
When justice stood firm

This is an unbelieveable Sinkie story of the year. A cleaner challenging the PM on a point of law. The AG office going all out to get the case dismissed. And a judge that stood firm and wants it to be heard, something that many Sinkies do not believe will happen in their life time.

Justice Philip Pillai has dismissed AG’s second attempt to strike out the Hougang by-election case in High Court. The case is now set for hearing on 16th and 17th of July in open court.

Mdm Vellama, 42, filed her application in High Court in March after the Hougang seat became vacant and after the Prime Minister’s statement that he could decide ‘whether and when’ to call a by election. It thus became a case of how much discretion a PM has with regards to the calling for a by election. Apparently the law is not quite clearly defined and subject to interpretation and the PM’s discretion.

Vellama was just asking for an interpretation of the law. I am still puzzle why the AGC is bent on dismissing this case which would mean that no one is wiser about the law.

It is astonishing for the court to stay its position and to grant a hearing to clarify this part of the law. I am sure all citizens would want to know what the law really meant and the limits of the PM’s discretion, and also the need to call a by election when a seat is vacant.

This is the kind of transparency we need and we want in a rule of law country, when the law is clear to everyone. Cheers to the judiciary system. My respect to Judge Philip Pillai. He has won so much admiration for his ruling and a pat on the judiciary system.


Anonymous said...

Judge Philip Pillai has set a very good example for all the judges and legal officers to follow,"Without fear,without favour"-this is exactly they learnt from law schools.

Anonymous said...

Something is happening in Sinkie land. I am not sure what it is but recent events suggest something weird is happening? Is it a change of heart as promised or something else?

Anonymous said...

I would also like to see the judges make a ruling on the Pro Alien Party's Pledge of $4 billion dollars to the IMF.

Anonymous said...

If the money come from our Reserves, is the President aware of this commitment? Is there a need to ask him?

I like Ike said...

It's good that Mdm Velamma gets a hearing, but as the saying goes it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Let's see how the honourable judge rules on the arguments before congratulating him.

By the way, it would be useful for the judge to also talk about whether and when vacancies in GRCs should be filled as there were a few cases where the party whose GRC MP died "decided" that a by-election was not needed. Is that true? We should be told.

Anonymous said...

When the judge or any judge is perceived or proven to be bias, partial or bending towards the political direction dictated by the government (any government), it is the end of democracy. In this kind of environment, no human being is equal. The justice system is no longer trusted. Is this the choice that Singaporeans made when they continue to vote without thinking beyond the miserable handouts they received.

Anonymous said...

I applaud Judge Pillai's stand on by-election issue.
I also applaud KJ's stand on the IMF issue.

The electorate and the citizens of this country want to, and have every right to know clearly the constitutions and what it really means, for future incidences. This is an educational opportunity for everyone to take an interest in our judiciary/political/parliamentary structuring and understanding.

Anonymous said...

According to the Constitution, in a GRC, as long as one MP is still around, there is no need to call for a bi election.

Anonymous said...

What is the role of the President, if he cannot reply to the IMF loan.

What is the use of paying him such a high salary.

Anonymous said...

Singapore Fairy Tale?

Limpeh kali kong;
"The role of the Executive President is to protect the reserves."

And you believe this?

Anonymous said...

Hi Redbean

Sorry separate issue.

Take a look at latest article from


Looks like we have proof of Singapore accounting fraud and very likely massive losses from GIC and Temasek

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Balding is doing a very serious piece of work on our SWFs and the reserves. The ball is now on the govt's court to reply. Failing to do so will only be acquiescence and the numbers churned out by Balding will look more believeable and accepted as the truth by the public.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for swift reply.

We have the first piece of evidence of serious budget manipulation, where many people have gone to jail before.

Now we need to know how severe our losses are.

This looks like major scandal in the works.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The numbers churned out by organisations and govts are just numbers done selectively to tell a story they wanted to tell.

Always look at what they are doing? Are they scrambling for more money or are they distributing the profits? These will tell you the health of the organisations or govts.

Another is the general values of stocks. When stocks plunged, the values of their holdings, since they have so many, must on the average plunged as well and vice versa.

These are real indicators that are difficult to hide.

Anonymous said...

Would have been interesting had Tan Jee Say became president. Anyway have no illusion of the president doing anything or can do anything at all with the pailament in MIW control.

Anonymous said...

Need to give another pay hike for the President.

Anonymous said...

For knowing how to keep quiet in four different languages?

Anonymous said...

'Looks like we have proof of Singapore accounting fraud and very likely massive losses from GIC and Temasek
July 12, 2012 12:27 PM'

BUT, who is to give or seek clarification and arraignment if crime is committed ?


Anonymous said...

"This is the kind of transparency we need and we want in a rule of law country, when the law is clear to everyone. Cheers to the judiciary system. My respect to Judge Philip Pillai. He has won so much admiration for his ruling and a pat on the judiciary system.", Redbean.

Can Sin produces a JUSTICE PAO(Pao Qing Tian), the Legend Of Justice?

Anonymous said...

@ Darlin

BUT, who is to give or seek clarification and arraignment if crime is committed ?

Things are getting interesting. Our govt now has 2 sets of accounts - one for SG and one for world bank. By their own hands they were caught.... only a matter of time to see whether a major scandal will blow up

Anonymous said...

Let's call for more transparency since this govt is so famous in its stand for transparency, and also accountability. Would they live up to it?

Anonymous said...

Lets put this to rest and ask CSM to table this in Parliament, and see what the MIWs got to say. Or any smart ass here got better ideas ?

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous said...

Lets put this to rest and ask CSM to table this in Parliament, and see what the MIWs got to say. Or any smart ass here got better ideas ?

We should ask the president and CPIB separately what do they think about having 2 different accounts.

Anonymous said...

You seem to be the smartest here.

Anonymous said...

On the contrary, reduce all ministers salary and you might find the cost of living coming down in tandem.

Anonymous said...

Why? Because then they will be serious to bringing prices down since they have less to splurge.

Anonymous said...

Ask the President ? Who will go ask him ? Shall we have a volunteer here? I think its too tedius and too long process.

CPIB, lets not jump the gun, you need to have proof othwerise they will invite you for high tea at 5 star hotel instead.

Others got any ideas here ?

Anonymous said...

Don't be so unkind lah. They sacrifice so much for you and you want to reduce their salaries. You know that at $50k a month they want to die already, cut some more they will all quit. Then your HDB flat price drops.

Anonymous said...

By now i dont think anyone can depend on EP to question MIW. His job is to watch the parade and wave to the people come 9 aug. That is my impression of the EP.

Anonymous said...

Enough said. Who got any ideas how to solve the accounts thingy since someone brought it up ?

Anonymous said...

Good idea. Once they quit, real talents will replace them. HDB price so high for what?

Sorry if you want to live in expensive hdb flats. Go live in private lah before hdb price drop. I want my children to be able to afford cheap hdb flats and not become debtors for life.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous said...

Ask the President ? Who will go ask him ? Shall we have a volunteer here? I think its too tedius and too long process.

CPIB, lets not jump the gun, you need to have proof othwerise they will invite you for high tea at 5 star hotel instead.

Others got any ideas here ?

Two set of accounts... still need 'proof'? It is the President job to check and ask.

Anonymous said...

Please comrades, wait for the President? Like what I said, I suggested that we ask CSM to table in Parliament and let the MIWs answer, and settle it.

Anonymous said...

So if the president cannot do this, cannot do that, why bother to say so many nice things he is suppose to have power with? The way I see, he is no different from all the past presidents. Mainly ceremonial roles.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous said...

Please comrades, wait for the President? Like what I said, I suggested that we ask CSM to table in Parliament and let the MIWs answer, and settle it.

Agree with you... alternatively lets wait to see part 2 from Balding.

The white elephant in the room is getting way to big to ignore...especially with someone accusing govt of financial reengineering

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone... actually i think it will get explosive soon.

Balding calls it accounting fraud.... ..... The ball is in the govt court now to prove otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Q. How many presidents does it take to change a light bulb?

A1. What makes you think the President wants to change the light bulb?

A2. Before the light bulb can be changed. First the President must know where is the light bulb.

Anonymous said...

"According to the Constitution, in a GRC, as long as one MP is still around, there is no need to call for a bi election."

Exactly, that is why people ask what is the f@#$king point of GRC ? How a last-man-standing GRC has minority representation, contary to what PAP is preaching. You means that mp can be a chinese, malay, tamil, etc or race at the same time ?

Anonymous said...

"Balding is doing a very serious piece of work on our SWFs and the reserves. The ball is now on the govt's court to reply. Failing to do so will only be acquiescence and the numbers churned out by Balding will look more believeable and accepted as the truth by the public."

Hello, Redbeans,
our clowns have been evading Chris's findings for months with defeafening silence. Does that not tell you anything ?

Anonymous said...

"Can Sin produces a JUSTICE PAO(Pao Qing Tian), the Legend Of Justice?"

Maybe our Justice Bao already somewhere in singapore being detained without trial, enjoying 24hrs protection with free makan.

Anonymous said...


did you notice that Singapore Daily website suddenly become docile and obedient with uninterestng posts ? The site undergoes layout changes that as good as useless (don't tell me they don't know). Anyone suspect that they have been invited to kopi session ?

Anonymous said...

most likely invited to kopi session, i wonder the kopi nice or not? yakun or kiliney type? or 3 in 1 ?

Anonymous said...

You want the President to look into himself?
Maybe he looks into the mirror everyday
see if his new blazer makes him
looks great.

tocqueville said...

It will be interesting to watch the future career moves of Justice Pillail.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Regarding the silence on Balding's findings, this was a good strategy in the past without internet. Things just cool down and got forgotten without the media reporting. With internet, it will not only be repeated again and again, like what Balding is doing, it will go viral in emails and the net. The fire will keep burning.

SingaporeDaily is just doing a facelift and maybe trying to be more of everything. No lim kopi thing lah.

As for Justice Pillai, it will be good if the public keep track on the route of advancement for judges especially in Pillai.

Anonymous said...

The future looks bright for Justice Pillai. In the long term he could jolly well be inducted into PAP.

Anonymous said...

Justice Bao worked for the emperor
and when he found high Imperial Officials guilty, he executed them liked any other convicts.

Will there be an equivalence in Sg?

Anonymous said...

"Justice Bao worked for the emperor"

No, no. It is different in uniquely Singapore. It must be unique that Justice Bao get executed by the emperor before it do more harm to sycophants and bootlickers of the emperor and his dynasty. You see, the sychphants and bootlickers are very highly-paid to carry ball to the emperor and his successor otherwise how do these god and demi-god feel that they are the 真命天子 with mandate from heaven to rule over the lesser mortals. The monarchy must go on.

As for Singapore daily, it just not change of the layout. Just trust your instinct with what is posted in that site, and you notice that those posts are basically useless and play-safe-type. You also notice that it has less frequent update now. It is more likely that they have invited to drink some of the finest kopi session in Sincity, though not necessarily by men-in-blue but men-in-white ? I'm sure everyone feels that Singapore daily is not relevant now, and it will not be missed.

Anonymous said...

No one because the 60% gambled their future as well as that of the 40% to MIW.

Anonymous said...

We can call and call until the cow comes home. Only when the 60% wake up will there be any possibility to call the MIW to account.