
Revolt of the Sinkie millionaires

Sinkieland can possibly boast of having the highest percentage of millionaires in the world, be it by population or by per sq foot basis. Throw a stone into the crowd in the shopping centres or the two resorts, or in Raffles Place or Shenton Way, one in two is likely to be a millionaire in net worth, counting his HDB flat and savings in CPF. The latter two will make them smile at most and nothing they could do to them as the bulk is untouchable.

There is a distinct difference between the real millionaires and the Sinkie millionaires. The real ones are full of money in their pockets, can afford several houses, cars and mistresses if they wanted. They live a life of leisure, and their wives and mistresses enjoy the lifestyle of tais tais, going for afternoon tea and chat the days away, and travelling in their big limousines.

Many of the Sinkie millionaires could never get near to this kind of lifestyle. Many will be made bankrupt on admission to hospital for a serious op or having to stay for more than 30 days. Many will end up selling their homes at old age to survive as their savings, despite one of the highest in the world, will never be enough to feed inflation. Many of these millionaires will have a hard time paying their mortgages, sending their children to schools or even owning a car. They could not even afford to pay for nursing homes for their parents and have to send them away to JB.

In other countries, a millionaire is normally someone who is pretty well off and very comfortable financially. The Sinkie millionaires are often waiting anxiously for govt handouts and subsidies to save their skins as many would be deep in debt.

The dull and daft Sinkies would still believe that they are millionaires but more and more would soon realise that they are only paper millionaires. An awakening is coming soon when the millionaires realise that they are just like any middle class or lower middle class citizens elsewhere who, very likely live a better, easier and less pressurised lifestyle than them. Many of the maids that they hired, ordered around, bullied or abused are going home to live a richer and more carefree life than them without having any inkling of being a millionaire. Even the foreign workers are going home to live in much bigger houses than the four concrete walls millionaires could afford here.

There will be no uprising of the miserables in Sinkieland. If there is going to be any, it will be a revolution of the Sinkie millionaires, the millionaires who can only feel rich with their CPF statements and imagine that they have all those money in their savings. The reality is that not only they could hardly lay hands on their illusory wealth, by the time they get to touch them, the money would probably be worthless.

They have started to gripe and kpkb about it. This is the beginning of a systemic change, a rude awakening, that a millionaire in Sinkieland is actually another average worker trying to make ends meet and nothing else. They will revolt and vote for an alternative party that can make them really richer and not slaves to an unworthy property and money that they thought were theirs but hardly. The only way to feel richer is to liquidate and leave for a cheaper country. Other than that, the illusory wealth is all tied up in the property and the CPF. A sense of well being of a millionaire but not living like one.


Anonymous said...

How true. Unfortunately will it be too late to reverse the man made tsunamis of problems that the over priced and over hyped miw created? Looking forward to 2016 for more GRCs to join oppositions. Who knows we might get 80 opposition mps with the 60% opposition voters. That will be really interesting.

Anonymous said...

So in other words foreigners who owns assets in Sinkieland are the actual bonafide millionaires. For example, a Malaysian PR who sells his HDB flat for $700k will be a multi millionaire the moment he repatriates his proceeds back to Malaysia. S$700k x RM.2.50 = RM1.75million.

Anonymous said...

Looks like it. Can any Sinkie sell his $1m HDB to live it off? Can, if he can get another cheaper place and spend the balance, if there is any after CPF made its first claim on capital plus interest, and HDB may make another claim on the profit if seller wants to buy another HDB. Think nothing much left.

agongkia said...

Buy Toto,go casino or convert your 200 SIN dollar into Rupiahs.You can fulfil your dream.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing about HDB millionaires.
The HDB flat belongs to HDB (govt.)
Not the HDB millionaire.

If you really "own" your HDB flat.
How come you must get HDB's permission before you are allowed to rent out "your" HDB flat?

Anonymous said...

Imagine if they did not sell the million dollar flat when the lease expires.

Anonymous said...

If I am not wrong, it is net assets,ie, after deducting your loan.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I am all confused about HDB flats and land. Who is actually the owner of the land on which HDB flats are built? Is it HDB itself or is it the SLA? If HDB is the land owner, the lessor, then shouldn't HDB be paying property tax. But why are HDB lessees paying tax? It doesn't make sense. As a rule, all private property owners, being the lessors, pay property tax but the lessees do not. Could it be that the SLA is the owner of the land and the HDB is the lessee? If this is the case then what becomes of the flat purchaser?

Can any one enlighten me on this?

Anonymous said...

Say, you are wrong. When one US$ is equal to more than 9 thousand rupiahs, Indonesia should have more rupiah millionaires.

I remember years ago, one Japanese motorcycle grand prix winner in the Singapore race circuit being given about S$9K prize money, and he commented that he was now a millionaire when converting his prize money into Yen. Japan also should have millionaires by the hundreds of millions.

Just wait lah! All Singaporeans are near millionaires. Soon, we will become the first country in the world occupied by 100% millionaires. I am so comforted by such thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Redbean

Couldn't agree with you more


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, despite your gripes, you can't deny that there are many seriously wealthy people here lah. And they are true-blue native Singaporeans.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

MS, you dumbass. Everyone knows RB was talking about the HDB millionaires that are paper millionaires coz of the inflated value of their flats.

Sure lah, plenty of real millionaires that are worth tens or thousands of millions. Why talked about the obvious?

Anonymous said...

Well,except those REAL millionaires who are Singaporeans(PR) but foreign citizens,they will be laughing all the way to their foreign banks.

Anonymous said...

Well said. MS is a troll?

Anonymous said...

That's right. Too bad for singaporeans. We allow ourselves to be in this predicament when continue to follow blindly the propagandas of the miw. It is a SINgapore CITY.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Dudes, fuck you, ignorant twats.

When a "quitter" like me knows more about your cuntree than you, you better hang your shit heads in shame.

It is not uncommon to have REAL millionaires living in HDB. I know people who own lots of private properties -- shops, condos, landed property -- who die-die won't leave their 5-room situated in "mature" estates.

Be careful how you make sweeping generalisations. Or you'll give away your ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Hoe much do you know other than geylang?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Say "hi" to you mum. And tell her to wash properly.

Oh, and I apologise for cumming in her eye. But lucky she's blind in that eye anyway. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Red bean, I think to live like a real millionaire in Singapore, u need to have at least 20 million lar to be equivalent to one million say in Philippine or Indonesia

Anonymous said...

Millionaire must live in a bungalow or penthouse and each good class bungalow is at least 20 million

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anyone who banks on his HDB flat and claim to be a millionaire needs to go back to primary school. How can a 99 year lease be a long term asset?

Anonymous said...

Sell your HDB and own Billion Dollar Property in Indon, Vietnam and India Lah.