
Sinkies are getting naughty

Why are there so many skepticism and criticism about the Woffles case? The law is the law. The Law Minister has explained it clearly on the technical aspects of the law and why it was administered that way. The AGC has also done the unusual, to explain the legality and correctness of the law. The Sinkies should be very grateful that the AGC was kind enough to explain the position to show how fair and proper is our legal system. There is absolutely no favouritism or any undoings.

Now, would Sinkies just accept that it is the law, simple and clear, fair and just? How could laypeople question the legality of the law when the two most authoritative person and body in charge with administering justice in the country have already said that it was right and proper? So what if senior counsels also have their doubts?

Sinkies must accept the law of the country. This country is ruled by the rule of law. And when the law says so, it says so. Let’s move on and let the good surgeon go about with his practice to make many more beautiful people happy. And good thing nobody was hurt.

And like all fairy tales, they all lived happily ever after. A happy ending. Won’t that be nice?


Anonymous said...

Our National Anthem?

"Smoke on the water"
Deep Purple


Anonymous said...

We are at the mercy of the AGC's whim and fancy as to which charges they want to level against you.

Anonymous said...

Nothing can beat the brilliant explanation that if no one is allowed withing 200m from the centre, inside the centre is not within the 200m exclusion limits.

patriot said...

Fully concurs with Redbean.

An offence is an offence.

Laws are man made and
often times, the people who
enacted the Laws hold the
Laws in their own hands.
This means they are the
Authority to interpret and
exercise their Laws.

Who are we to question them?


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I think there is no way that Woffles can appeal for a heavier sentence. Maybe he can donate a sum of money to charity for goodwill without admission of guilty.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The law is an ass! -- Mr Bumble, from Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens.

Anyway, here's what is going to happen: cyberspace will light up for awhile as the chattering classes do what they do best: complain, but after awhile it'll die away.

Knowing the "elites", they are having a good laugh in the privacy of their exclusive clubs and gentlemen's messes, and at the hangouts at Dempsey Rd and Cuscaden Rd areas. Camden Medical Center will continue to generate revenues like the GDP of small nation states.

In short, the world moves on.

Got law?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are damn right. When one is sitting on top of the pile, one is the law. And in private, and in the right company, can can laugh at the silly plebeians for all you know.

Anonymous said...

Hri Kumar is one MP who can think independently in this case. Any other MP can think independently?

Anonymous said...

Singapore Fairy Tale #2

All the Singapore grandfather clocks are still in good working order.
Can still tell the time accurately.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...


In S'pore, if you are well-known, you have to adopt a Machiavellian attitude -- one face for the public (caring, sharing, generous, nationalistic, down-home) and the "real you" you are in private.

You know what I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

hmmm did hri kumar speak out of turn? ie, voicing before the minister pronounced? how will it affect him, his careers? wat do you think?

meanwhile, i wonder what they are still investigating woffles for. and how long it will take. wat do you think?

patriot said...

Will they wait till Woffles Wu is one day older than 80?


Anonymous said...

Doctors practise medicine.
What the hell lawyers practise,except to practise twist and turn.Singkies are rightfully skeptical on the verdict and the attendant punishment

Anonymous said...

Talking about the rule of law or the ruse of law, weneed greater transparency and a much greater respect for human rights if we want to take the dictators to task.

For instance, my friend wants to bring her condo managing agent and the council to task for mismanagement. She tried to reason but couldn't get a straight forward reply( many know what I am talking about when dealing with the authorities) and was ignored.

Where is the right of reply? ( they are afraid to engage further if it undermines their position etc, obviously)

Without your rights, there is no point in talking about the rule of law and justice for the common man.

Dont believe? Try to google about residents rights and who you should seek for justice, you will soon hit a wall.

I suspect, it is true in many other aspect of human rights issues too.

Btw, RB or anyone else, do you know which authority rule over condo management negligence and blatant disregard for residents rights?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't advise her as I am clueless too

Anonymous said...

Small battle for the common man can't win, how to win big fights?

Such hopelessness on the ground already ....is...deliberate!

Anonymous said...

Key is transparency.....they hate it and they are scare of being exposed!

The system and the PSYCHOLOGICAL PRESSURE on the people to keep all the dirt out of public sight, or be sued if you exposed them, works to the advantages of the powers!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Fire the condo manager.

Unless there is a criminal offence, it is all about contractual agreements. Who employs them? They can't be employing themselves unless their company owns the condo. Then they are employees and you can complain to the company.

Anonymous said...

Some are under the law.

Some are apparently above the law.

The law is always perverted by the rich amd distorted by the powerful. They can afford it. Not the poor Sinkies. Does the Durai case proof my point?

So, how shall ordinary Sinkies respect the law?

Anonymous said...

Counsel hires them,managing agent takes their orders
from this selected few and residents are just irritants.

The problem is bad leadership. Of course one can take them to task during AGM. But that's like waiting for election time to change government and often, it is one against the entire machinery.

The problem is an exact carbon copy of general election.

Anonymous said...

Counsel hires them ? What is the counsel ? Counsel means lawyer, or you mean Council ?

Anonymous said...

Every condo is like a miniature PAP running Sin. :)
The difference between PAP government and government by residents is that the latter may have Tom DICKS and hairy presiding over your estate.

If that happens, too bad

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the error..is council

Anonymous said...

Do you know that managing agents are very experience in tai chi.? You will find a lot of scumbags working there .

Anonymous said...

Maybe sell your condo and move to a opposition held condo in Aljunied GRC and Hg? There are quite many there and I last heard all the residents are living happily, but of course you cant rule out Tom Dicks and hairy.

Anonymous said...

Generally, there is nothing one can do, if faced with crappy leadership, because no one wants the hostility generated for exposing these creeps.

Furthermore, the authorities don't really give a damn. There is no right and wrong. Only the court decides what is right and wrong.

In other words, no justice if you don't have the means. Period!

Anonymous said...

A complete carbon copy of the evil ruling system

Anonymous said...

You see, even our knowledgeable RB doesn't know what to do :)

Anonymous said...

If the managing agent does a bad job, it will affect the value of the estate. It is therefore in the reseidents self interest to boot out the managing agent, if enough residents feel the same way.

Otherwise there is nothing you can do. You can either sell it, or self reflect since other residents feel the agent is doing a ok job.

Anonymous said...

Moving away is like abandoning your country if you don't like pap - that's absurd.

What we need is a transparent system. All your neighbors need to be aware of their neighbors problems in the estate so that they can judge who is right or wrong.
This will scare the hell of MA and council members.

Anonymous said...

Well, it will be suffocating if you don't like pap and also don't like the condo managing agents. Better move out of the condo at least you will be happier.

Anonymous said...

"or self reflect since other residents feel the agent is doing a ok job."

Most of them are ignorant or clueless of problems in the estate so how would they know is ok?

Anonymous said...

"Well, it will be suffocating if you don't like pap and also don't like the condo managing agents. Better move out of the condo at least you will be happier."

Yup, the PAP way in getting rid of opposition and opposition supporters.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...looks like 40% of the population better seek green pasture else where. lol.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The most unhappy people must be the opposition leaders. Go tell them pack and go china lah...hahaha..bye bye democracy HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

How do you know China will want to take them ?

Anonymous said...

There is no right and wrong. Only what PAP says is right..it is right. If they say is wrong...it is wrong. The peasant either live with it or move out, understand?

Long live PAP lol

Anonymous said...

Surprised that everyone including MSM and AGC came out so quickly to make comments on this case.

Perhaps they should just have said less - the more they say, the worse it becomes...

Anonymous said...

They are the law and your the lawn!

Anonymous said...

They are the law and you are the lawn!

Anonymous said...

Talking about the rule of law or the ruse of law, weneed greater transparency and a much greater respect for human rights if we want to take the dictators to task.

For instance, my friend wants to bring her condo managing agent and the council to task for mismanagement. She tried to reason but couldn't get a straight forward reply( many know what I am talking about when dealing with the authorities) and was ignored.

Where is the right of reply? ( they are afraid to engage further if it undermines their position etc, obviously)

Without your rights, there is no point in talking about the rule of law and justice for the common man.

Dont believe? Try to google about residents rights and who you should seek for justice, you will soon hit a wall.

I suspect, it is true in many other aspect of human rights issues too.

Btw, RB or anyone else, do you know which authority rule over condo management negligence and blatant disregard for residents rights? @@@@@

I think you proved your point.

Anonymous said...

Not happy?


Anonymous said...

wait for karma....it will come

Anonymous said...

Why the scepticism ?
Because Kangaroo Law and Universal Law cannot be mixed. Kangaroo law is manned for kangaroo, not for human, only human universal law is meant for human consumption.

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Lol! Brilliant! Even Queen Counsel also can't think of it.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The affairs of a condominium is a small mirror of the affairs of the state. The power lies with the people and the resident. Call an AGM or an EOGM, but got to muster enough support from the residents, like voters in a GE. Vote and boot out the management committee or even the council.

The fault lies in the residents/people. Singapore is in such a state, exactly like what is happening in some condos, because the people lost by default. They must be enough expertise in a condominium to rally the people and take the necessary actions.

If the residents could not even do that, how could the people elect a govt that they really want, a govt that really takes care of them?

But all is not in vain. Do an Hougang. Just do it. Get them out.

I have attended an AGM when the management committee behaved like gangsters, talked like gangsters and threatened to finish anyone opposing them. That is how outrages things have become when insolent and thugs took over an organisation. They will behave like thugs.

What to do if the members allowed themselves to be bullied?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Forgot to add. The residents own the condo like the citizens own the country. The country does not belong to any party.

Anyone in office can be booted out and become just like any other Sinkie. Got to find employment and become an employee again unless they have amassed a huge fortune and no need to work any more.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, kick them out and we will live happily ever after. The WP govt will take care of us.

No more stress, no more unemployment, no more MRT jams, if unemployed we will be entitled to generous state benefits, take all we want at 55, HDB suddenly become cheaper and no need to queue (because nobody wants liao), no more RICH people to make us angry green with envy, LTK runs Temasek makes no more losses, all profit trades, citizens no need work liao.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

"Transparency" .

I've been hearing this word from the complaining, unwashed masses since Michael Jackson was considered Afro-American

Several decades later, MJ became white, and died, the unwashed masses are still whining, and throwing around the same word -- transparency.

Same-o same -o.

Nothing's changed.

Anonymous said...

The affairs of a condominium is a small mirror of the affairs of the state. The power lies with the people and the resident. Call an AGM or an EOGM, but got to muster enough support from the residents, like voters in a GE. Vote and boot out the management committee or even the council.

The fault lies in the residents/people. Singapore is in such a state, exactly like what is happening in some condos, because the people lost by default. They must be enough expertise in a condominium to rally the people and take the necessary actions.

If the residents could not even do that, how could the people elect a govt that they really want, a govt that really takes care of them?

But all is not in vain. Do an Hougang. Just do it. Get them out.

I have attended an AGM when the management committee behaved like gangsters, talked like gangsters and threatened to finish anyone opposing them. That is how outrages things have become when insolent and thugs took over an organisation. They will behave like thugs.

What to do if the members allowed themselves to be bullied?

June 19, 2012 8:27 AM

RB, your average joes have no time, and many do not have the smarts, to go up against a bunch of idiots.

It is very exhausting and resource draining because our justice system basically treat little people like idiots.

This great disrespect for the common people is DELIBERATE. The system is designed to keep them immature and to NULLIFY their sense of right and wrong so they become weaklings and subservient to higher powers.

So on the surface, all is at peace. But if you attend the AGM, only a handful of residents turn up. Why?

Very low opinion of the state of affairs. With so many bochup people in society, how can anyone possibly say that the rulers have done great for the nation?

These rulers are nothing but a a hollow shell...all exterior and no substance

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I don't know what cock you are all talking about -- especially when it relates to matters of INTELLIGENCE.

Suffice it to say, the govt is WAY SMARTER (not always in a good way) than the average asshole who still believes his one kucing kurup vote can "make a difference".

The govt have been duping, outsmarting and manipulating the people FOR DECADES already.

Get fucking real lah.

Got government you deserve?

Anonymous said...

Matilah, go back to your corner and masturbate there ....quietly. haaaaaa

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Sure. Ask your floppy titted mom to come and help. ho ho ho ho

Anonymous said...

Matilah_Singapura is the new saviour of Sin. He is also one with substance.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

No I'm definitely not your "saviour". I'm just a guy under the radar who has learnt not only to survive, but to seek opportunity in chaos. Sometimes win, sometime no win.

...but I do enjoy the entertainment ;-)

Anonymous said...

Look at that pathetic Mubarak.

Anonymous said...

"You know how much Temasek and GIC lost?"

You think I care ? You think the general population care ?? Wake up from your WET dreams, you typical Foul mouth F mouth LOSER wallowing in anger and self pity. Nothing's gonna change in your generation, so either you ship out or join in before it is time to checked out. This Temasek thingy has been flogged for so long, explained upteem times but couldn't get through the thick skull. It is NOT gonna work because those in the financial industry and those who are smart enough knows HOW our SWFs are doing, and it is no point for anybody to explain because you DO NOT want to understand.

Bertolt Blecch said...

@ Anonymous June 18, 2012 10:46 AM

Or is the anthem "I Fought The Law and The Law Won"?

Here's a nice appropriate quote from just after Sinkapore turned into an urban developed economy. I mean, a world class fishing village. Er.... ah what the tuck, just read the tucking quote lah!

“Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall, when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.
– Joseph Story, Commentaries on the [US] Constitution, 1833

So, on that storyline, Sinkapore is just about to have a fork stuck in it. Then it'll be done. What Do U Think, fair denizens of this enchanted isle?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

'the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.'

I like that.

Anonymous said...

You are indulging too much into negativism.

Anonymous said...

"the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the people, in order to betray them". Unquote.

Well said! Lip services are given and Sinkies are happy with them.

Such crafty arts are the forte of smart assholes.