
Shanmugam told US off

At the sold out Singapore Conference in Washington, Shanmugam pointedly told the Americans to shut up and stop trying to sow discord in Asia. He warned the Americans that the thought and talk of containing China is pure hogwash and would not be accepted by Asian and Asean in particular. It would not work. Asians are no longer unthinking colonized people that can be made to dance with the Western powers pulling all the strings. Asians will determine what is best for them and how to conduct their international relations with other countries. Asians know what is best in their own interest.

The Americans were advised to build more trade relations with Asian countries instead of military alliances and inciting differences and wars. The Americans must be shocked to get a bollocking from their little staunch supporter whom they probably believed will dance to whatever tune they played. And I think, I am not Shanmugam, Shanmugam’s message is more a consensus position of the Asean states with one or two exceptions.

The Americans must take note that their rhetoric to provoke cross border animosity is noted and that the Asean states will not be easily deceived and to allow conflicts to flare up in the region.

Please buzz off if that is the American intention. We don’t need conflicts, we don’t need wars.


  1. Shanmugam also told the US that a controlled press was necessary for Singapore.

    However, in this instance, the man shows he has a pair of big balls.

    For once in his life, this fuckers annoying lawyer-mouth is put to good use.

  2. Yes he did good here-- agree.

    But let's see if he will apply his own words into his own mouth here in SG. Let's also not use the word 'containment' when it comes to "censorship zones" for arts/performing arts. We don't need a speakers corner for art just like China or SG don't need to be the designated speakers corner for USA!!! So show me you really got balls too.

  3. Asians are no longer unthinking colonized people that can be made to dance with the Western powers pulling all the strings. Asians(elites) will determine what is best for them(elites) and how to conduct their international relations with other countries. Asians(elites) know what is best for their pockets.

  4. America is sliding downhill... China is the new super power...
    A dog will know which side to bark/bite, and which one to lick/wag. Isn't it obvious?

  5. America is sliding downhill... China is the new super power...
    A dog will know which side to bark/bite, and which one to lick/wag. Isn't it obvious?

  6. Asia need both.

  7. Depends on what. Angmoh tua ki.

    Asia has grown up and should have discarded its colonial yoke. We have two ancient civilisations to be our leaders.

    The unconscious programming of
    Asian minds to accept angmohs as overlord and benign imperial powers needs a rethinking. They were not benign when they started out. Now in the closing chapter, they are running amok everywhere again.

    Trade, commerce, cultural exchange, in fact everything, it is good to have a good mix. Political and military power better keep to Asians. Just like our govt must not be infested by angmohs.

  8. of cos! u can count on K sham to know which side of the bread is buttered...

  9. The China Chinese got to have respect for their very own cultural dignity. Otherwise whatever economic and military powers it has achieved in the last three decades will come to nothing.


  10. Censorship in Singapore and the lack of LEGAL/ CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTION for freedoms of speech, association, and dissent against authority will remain big knawing problems for years to come.

    It is not a PAP/Opposition thing. It boils donwn to deep rooted Conservative Asian values/culture -- Obedience to authority, the right not to be offended, and the right of the authority to use force on you if you persist in being 'difficult ' or uncooperative, or refuse to shutup.

    No lah, fuck Asian culture and values. They're ancient and way past their due date. Give me western Enlightenment Standards anyday : individuality, free thought, legally limited authority, the right to dissent and ridicule, private property and self ownership, freedom of association, freedom of expression, sexual freedom, freedom freedom freedom!!

    Still want to argue that Asian culture is "better" than western?

    Fuck you and your bowl of noodels. We both know that you are wrong, you dumb cunt!

  11. PS Singaporeans need people like Jayakumar, Shanmugam and Yong Pang How to hammer them into compliance.

    Otherwise everything will end up suka suka.

  12. You mean suka suka eat your pet izzit?

  13. Suka suka is the favorite of Matillah,
    suka suka to screw anything, anywhere so long as he is able to stand up to it.

  14. He stands but fall short

  15. He must be quite daft if he doesn't realize that the only reason he got away with saying and not being sued to oblivion is because of the first amendment in the constitution. Now Singapore on the other hand...

    Can I have a link to an article where it is reported he actually said those words?

  16. Go www.tremeritus.com for article, Singapore warns US....
