
Sajeev Kamalasanan’s resignation from WP

A candidate in the last GE resigned from the Worker’s Party and made an allegation that it is ‘discriminating against Indians’ according to his press statement. How bad the timing is in view of the by election? At this point in time, every factor and matter counts to both parties and candidates in the election. To have a resignation of a key member is bad enough. To be accused of being racist may cause a lot of votes for the WP, true or otherwise. Some voters would be easily swayed by such a statement.

WP must count it as bad luck to have this incident splashing across the news everywhere. I am sure Sajeev’s resignation was not intended to do any harm to the WP. It just happened and no need to read too much into it. Still the WP would have some damage control to do.

Funny, it seems that such unpleasant things often happened to the opposition parties during a run up to an election. I hope Sajeev and the WP do not allow this matter to distract the main issues in the by election and the voters could put this aside for the moment. Alas, knowing how light the ears of the masses are, one goal has gone in.


Anonymous said...

The Pappies are capable of doing anything to discredit and destroy the opposition parties. All opposition parties must not only beware of traitors and treachery but be on the look out from faceless treacherous infiltrators .


Anonymous said...

aaaahhhh, a mole at work ?????

virgo49 said...

just because he is not selected to run for parliament, he is claiming this nonsense.

Many of these power crazy idiots. How to serve the masses when they are elected?

You think an Indian can win hougang by election. Do not just think of the 15k

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi virgo49, welcome to the blog.

Think he is not happy for not being admitted as a cadre member. The accusation of racism is a bit tough on the WP to handle.

virgo49 said...

Hi mr bean, I mean mr redbean. Simply love to read yr blog.
Every single moment log in to see any new posting.

This guy not only want to be a cadre member,he wants to be somebody mire than that.

Anonymous said...

Sajeev,an inactive and non-contibuting Workers Party member for less than 10 years wants to get rich fast.
He joined the wrong political party and proved himself an unreliable member of WP

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Sajeev must understand that the WP has had many bad experience in the past. The party thus has to be very careful in its cadreship. If he wants to get in he should work for it and bid his time.

Now he may want to join the other parties and work at it all over again. Maybe some party would make him a cadre overnight.

Anonymous said...

His name says he is a new citizen. Got better future with the ruling party.

Anonymous said...

More moles forced to reveal themselves.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yep, Hougang now 4 corner fight.

patriot said...

There can be many ploys as me had said previously.
have faith in the Hougang Voters, they are stable, steady and steadfast.
Do not be surprised that LOTS OF residents in other wards all over Singapore will be there to support and cheer for them.


JH Young said...

this guy showed his true colored at the opportune time he had sobo himself.snake fellow.

Anonymous said...

I love snakes.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt if this Sajeev stand for election in Hougang, he will win handsdown too. Hougang residents will accept whatever given to them as long as it's with the WP logo. You can field a Indian, Malay, Eurasian or Chinese, or whatever background, or even if Yaw comes back and stand again,it makes no difference. Such thing is called Love.

Anonymous said...

Don't feign innocent. The ruling regime also has racism. Remember the racist remarks by this YPAP guy calling certain race terrorist in the making? So is this not racism too?

Anonymous said...

Not to worry! Patiot is right.

Hougang voters are different. To them, threats do not work, big guns do not frighten them, money cannot buy their votes and upgrading does not appeal to them.

If people think that talk of promising goodies will swing them over, it is a pipe dream. Hougang voters have been sidelined, overlooked, sanctioned, given the cold shoulder treatment for over 20 long years and they do not forget that easily. That goes for me. Put whatever opposition against the pappies and I will vote for him or it. Monkeys included.

Anonymous said...

Moles are fond of surfacing at the right time. Whatever lah, the results will be same same. 'Pock Two' for the PAP man it will be.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi JH, welcome to the blog.
Looks like all the knives will soon be out in Hougang.

Anonymous said...


patriot also got supporter leh.

With the Four Names mentioned in CNA, one is very likely to lose his deposit if he contests the Election. So, chances of him withdrawing is more than he could ever win in the Contest.

The Other One is just as likely to lose his deposit too, for he will be perceived as a............. not just by the Voters, all Singaporeans will share the same view. And in future there is only one political party for him or he will have to start a new one himself.

Very interesting this coming Hougang By-election.

Anonymous said...

Aplaud Sylvia's and WP's foresight-
Imagine what other damage or betrayal Sarjeev would have wrought had he been admitted as cadre and then not get his way.If he can at this crucial moment choose to wield this sword of self-interest above party interest- speaks volumes of his character and motivations.WP must weed out such bugs- am sure there would more as in any growing organisation.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Looks like everyone has been wronged about Sajeev. He has came out to deny the accusation that WP is a racist party. He also said that the timing was just incidental and he did not time it to hurt the WP. He sounded like an honest bloke. The only point is that the damage has already been inflicted and hopefully his denial will minimise the impact.

Now who reported so convincingly that he said those dastardly words, those accusations? Who?

How could he be misinterpreted when they even quoted him?

Anonymous said...

Anyone read his press statement? He is either misquoted or the reported misquoted him.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Okay, this is from Sajeev's press statement. ' I finally questioned Ms Sylvia about why she never considered nominating me for party cadreship and was not satisfied with her explanations:
1) That it has been the party’s experience that Indians tend to leave after getting party cadreship; and
2) That (she had wanted to nominate me but) I had abruptly stopped contributing at her MPS sessions.
I feel that it is unfair to consider all Indians as uncommitted to the party and if this has been WP’s experience, the right thing for WP is to reflect on what it might be doing to contribute to this and perhaps arrest this problem if it considers and aspires itself to be the alternative voice of all Singaporeans.
With this mindset, I see no possibility of me being able to play any meaningful and constructive part in the party, save for being a showpiece for the minority candidate ticket come elections time. I feel let down and betrayed by the WP leadership, in whom I had put my trust and faith in, and for whom I made substantial sacrifice by stepping forward to serve. I therefore have no choice but to part ways with WP.'

Judge for yourself.

Anonymous said...


Wat a drama! It is all scripted.

Anonymous said...

Never mind who misquoted who lah! Their idea is to inflict damage at the crucial time, pure and simple.

Now that we are going to see a straight fight, that settles all the speculations about problems within the WP. Any political party anywhere in the world has internal strife, simple as that. Even the PAP is not without internal strife. The only thing is that those things are never made known by the media simply because the media is controlled by them.