
Faisal Wali wrote: Cherian George, Stop Pontificating

In his reply to the pontification by Cherian George that netizens need a code of conduct, Faisal quoted him as saying this, ‘Cherian wrote that the kampong spirit that we Singaporeans are cultivating is kay-pohish petty-mindedness, a small-town mentality that tells us that no event is too trivial to turn into a national issue.’

Hmmm, kampong spirit is small town mentality and pettiness. Now who in the right mind would want to promote such pettiness as a way of life for Sinkies? I fully agree with Cherian that if kampong spirit is all about small people and petty mindedness it is better to dump them into the dustbin man. Or would any super talent think that kampong spirit is something worthy to preserve, or think that kampong spirit is more than pettiness?

Anyway I walked up Mount Faber last night hoping that God would show himself and give me 10 tablets. Then I can command the sinners to obey me and abide by what I think they can or cannot do. I am the messenger of god. And I know what is best for the sinners. Even if god did not issue me his commandments, I will know what they are. Prostrate before me, for I am the one to tell thee on what is good for you.


  1. Society must embrace the natural process of progression and transitions.

    To you kite flying maybe childish and for a growing teenager, it is new and fun

    To you bickering over spill milk maybe petty but to the poor, the milk means a lot.

    We need to respect the people's right to be and allow them room for natural growth.

    Constricting them with unworkable and dragonian laws will smother the life in them.

  2. RB ...correct motivation but wrong place...should have gone to Killiney Rd....

  3. It is part of kampong spirit - to be involve in neighbors problems or problems they WANT TO AIR - that's how relationship with thy neighbors is forged too because you care( assuming you really care)

    Other than that, we respect their privacy.

  4. Hahhaha. I almost call myself god and want to deliver a sermon on goodness and good behaviour. But I have to find out what I shall wear to make it more powderful and authoritative. Got to check my qualifications also.

  5. No need to call yourself god.
    Limpeh is good enough, no need even reside at Oxley.

  6. Good idea. Let me start by saying,

    Limpeh kali kong,
    1. Cannot scold ministers
    2. Cannot no big no small
    3. Cannot call yourself limpeh
    4. Cannot use 4 letter words like good or best. Use gooder and bester.

  7. You people are still snoring. Ministers already said....right or wrong, majority will ultimately decide. One day, we may openly accept Matilah homosexuality.

    What god here god there rubbish.

    Harvest the people's internal compass lah

  8. If the few want to have the monopoly of right or wrong or a particularly damning religion wants to impose its values on us, they need to enact laws or design a legal system to stump the people's growth our sense of right and wrong.

    Costly legal fee is one of it. Spineless mediation centers also work. But most effective of all.....keep everything hush hush

  9. Spineless like CASE izzit?

  10. Usually I think Mr George is an ass of a writer, but I do agree with him that the local netizens are kaypoh and petty.

    They probably do need some "code". But that is problematic. Who is going to author this code, and how will or who is going to enforce it?

    Let's keep the net a messy, chaotic, unpredictable spontaneous order -- a true FREE marketplace of ideas and opinions, not place to be "governed" by any arbitrary external standard. Everyone is free to say whatever the fuck they like.

    If the speech crosses over into the realm of "action" -- like inciting acts of violence against peaceful individuals (even though they may be assholes), the cops are there to deal with such idiots.

    The RIGHT to free speech, including nasty, hurtful and spiteful speech needs to be protected. and the protection is very easy to do:


  11. Bring disputes out in the open. Everyone and anyone, registered users or known identity in the community, can judge the case. As in American Idol, we all get to cast or vote. Unless you know you are right, and can prove it, unlikely you will want to embarrass yourself in the larger community with your "pettiness"?

  12. You see how some forum works? We have the digital connection to set up a community court. The difference is, no anonymity.

  13. You think Matilah will dare bring his nonsense out in the open?

  14. @anon 912

    Before "automatically" responding to other people's requests/ challenges/ dares/ taunts...the smart self-interested person should always ask:

    What's in it for ==> ME < == ?

  15. When you do something good for the community or work for charity, what is in it for YOU?

  16. In other words: no personal profit, benefit, advantage or increase in value, or personal gain means NO POINT.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. @anon 922

    I don't do any of those activities. I help people in my "circle".

    Got problem?

  19. Maybe not for YOU but we have enough people with good conscience to make it work.

    True justice for the community.

  20. We all need to fine tune our inner compass if we want to find the way out of the huge chasm between the unrighteous few who monopolizes justice and wealth over the vast majority

  21. You see, people like RB has a good sense of what's right and wrong. People like him is an asset to the community.

    He has the time and and a voice. I am sure he gets as much pleasure offering his voice as he would in blogging.

  22. In REAL life, one needs to be cruel to be kind. You need Type A people who brings in the bacon, as much as you need Type B people.

  23. Well, try being "cruel" in the open community then

  24. What are you afraid of? Put it all down in writing so there is no ambiguity or denying who said what etc

  25. We are particularly interested in "cruel people".

  26. If you dare not put in writing your convictions nor defend accusations leveled against you, we will write you off as...mischievous.

  27. By your words you shall be justified, by your words, you shall be condemned

  28. If you are not a Type A personality, you can be a Type B person. Whether you are a Type A or B person doesn't really matter, as long as you have the right attitude, wanting to improve, making things more efficient than others, be the best in whatever you do, whether it is the humble roti prata or a sharp eyed stock broker, you can break out.

    That is what I meant by cruel. Cruel in beating the competition. Not cruel to fellow beings.

  29. If you are good in what you do, it will show. There is nothing cruel about that unless you resort to..scheming

  30. Scheming, cunning, strategizing are all relative words, acceptable as long as within boundaries of the law. I am sure, even philantropists like Bill Gates plan, strategise and scheme his moves to beat his competitors.

    Sometimes, what appears as "scheming" in the short term may turned out to be "well planned" when looked back in the long term. But one will never know it was well planned until one has the opportunity to look back.

  31. In a more transparent society, it will harder to be "cruel".

  32. Airing one's views in public is just an expression of oneself. Not always right or always wrong. Sinkies must be more adept in expressing their views especially about the way the country is run or the direction it is going. Take ownership of this country. It is yours and no one can tell you to shut up. They may disagree with you at most. It is not a crime to disagree. Only assholes try to make it so.

  33. What can one expects from an adulator of the regime?

  34. redbean is correct.

    You must express.

    I do. I express nearly everyday on this blog. Few people agree with me. Many like to resort to ad hominems when they cannot counter my points.

    But I still express. Anyway, here is a nice start:

    Singapore is on the right track -- a meritocracy, open borders, low taxes, attractive to entrepreneurs, the wealthy and the people who have the guts to "try".


  35. U are rite!
    Matilah Singapura!

  36. "In a more transparent society, it will harder to be "cruel" " - Anon 10.45 pm

    America and Europe are your ideals - democratic and transparent. How kind and less cruel are they ? Instead of measuring asset per person, they are measuring debt per person. Their Medicare is a mess, their debt is balloning, income taxation is high, VAT is much higher, unemployement is high, President propose, congress shoots it down, 2 steps forward, 2 steps back. You think that is "kind" ?

  37. The west, by and large, has truly lost its way. Their great grandchildren will be still paying off the debt for most of their lives.

    Got welfare state?

  38. Still want to imitate the west? Especially the grossly flawed banking and financial institutions, systems and products?

    The smarties never learn. They like the easy way out. The Americans are doing it, so must be okay.

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