
Singapore’s top of the pop chart


The most popular songs in the island are:

1.    We need more immigrants
2.    Big income gap is unavoidable
3.    High medical bills equal top quality
4.    High property prices are affordable
5.    High wage increase for workers is dangerous
6.    Singaporeans first, but wait, all immigrants will become Singaporeans
7.    Salary increment must have productivity
8.    Workers rejects high wage rise
9.    High wage increase causes inflation
10.                       Workers want wage rise to fight inflation
11.                       Workers are not stupid
12.                       COE not high enough
13.                       Public transport is world class
14.                       HDB flats never shrink
15.                       Small flats good quality of life
16.                       We want more babies for the economy
17.                       No need by election
18.                       Wait for 2016


  1. I nominate the following songs to be added;

    1.HDB flat size is still the same.

    2.Please be patient. A more inclusive society coming soon in 10 years time.
    (and if I fail to deliver, too bad. I'll be retired in Australia by then. With my millions from my million dollar salary)

  2. Hahaha....

    Sinkies can expect the EXODUS OF TALENTS AND ELITES FROM SINGAPORE SOON, hahaha....


  3. Good play list. redbean, you now DJ ah? Got free pass to Zouk or not?

  4. Pl.add to your list :-

    19. Low tax rates for corporate and high income earners good for business.

    20. High GST good for the poor.

  5. Please add these lines to the list.

    We all belong to Pay and Pay Ministers in power or CEOs and directors in GLCs.
    I pay you and you pay me
    It's so transparent. This type of exchange is no robbery.

