
Racist beaten by Chinaman victim

Finally one daft Sinkie stood up to the racists. Alexander Lincoln Chew Yew Wah was taunted and insulted by a Briton, Richard Jonathan Mills, in a members only club in Robertson Quay. He was insulted by the Briton with the third most racist act of the white Europeans centuries ago. Basically the Briton called him a laundryman and told him to go back to his laundry shop in China.

For the ignorant and uninitiated, the Chinamen of old that went to work in the US, and probably in many European countries, most ended up as laundrymen and cooks. The Americans had a racist law that forbade Asians from taking up jobs in other professions. They were only allowed to work as labourers in the construction of the American railroads and yes, cooks and laundrymen. Shit if the same law is applied here, many of us too would be cooks and laundrymen and no dignity to talk about.

Imagine in the 21st century you still have assholes taunting Chinaman, and thinking that Sinkies are Chinamen, with this age old racist taunt. Can’t blame the Briton as all Chinese Sinkies still looked like Chinamen even after they dyed their hair blond or called themselves Alexander Lincolns. It is written all over the face and body that Chinese Sinkies are still Chinese in racial origin.

The must audacious thing for this Briton to do was to taunt Chinese in Sinkie land when the Chinese are a majority. This is racism and arrogance to the first degree. Maybe he still thinks Britain is still the colonial power and all the Chinese here are fit only to be cooks and laundrymen.

I salute Chew Yew Wah for standing up to the racist and bashed him up even when the racist is a much bigger man. Daft and silly Sinkies must stand up to be a man when people spit at them and not be like Ah Q. Otherwise all the foreigners will just go on taunting and insulting them and even beating them up in their own country. And home is no longer safe for Sinkies.

For those ignorant and daft Sinkies, stereotyping Chinese as cooks and laundrymen is definitely derogatory and of very bad taste.


Anonymous said...

Thumbs up for the brave man who was not cowed by a bully.

Anonymous said...

Fail In London Try Hong Kong or Singapore.

Anonymous said...

The underlying statement is that they can screw Sinkies in Sinkieland and like telling the Sinkies what can they do about it.

Remember the case of the few thrash beating up taxi drivers and Sinkies on the road?

Anonymous said...

Agreed! However, isn't it odd that the media is only reporting it 2 years after the case was over.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to LIncoln! Trailer trash will always be trailer trash. FILTH is filth.

Veritas said...

His act of courage could have been choreograph and played by Bruce Lee if Bruce Lee is alive today.

Our racist Ang, PAP, AG, police would play the role of clown.

Anonymous said...

Why would foreigners come here to bully Sinkies?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

If the racist wasn't violent, then initiating violence is an act which should be punished by law.

You don't need to bash people up just because they've insulted you. That is not a sign of maturity.

Shame. You have brought shame on Singapore.

Anonymous said...

Why police no ask angmoh to take civil case against assailant? I remember many cases angmoh beat Sinkies, Sinkies told to take civil suit against attackers.

Kaffein said...

I'd do the same and loose a couple of his teeth too.

Anonymous said...

i wonder what hapopened to Couth in spore. everyone's so busy being totally Uncouth. ang mos, PRCs, pinoys, sub-continentals, and of course sporeans...

instead of climbing mt faber and waiting for tablets (lsd? u dun need for creativity. u seem to be doing quite well in that category), you shld have wandered bukit brown - to find Couth's grave. or maybe Couth was buried at biddadari when it died...

i'm sure i spotted Good Manners grave when i was last at biddadari.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You must be too well bred and comfortable with the main media. The language in social media tends to be more flowery. I called Singaporeans Sinkies. I am a Sinkie.

Incidentally PRC is not uncouth, just proper. I have not graduated to the level of western sophistication to call them chinks, or gooks or slit eyes or yellows.

Now what is so uncouth about angmos and pinoys? And what is subcontinental? You are very familiar with such terms in your vocab.

Anonymous said...

"Why would foreigners come here to bully Sinkies?"
June 20, 2012 11:45 AM

Because the Pro Alien Party has rolled out the red carpet and made it easy to exploit Sinkies?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Aiyah, can't the local take a joke -- some late-night club banter?

Obviously not. The violence speaks volumes about the young man's level of security. He is insecure.

Anyway, 4k for a company director/businessman is probably only a few days pay, at the most; or the cost of one dinner for a few friends. Nothing lah.

He has bragging rights: "I hantam the mat saleh terok terbok, until they call ambulance".


Anonymous said...

He was taunted repeatedly in a crowd. Want him to react like Ah Q? Got slap on the right cheek, offer the left?

Anonymous said...

That Brit should know his place and should have kissed the ground that the Sinkie walked on, since we gave him an opportunity to work here. The ingrate pompy still dare to beat people up.

Does he think singaporean are same as their uncouth hooligan Brits back home?

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 835

There are ways to deal with harassing assholes without breaking the law, hitting the guy and getting yourself a police record.

...but it take courage, self-control and a lot of confidence.

Sadly, our local hero lost his cool.

Let's face it, to want to strike out is a perfectly "natural" instinct -- honour, pride, feelings blah blah bullshit bullshit...

...and then there is the matter of self-control and awareness of one's surroundings: a private club. Striking a patron = very uncool. Police called = more uncool.

Using violence to express disapproval, lousy choice.

Using violence to defend oneself against physical attack, the only choice.

Anonymous said...

The victim Is married to a woman of Chinese descent mother is Singaporean. No way this guy is racist, I've known him for a long time. Chew played the race card to avoid jail.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

From the facts given in the media, the victim was uttering racist slurs. Just by marrying a woman of another race does not make that person not a racist. Kevin Rudd has a Chinese son in law. But his interest and innermost thinking tell what kind of person he is.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, all your justification is exactly like Ah Q. There are times when a person is continuously being provoked, he has to stand up as a man. You don't turn the other cheek every day.

Now there is this silly apologetic thing about a movement to appease the fear of foreigners because of a perceived trend of xenophobia.

I am going to support a cause in the wake of a perceived trend of Sinophobia, when Sinkies are found to be easy victims for bashing by foreigners.

Matilah, would you like to make some excuses for Sinkies being bashed by foreigners for no reasons, like the taxi drivers. They seemed to be favourite targets.

Anonymous said...

RB, don't pray pray hah, this Singapura matilah, yr so-called ah Q gets to screw many angmos ok!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

edbean's & other's fucked Singapore thinking: Ah Kwa = coward, cannot fight.

You obviously don't know that several gay fellas -- the people you call "ah kwa" are fit, buff and can kick your sorry asses, especially those who do muay thai.

redbean, please don't lose your shit over my opinion. Settle this easily -- just ask the cops if it ok to physically strike someone who has "insulted" you.

If you have no time, I'll be happy to email the police and ask them what the proper real-world interpretation of the local law is.

You also have this nasty habit of confusing your arguments. One physical violence is initiated, then the law against violence must be applied.

Those fellas who beat up cabbies are breaking the law. The fella who beat up the Brit broke the law.

There are ways of dealing with verbal racist taunts without resorting to violence and breaking the law.

It take a real man to remain a law abiding citizen, and maintain his dignity whilst dealing with the unpleasantness of others.

I thought a man of your vintage would well know that.

Sadly, once again, I'm mistaken in my assessment of you or your abilities.

Shame on you, redbean.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ah, finally found a chance to sneak in a punch. Bravo: )

Now when did I said Ah Kwa are softies? And did you remember the poor doctor kenna hantam and ended with a few stitches. The brother called the police and was told to take up civil suit. Sue lah.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, please lah. You of all people know that inference of meaning is part of how language is used.

Please don't take my word -- I a but a small-time beach bum, drunken-bar fake lawyer.

So check with the courts or the AGC. A civil suit is usually reserved to claim damages -- for personal loss (tort law). When violence is involved the law courts are there to determine who violated the penal code of the state, and how justice is going to be applied.

Civil suit -- plantiff has choice whether to go ahead or just walk away.

Violation of penal code: no one has choice. The cops write up the charge. Then the magistrate/ judge has the final say.

Anonymous said...

I think RB got class and MS got style. Class and style are different. In style you can have dog style, cat style or horse style. Class a bit classy.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I am top of the class when it comes to dog style ;-)

Anonymous said...

Both are outstanding in their own ways.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, style is style lah. Don't mix style with class okay : )

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Oh Matilah, you are out of touch with the norms as far as people got hantam bokok bokok by foreigners. There have been several instances when the victims were told that they were civil cases and to see their lawyers.

How frustrating can that be?

Anonymous said...

Matilah may be chivalrous and rightsous, but he cares more for fun than justice la.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

If what you say is true, then that is a miscarriage of justice. In fact, it makes a joke of the penal code.

If I were a local victim, I'd be hounding down the AG/ MP/ parliament until I get not only get answers, but action as well. No action, no pakai.

Govt can use the ISA for political purposes, but will not defend the security of individual citizens?

Unacceptable. No excuse.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 158

You are mistaken. I'll defend the rule of law to my dying breath.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Tip for the day, dear anon:

Without the rule of law, you won't be able to have good, dirty, peaceful fun.

Without the rule of law you won't be able to make lots of filthy money legally.

Anonymous said...

The English guy is not racist - he's married to a Singaporean woman and has made SIngapore his home. This Alex Chew got caught and played the race card.

Anonymous said...

Sinkies are all playing card nowadays la. From gambler, doctor, lawyer to politician of course.

Anonymous said...

There is a fine line between rule of law and rule by law.
In Sin, both are applicable.
So, Matilah Singapura, don't think You can win when You face the Law.
Test it if You like.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 413

Yadayadayada...I've heard this so-called "clever" (not!) play on words many times before... give it up, it's tired.

Essentially Singapore is pretty darn safe by world standards. If you are a law abiding citizen, you have no worries.

Anonymous said...

Alexander Lincoln is not racist. He adores the Americans and even called himself Abraham Lincoln. He is dying to be an American.

Calling him Chinaman only rub salt to his wound. Probably he hates himself for being Chinese as well, and this Briton told him to go back to China. Sure very angry one.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Or is it Abraham Lincoln?

Anonymous said...

Alex Chew has a history of assault in clubs whether it be Ang moh or not. He indeed played the race card (Kudos to his lawyer) and got away with very little. Keep this kind of filth off the streets. He also hides under the shadow of Eduardo Saverin if you see him at clubs like Filter, Pangaea and Mink.

Anonymous said...

Additional information - Alex plays rugby and is a very aggressive individual known for a short fuse. Alex is from a very wealthy english speaking family and has many ang mo friends. On this occasion he was drunk and had pushed passed a lot of people in the queue. One person had the guts to ask him to queue like everyone else...

Anonymous said...

What about the poor old malays that we've made such desperate citizens in their own country... aren't we a proud lot...

Btw, Chua Chin Leng, if you're so anti-western, why not wear more traditional chinese clothing? I see your photo you're wearing clothes inspired by the englsih - how could you!?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

For an angmoh who came here and brought along his stereotype sick racist slur, he is every inch a fucking racist. Period.

The incident of cutting queue was an excuse by Alex to go after this racist. He insulted Alex earlier and after being provoked Alex simmered over it but could not take it. He then went to the angmoh who was in front of the queue. Got queue or no queue, Alex was going to take him down.

I am not anti angmoh for anti angmoh sake. I an anti those who were racists but wear a halo on their heads. If you want to bend over for the angmoh, I would not blame you. But I won't pass racist remarks or jokes about you.

Anonymous said...

Anon, you aneh or melayu. You don't seem to think well, a bit kosong up there.

A drunk would not understand a racist slur. A drunk would not follow and attack the racist.

And the angmoh is much bigger than Alex lah. Rugby player so what, also small and would not want to start fight with a bigger man lah.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are right, rich and wealthy and have many angmoh friends. How can Alex be racist?

So simple contradictions also cannot see.

Anonymous said...

Old man sitting at home with nothing to do but blog controversy... try line dancing? Oh hang on, that's not Chinese, maybe some traditional Chinese dance? But hang on, is Singapore China or not? Oh dear... so confusing...

Anonymous said...

I hate ang-mohs but I hate more the SPRs (sorong party girls) of singapore. (mainly of chinese race)who wag their tails whenever they see a ang-moh. We are bring too kind in giving these ang-mohs jobs and they are returning the favor by taking our women.

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