
Fish and his fishy justice

Fish wrote in his blog about the flaunting of injustice in broad daylight, in an article ‘Forget justice in Singapore.’ Fish is angry when things get fishy.

I would like to calm the Fish down a bit, take a deep breath of water and try to look at things from a different perspective, then everything will be right, nothing fishy, the fishy smell will be gone. Fish should try looking into the fishbowl instead of out of the fishbowl. Sure different one.

Fish main gripe was about raising GST to help the poor. He sincerely, honestly, did not believe that it was so. Let me explain. The poor are in much much better off position here. Look, they can easily buy a flat with $1000 pm income. And they are the most blessed poor in the world, the envy of the world.

Look at the real poor. The real poor are those that did not have enough to spend. It is not how much you earn, but how much is your expense account. I can empathise with those earning $50k pm and finding life very tough, and their quality of life being affected if they earn a bit less. The GST hike is to help these higher income poor. They have big expense account and need the money to live decently.  For the low income poor, a $50 increase in their income could mean a choice of eating in a hawker centre, foodcourt or even restaurant. Of course it is cheapo restaurant lah. For the high income poor, you can’t help them with $50, not enough even for tips.  They really need help.

As for estate duties, it is to help the poor definitely. In every funeral wake, the normal comment about the chap lying in the coffin is ‘poor bugger’. See, the bugger is poor and any help will do. And abolishing estate duties is definitely to help the poor buggers. When does the rich come in? Where got help the rich buggers?

In the Woffles and Charlie Lim case, or the principle and the odd job labourer case, justice have been done, fair and fair.  Law Minister Shamugam already explained the rationale. It is all about the time spread, like HDB flats have not shrunk in size over the last 15 years. Perfectly accurate statement of facts.

No miscarriage of justice lah. Sorry lah Fish. Can you see my point? What the Fish?


  1. I dont know whether I should cry or laugh at your post.

    We are so accustomed to injustice...we cannot differentiate justice from injustice.

  2. "There was no money passing hands"..

    I am left wondering what has been exchanged between Woffles & Kuan?

    No wonder CNB chief defense lawyer can say, no money/deals passing hands. Only tongues and mouths. Strictly affairs of the heart.

    Next time you want to hire a hit man to assassin someone, make sure you don't pay him immediately for the dirty job. Wait long long, and after awhile, then make payments in other forms and ways. This is a very good loophole for all the A-hole out there. FTW!

  3. Is this the Spore that we are suppose to sacrifice for when we give two years of our life, doing NS and in-camp training?

    We put our lives down for a system which allows Woffles Wu to pay a $1000 fine?

  4. we still dont know why it took so long to take woffles to court on what is a pretty straightforward case.

    meanwhile, i cant wait to hit 80. i wont be charged for any wrong i may do, simply because of my age.

  5. When you put them on a defensive, with serious accusations, governing bodies and business entities, small or big, will, often than not, resort to delays and diversion techniques or non replies to wear you down - even though the case is straight forward and judged quickly.

    I have seen this happened so many times and that's why I too conclude....no real justice because we don't respect HUMAN RIGHTS HERE, in the event of disputes, IN Sin!

  6. Limpeh kar le gong :

    Woffles is the nephew of our late Mr Ong Teng Cheong.
    He is another white horse lah.
    Wait long long, this sentence outcome will end up like Patrick Tan...all the justifications and bullets will come out and justify it. I bet $5000 and my life on it!

  7. Hi Ah Chek, Seng Kow and Limpeh, welcome to the blog. Truth is stranger than fiction in fantasy island. What is right, what is wrong is getting greyer by the days.

  8. When all the organs are rotting, the pus will ooze out from every orifice. No way to prevent the sores from breaking out anymore. Soon maggots will be crawling all over the body.

  9. Someone emailed this story some times back about a speeding offence in a Scandinavian country. The judge fined the Opel driver $1000 for speeding and subsequently fined the Ferrari driver $100k for the same offence.

    When questioned about the discrepancy, the judge said the law must be fair and seen to be fair. The fine was not only about punishment, but also to ensure that the offenders did not repeat the offence again.

    For the Opel driver, a $1000 would be effective enough. For the Ferrari driver, he would laugh himself silly if the court were to fine him $1000. He would gladly pay the fine and do it all over again as $1000 was small change to him.

    This is a different kind of fairness and justice.

  10. We the citizens of Singapore
    Based on justice and equality

    Our National Pledge.
    A solemn promise.

    Do you get the feeling our leaders are urinating on our Pledge?

    Do you feel like you have been suckered?

    GE 2016.
    Will you stand up and honour our Pledge against traitors?

  11. Redbean,
    you are the potential PAP minister ! You have the material to be the next million dollar ministers. I'm fully convinced by you. Your logic sound so PAP and yet so convincing to lesser mortals. Singapore has hope !

    Long live Emperor Lee and Lee Dynasty ! 紅豆万岁万岁万万岁 !

  12. fairness and justice are just a aspiration like the national pledge, so SIN govt must be doing something right despite the unfairness and injustice.

  13. I wish the WP would say something about this matter and release a statement. They are so passive...

  14. They are already one of them leow, "Huat Ah."

    The WP is just another "Wayang Party" lah.

  15. Hi Anon 1:56, thank you, thank you. We must learn to speak and rationalise like the elite.

    Oh the AGC has explained. There was no law against providing false evidence to the police during that time. So it was okay then.

  16. Hi Hor Lee, welcome to the blog.

    WP got to be very careful in what they said. We can talk and share our opinions. In their case, they can be challenged in courts. The AGC already said no issue. Legally it is no issue unless someone can come out with a more relevant section of the Penal Code for this case.

  17. It takes more than one big lie to cover a lie. This is going to rot and rot.

  18. ... Ah Chek said...
    I dont know whether I should cry or laugh at your post.

    We are so accustomed to injustice...we cannot differentiate justice from injustice. ///

    Ah Chek ah, in case you are new here, you should know that redbean is fond of talking with tongue firmly in cheek...

  19. "Oh the AGC has explained. There was no law against providing false evidence to the police during that time. So it was okay then". Courtesy of Redbean and AGC.

    Wow! Damn believable or is it damn unbelievable?


  20. Btw, Mr Fish's tank maybe siphoned dry instead of being fed to the fish.


  21. I must congratulate myself for making such a well argued and convincing statement. I am a genius.

  22. I guess the law minister is short of telling people..I mean challenging people like how TCH challenged WP, to "sue the jurisdiction system if you're not happy with the verdict". LOL
