
Political smear

The recent exposure of indiscretion by prominent public figures in the news has sent tongues wagging everywhere. Opportunists would have a field day telling their stories and innuendoes of the moral correctness and suitability of such people in places of authority. Character smearing and assassination and taking body shots at people and political parties could be done in all kinds of innocent ways. The media can show more interest and zeal in investigative journalism as part and parcel of their job to cover up their political agenda. What better excuses can one have to put down an enemy of sort?

I am pleasantly surprised that a lot of self restraint and refrain has been exercised on the part of the media to avoid sensationalising such incidents and not to indulge in excessive and repetitive reporting to score political points.

What was left undone was passed to the social media to do the damage needed, to draw blood to the fullest. The internet has seen an unusually insensitive and inquisitive interest in the affairs of these affected men. There were plentiful of calls for more confession, more details to quench their thirst for more lurid news. And of course, it is another case of sorry also must explain. Transparency, they screamed!

The culprits must be hanged or put on the stake to be burnt. Some of the attacks were pretty vicious and hurtful to the parties by obviously upright individuals who are flawless. And thank God there are so many of these morally flawless individuals still living among us. But what could one expect in paradise? Only the best behaved could reside in this heavenly realm.

If only such attacks were to be carried out in the main stream media, one can be sure that the availability of more able people standing out to serve in public offices would immediately dry up. And political parties and the civil service would have to recruit their candidates from the monastry or nunnery. In today’s complex world of permissiveness, even finding a monk or nun not tainted by some indiscretion or personal misconduct could not be an easy task.

The issue is to what moral standard is demanded of people in public offices? Would the people accept others who have crossed the line of social indiscretion to be in public office? If not, if the standard for public service is a pristine life of a puritan, no unsavoury deeds or misconducts, then would there be a need for everyone to make a self declaration of purity and a sinless lifestyle before coming forward to serve? And should a list of unacceptable conduct be assembled and all those appointed to public service be made to swear under oath that they have not breached any of them? Anything short of this is pure hypocrisy.

Could this be one of the reasons why there is a dearth of talents willing to contest for political office and risking the barrage of venoms from the journalists and self proclaimed righteous saints living among us and in the world of cyberspace? How many people are left untainted and above the high standards set by society to be in public service, including those that are pointing the fingers and demanding that everyone should come out clean?


Anonymous said...

First name that came to mind ... K. Sham

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 9:47, please tell your standard.

Anonymous said...

@ ANON: February 09, 2012 9:47 AM
"If you have no standard, you end up with Fucking grades."

I have my standards.

I vote for anyone who does not wear white.
The colour white is associated with many bad traits like;

a)poor hearing
b)a QUITTER type personality e.g. Aljunied GRC

c)unable or unwilling to check the facts e.g. Once in 50 years flood
d)heartless attitude towards the less fortunate e.g. What do you want? 3 meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?

e)delusions over ability to "change from within" and "transform" oneself
f)a "self sacrificing" mentality that demands the highest salaries to govern one of the smallest country in the world

The list goes on.

Anonymous said...

You think he will get sacked if he screwed his mother? What about screwing LHL's wife?

Anonymous said...

@Anon 9:47 , either talking through his/her arse or replying to a different post. Strike balance in what ? Strike balance so that when one is in public office one can also have a bit on the side with toy boys or mei meis or other peoples' wives isit ? Dun Talk COCK. Go phuck yourself.

Anonymous said...

"You think he will get sacked if he screwed his mother? What about screwing LHL's wife?"

Well, anyone?

Anonymous said...

And..... what is uyour point exactly ???


Anonymous said...

Well, go fuck your mother and find out.

Anonymous said...

If he screwed HL's wife...HE WILL BE DEAD MEAT?


Anonymous said...

Imbecile @10:13. I see that you are the by product of such an act, why don't you share your own experience then ?

Anonymous said...

Aiyah, your arse got whipped. Go suck on your mudder Lollies laah. :)

Anonymous said...

Matilah ? is that you ????

Anonymous said...

Holland b pussies king?

Anonymous said...

I have a dream.
That this song will be sung; simultaneously at all Opposition rallies;
For losing PAP politicians;
in GE 2016.

Should have been sung to celebrate PAP's GRC loss in GE 2011.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I have no idea what's going on or who the persons are or what juicy activities they've engaged in.

So unless someone is kind enough to explain or give me a link or two, fuck you all for your blatantly wrong accusations.

So... What's going on? Pray tell.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are really becoming an alien. Go to sammyboy and get your fill.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Doesn't matter who I am or what I become. You going to help me understand or not?

I went to SB. I have no idea what I'm looking for.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Ok I think I've got it. MP Yaw SL for Hougang, Treasurer of the WP.

Allegations of adultery?

WTF?? Much ado about nothing.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

I have deleted it but try this.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Here in Oz no one bats an eyelid when 'adultery' is mentioned.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are so lucky. In paradise, we are living among people who read poems and play the fiddle.

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