naval forces in the Pacific, as "a seminal move to counter China's rising influence."

    Beijing hopes that Washington would play a positive and constructive role in the Asia Pacific and stop meddling in the bilateral maritime disputes that should be resolved only by China and its neighbors.


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  6. correction : The Africans were polite enough not to give her the middle finger. But right behind her back and smiling faces, they must be laughing at her at the hypocrisy in calling the kettle black, except in this case the kettle isn't even black


  7. Home / Opinion / Editorials
    Japan should restrain itself
    Updated: 2012-08-17 08:11
    ( China Daily)
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    Despite it being the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations being normalized between the two countries, Japan has continually tested China's patience this year with one provocation after another.

    In fact, it seems intent on escalating them to find the limits of China's tolerance.

    In its latest move, the Okinawa prefectural police and Japan Coast Guard detained 14 Chinese citizens that visited the Diaoyu Islands on Wednesday.

    The detention of these Chinese citizens is illegal and invalid, because the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory. Japan should free them immediately and without conditions.

    Since normal diplomatic relations were restored in 1972, the relationship between China and Japan has progressed, despite lurching from one crisis to another.

    However, since April, when Shintaro Ishihara, the governor of Tokyo, proposed that the Tokyo government buy the islets from their "private Japanese owners", the latest crisis has become increasingly serious because Japan has repeatedly added more fuel to the fire.

    It is in danger of turning its bid to seize China's islands into a dangerous flashpoint. Ishihara, especially, seems determined to push the dispute to an unmanageable level.

    In an interview in Tokyo on Wednesday, Ishihara said that Japan should build a military post on the islets and punish the 14 Chinese citizens quickly according to Japanese law. He also called on Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to land on the Diaoyu Islands.

    When Republic of Korea President Lee Myung-bak visited islands that both countries claim sovereignty over, Japan lodged a protest and recalled its ambassador to the ROK. It said it plans to file a suit on the issue with the International Court of Justice and urged Seoul to refrain from making further efforts to cement its illegal occupation of the islands.

    Yet, that is exactly what Japan is doing, as it is illegally occupying China's Diaoyu Islands.

    Japan also has a territorial dispute with Russia over four islands off Hokkaido, which are claimed by Japan, but held by Russia. The Japanese government is taking many approaches to resolve the issue with Moscow.

    However, we see only one approach from Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, and that is confrontation.

    Unless it is determined to start a full-blown confrontation, Japan, which initiated it, should put an end to the crisis.

    Eagles Eye

  8. When Japan war invading China and imposed all the unequal treaties on China, it told the Chinese that the fault was because China was weak. And Japan took advantage to commit aggression and seized Chinese land including Taiwan, Ryukyu chain of island and Diaoyu islands.

    China then was really very weak, broken by the concerted actions of foreign powers.

    Today, if hostility breaks out, China will tell Japan that it is strong, but China is now stronger. And all the debt and unequal treaties and all the land grabbed by Japan would be repaid with interests.

    The Japanese, especially the militants, would not think so and still believe that could run all over China and do a repeat.

    The combined Koreans would be able to take on the Japanese on their own and also have a lot of debt to settle with the Japanese.

    Let the Japanese continue to be cocky and see what happens?

  9. The comment below is from a Netizen of Globaltimes. Here he is adding his comment on Southernglory's article on Western and Japanese wars of aggression against China in the past.
    He writes under his seudonymn :unconventional thinker.

    Anonymous said...

    When Japan war invading China and imposed all the unequal treaties on China, it told the Chinese that the fault was because China was weak. And Japan took advantage to commit aggression and seized Chinese land including Taiwan, Ryukyu chain of island and Diaoyu islands.

    China then was really very weak, broken by the concerted actions of foreign powers.

    Today, if hostility breaks out, China will tell Japan that it is strong, but China is now stronger. And all the debt and unequal treaties and all the land grabbed by Japan would be repaid with interests.

    The Japanese, especially the militants, would not think so and still believe that could run all over China and do a repeat.

    The combined Koreans would be able to take on the Japanese on their own and also have a lot of debt to settle with the Japanese.

    Let the Japanese continue to be cocky and see what happens?

    August 18, 2012 9:57 AM


  10. Those camel-fucking rag heads of Iran need to be nuked off the face of the earth.

    Then hopefully we can have cheaper petrol ;-)

    Selamat Hari Raya.

  11. Wait, Iran is an Arab state?

    Wow, did anyone inform the Persians making up the majority of the population in Iran?

  12. There are no more Persians and Egyptians, or Lebanese. These days they are all ARABS.
