
Alienation of the leadership

There was a time when aspiring leaders will shout, follow me, and jump into the deep end of any crisis to face the bullets first. Leadership is by leading, by setting examples, by telling and doing what leaders expect the followers to do. When leaders lead by examples, the followers will follow all the way. When leaders say charge, and they stand behind to watch, who is going to charge, who is going to be the idiot to be shot first? Only the soldiers can do that.

When leaders eat rice, the men eat rice. When the men eat porridge or gruel, the leaders too did the same. That is what leadership is all about, be with the people, share wealth and toil, share joy and woes. The men will not mind if the leaders have rice and they have porridge or gruel. It would be something else when the leaders have meat and fish and the men have only plain gruel. Got it?

When leaders demand to be paid in the millions and told the people it is alright to live with $1k pm. When leaders demand to live in 20k sq ft properties and build smaller and smaller flats for the people, and tell the people to live within their means, I think you got a problem.

When leaders declare that wide income gap is normal and the wider the gap the more normal it is, you got a bigger problem. There is a big gap, a credibility gap. The daft followers will continue to follow blindly. They are not daft for no reason. But not many are daft, and not many will remain daft all the time.

Serve NS to protect what? To protect the huge properties and wealth of leaders, or their little shoe box flats? Heard or pragmatism? Or nothing of their own to protect since they don’t even own a little flat to cover their heads? Only daft Sinkies will protect other people’s wealth and well being when their well beings don’t mean anything to those they are protecting. Does this make sense or so difficult to understand? What is an aspiration? A belief that is good to believe in only, a make belief.

Is there a connect, or a credibility gap between the leaders and the led? Do the leaders lead by setting good examples that the people will die for, or to die for an aspiration? Is everyone is part of a bigger whole, everyone feels that they are part of a bigger entity called nation and country?

Maybe the people don’t mind living within their means and dying for their great leaders bathing in wealth and glory. After all they have been told to know and accept their lesser stations in life.


  1. I like the title of this post - Alienation. We are indeed becoming a nation of aliens.

  2. There are two groups of people in this country, the elites and non-elties.

  3. 'Short of saying that this elderly man’s IQ or EQ is suspect, that he did not find anything wrong complaining to Minister Shanmugam who is obviously an Indian'
    I read it as sign of desperation,hope that I am wrong.

  4. You described North Korea quite well.

  5. There are many people who don't recognize nor respect their leadership. It is a fact. Base on the votes, the current president is quite thick skin you know.

    But it is not respectful to say it to their faces. So we never do.

    And all is well :)

  6. Better tune in to FM 90.5 lah LOL

  7. Actually, if you say it to their faces, their faces will turn Indian MUAHAHAHAHA

  8. Yah, then the ppl will have to talk like Slyvia LOL

  9. Talk is cheap. Every year talk talk and no follow up. If ever give people something after the talk, more would be sucked back to the governement. No win situation all the while. They know it and hopefully we should know it by now.

  10. Real people lead themselves because they can think critically and act independently.

    Sheeple, on the other hand need to be led or they will collapse in a pile of fear -- fear of having to make decisions and take responsibility for one's own life.

    Sheeple are so scared of making mistakes, they would rather someone else make decisions. If the decision turns out to be "wrong", then the balls-less Sheeple automatically have someone to blame and can therefore console each other and form "victims support groups".

    In those groups they can cry together, hug each other, rant, vent (aka "sharing"), one-up each other on who has the most "terrible life", and reinforce each other's terrible lives.

    Sometimes these victims pay THOUSANDS of dollars for these "encounter" sessions.

    The victims are made to feel worse. And then in their weakened state are indoctrinated to form a cult...and then "miraculously" feel better for having spent THOUSANDS.

    Networking for Victims :-)

  11. Where don't play FM 90.5? You tell me where?

  12. Where don't play FM 90.5? You tell me where?

  13. What talk you Matilah? We are never victims. Those who spoke TRUTHFULLY are always...VICTORS :)

  14. they must always bear in mind....the truth fucks.

  15. They are those who insist on leading the lives of sheeples thinking that they are born leaders or even immortals.

    Or maybe they are being paid so much so they must do justice to the pay they are getting, to keep doing something to show that they are working.

    The smart ones will just keep quiet and keep collecting the millions without doing anything. And nobody notices.

  16. "And nobody notices."

    Generally, that's true. MSM is and has always been controlled. When you use it, do bear that in mind :)

  17. PAP Joke
    A glass half full:

    An Opposition politician says "The glass is half empty."
    An MIW says "Who has been drinking my water?"

  18. They want to justify their day light robberies but don't want you to shit on their FACES. When you speak like "no big no small", their fragile egos get hurt and they lose face ....make them feel and look like shit for swallowing people's taxes.

    So they too enforce "thai sovereign laws" ... don't shame your emperor with no clothes or be excommunicated in the court of their laws

    Very shameful indeed to have such leaders so when you next address them, try not to sound like people with no IQ and EQ or..."nobody notices"

  19. PAP Jokes - Slogans for GE 2016

    1. Vote PAP. It's much easier than thinking.

    2. I hate political jokes. I've seen too many of them getting re-elected.

    3. Vote PAP. There's no mistake like an old mistake!

    4. Annoy an MIW. THINK!

  20. Anonymous said...
    There are many people who don't recognize nor respect their leadership. It is a fact. Base on the votes, the current president is quite thick skin you know.

    But it is not respectful to say it to their faces. So we never do.

    And all is well :)

    August 28, 2012 10:32 AM

    So thick skin meh? No shame one

  21. It is a shitty political system. Who implemented one? American or British ah? Fiak them and fiak blind followers for following fart.

    Err..offensive or not? hahaaaaa

  22. Oi, you ah beng...can say nicely or not? Like... Perhaps there is a problem with our political system? Maybe our highly esteamed political leaders should spend some time reflecting on why they keep getting slimed on line?

  23. That's nice meh? Prease lah....shit is shit ok muahahahaha

  24. RB! Please ban Ah Beng. Thank you

  25. There are many great and powderful Ah Bengs in Sin.


  26. Mr Chua,

    Are you suggesting that the best system is that of 大锅饭 ?

  27. The leaders have big hearts, some even opened their hearts and yet you people are so hard hearted as not to appreciate them.
    When you cannot cope either bcos you are lazy or born stoolid, they subsidize your housing, give yr children bursary and help you with gst and utilities bill etc.
    You anyhow gamble yr money, go Batam, Hatyai or geylang anyhow spend, they help to keep yr money safe. Yet you're not grateful or even appreciate.
    Is there a better government? What do you say?

  28. Is there a better government?

    Of course.
    GE 2016.
    Beyond LKY.
    Beyond PAP.

    The future is in our hands.
    Take it.
    It's ours.

  29. Yes, it makes moi so heart broken to see our leaders opened their hearts to care for the people, yet their kindness only invited skepticism and worse cynicism.
    Many of our cabinet are born in Malaysia and when we ran short of space or things got too expensive, they helped us to get cheaperest and bestest places to save us poor people. They come here to serve and work for us, yet they are not appreciated.

    Listen to the PM, have big hearts and open your limbs wide to welcome friends from abroad. One day, we may have to stay at their lands.

  30. Sorry for a typo error "Many of our cabinet members are born in Malaysia"

  31. Ya, they work so hard that the people willingly pay them so much to look after the people's savings and to help the people invest the savings. They also help the people with the people's money. They created savings scheme with the people's savings as pension schemes to help themselves and the people's retirement. And they are afraid that the people will squander away their savings so they make sure the people have to keep a lot of money in their savings until they die.

  32. You ppl are funny. You give your key to a salesman to your house and grant him 5 years to do as he pleases. First thing he did was to turn off the light and you have to wait 5 years to switch it back on before you hang the key back to him again.

  33. I am so envious of their big hearts, to open their hearts to give to the people. Unfortunately I don't have a heart and cannot be so generous.

  34. U got no heart no problem, each person in white may have one tens times bigger than normal. They are the people that count as they call the shot.
    Even if i got 100 hearts, there is nothing i can do to our alien frens, cos i m powerless.

  35. Hope you like my latest article on big heart.
