
The Water Margin classic revisited

The early phase of the Water Margin story told of the marginalized and convicted officials who were fixed up by corrupt powers of the day. And they had no where to go, could not emigrate, except to escape to Liang Shan.

The first chief of the Liang Shan rebels was Wang Lun, a small minded selfish man of average intellect. As more and more able and more talented men flocked to Liang Shan, he felt threatened and tried to send them off. He wanted to remain the top dog for as long as he could.

To his disappointment, as more people and officials were driven away by corrupt court officials, he could not keep them away no matter how he tried. Eventually his reluctance and selfish desire to protect his own position led to his own demise. He was killed by Lin Chong, a powerful ex govt military officer.

Whether in govt or in the rebel camp, once the top dog has outlived his usefulness, and when more able and talented people appeared, they must make way or be removed one way or another. Resistance is futile. They will be bungled out to the wilderness.


  1. Singaporeans are too pragmatic to embrace the virtues and values of the good old days.
    Mr Chen Show Mao is a man out of a million, within 3 million Singaporeans, there could only be about 3 Chen Show Mao. And Mr Chen could leave Sin to find his own happiness anytime and anywhere.

    Mr Chua Chin Leng aka Redbean has SENSE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE the average Singaporean lacks. Me has for years found this to be EXTRA-ORDINARY. If only we could have a few hundreds of people like him, bullies will be very much less brazen in their insidious and vicious schemes.


  2. Oh Patriot, I am going to hide under the bed or wear a mask.


  4. Mr Chua Chin Leng;

    You need not be modest.

    Me describes You according
    to your nature. Kudos to You!
    Please keep it up.

    Matilah Singapura is worthy
    of mention too; a pragmatist
    with sense of justice. A warm
    blooded guy with descriptive
    words sounding detached but
    stays connected. Pardon me for
    getting personal.


  5. Patriot, please, no more such talks. It is very unhealthy.

  6. Sooner or later everyone outlives their "usefulness".

    This is why you have to be a crafty old top dog and re-invent yourself.

    Law 25

    Re-Create Yourself

    Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define if for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions – your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

  7. Hi Jeff, you are right. Nature will have the final say.

  8. Yes sushi eating Jizzus Cuntry worth mentioning

  9. How's the oyster? Is it mati already?

  10. I am sick and tired of the Party and its ways.
    I am sick of its hypocrisy and self righteousness.
    I am sick of the deceit, deception and self serving interest that The Party seems to prize.
    Top men sunk in corruption.
    Honour lies in the dust.
    Its the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
    Who's there to wholly trust?
    The Party must must have its lee-s way.
    What else and who else has any say?
    Until the people wake up to the danger of the Party's way.
    They will not see the light of day
    For fair play,for fair play in every way.


  11. Take it to the cross and into a new day

  12. Benjamin or Wilfred should do a Lin Chong act for the good of SPP.

  13. The WP,SDP,NSP all brought in talents that were as good or better than their party bosses. That is how the parties will grow stronger than before.

    Parties that only bring in people that are inferior to their top dog will never grow better than what they are.
