
A minority in your own country

Singaporeans becoming a minority in his own country is becoming a reality. Front page news in mypaper reported that in a foreign bank, in a team of 12 middle management banking staff, only 5 are Singaporeans. And it seems that this phenomenon is getting more widespread and may become a permanent and pervasive feature in the banking industry and other industries as well, particularly IT.

The reason for this pathetic state of affair is that Singaporeans did not possess the specialized skills set or experience for these positions. And the foreign banks could only find them from overseas, Europe, India and the Philippines.

As for skill sets, these are partially acquired on the job and through academic training in the learning institutions. It is now apparent that our leaning institutions are producing graduates that are not marketable or do not possess the skill sets needed, or producing too little. Whose fault is that? Is it so difficult to produce the kind of skill sets that the finance industry needs if developing countries like India and the Philippines are producing them in hordes? I am sure these talents from the developing countries do not buy their papers from streets of Manila or Mumbai. They must have the skill sets that our learning institutions failed to produce and our industries needed.

The remedy is to send our students to the learning institutions in India and the Philippines for their education. They seem to be doing something right and we, despite our world rankings, are not producing the graduates for the market, or in trickles.

The second important point is experience. Singaporeans do not have the required experience but developing country workers have. Where and how these workers acquired the experience that our workers could not get? Who gave them the opportunity to acquire the experience?

This is the main cause of the lack of experienced Singaporean CEOs in the finance industry because we do not give our people the chance and the experience. And if this is the way to go, soon all the CEO positions will be filled by foreigners and so will be the finance industry middle management, and so will be the IT industry and other industries.

We have become a country that not only did not produce the right products for the industry, we don’t even offer them the chance to gain the experience to become more professional and for higher appointments.

What is happening? And in many cases, the experience and opportunities were given to foreigners to gain their experience here. And this is progress. Singaporean first? This is our country, this is our home. And we are supposed to defend it while the good jobs are given to foreigners. A new citizen is still a foreigner yesterday. If every foreigner is given all the plump jobs and become citizens tomorrow because of it, then technically all the top jobs are Singaporeans. Is this acceptable or the right thing to do? We need to reclaim this country for Singaporeans before it is too late.


  1. "We need to reclaim this country for Singaporeans before it is too late."

    Start by voting in a strong Opposition.
    Do it for your children's sake.

    Do it for your owns sake. Before you become a burden to your children in your old age.

    Do it for your parent's sake.
    To honour their sacrifices and legacy in building up our Singapore.
    It is our Singapore. Not the Party Against People's Singapore.

    Gratitude does not mean servitude.

  2. Our grandparents slogged to build this country for their children and grandchildren and descendants, not for foreigners or Johnny come lately to come and take over the fruits from the trees they had planted.

  3. Dear Mr Chua

    When you employ an Indian manager, you will hardly see any locals there after, that applies for the Philippino as well, eventually all locals will be displace totally, by 100 million Philippinos and 1 billion Indians, perhaps the 1.4 billion Chinese...

    Perhaps our super talented leaders can negotiate an exchange, that we exchange the whole of Philippines with the whole of Singapore, since they love this place so much, and we hate this small little red dot.

  4. Not a bad idea. We just need Luzon. They can turn this island into another Philippines and the lazy and daft Sinkies can turn Luzon into a new Singapore.

  5. Whats the problem with hiring people with no experience.Look at all the generals ; no experience in anything & they can be stuffed anywhere - in Temasek,in any GLCs, ministeries.No need any experience can be minister for anything.Its juz the papies playing around to do the citizens in.They can give all the EP etc to FTs to displace the citizens.Should recruit FT to replace the ministers

  6. Come on!Time for action! come 2016 vote them out!
    So if they want to be in power a bit longer they must quickly grant citizenship to another 3 millions FT before 2016. Why give them more time to import ?

  7. I think singapore government is wearing an oversize hat and they are smart enough to ignore it or could it be that they are just short term smart ,long term foolish ..Small country with limited resources expand beyond its capability .. Driving SIngapore into sad state .

  8. I think singapore government is wearing an oversize hat and they are smart enough to ignore it or could it be that they are just short term smart ,long term foolish ..Small country with limited resources expand beyond its capability .. Driving SIngapore into sad state .

  9. >> "We need to reclaim this country for Singaporeans before it is too late."

    Good luck with that.

    I can't see how a bunch of lazy, noncompetitive, whiny bums can do anything except writhe, slither around and complain even more ;-)

  10. @anon 924

    >> Our grandparents slogged to build this country for their children and grandchildren <

    And your grand parents would turn in their graves if they knew you assholes LOST YOUR CUNTRY to foreigners because they could DELIVER better than you lazy, uncompetitive, entitlement-mentality, gimme-gimmee-gimmee spoilt brats.

    Minority? serves you damn well right!

  11. Time for the people to tell the maniacs that we want Singapore for Singaporeans. Just because they have ran out of ideas and only know how to bite to a poisonous drug and keep telling the people that it is a wonder drug does not mean that the Singaporeans must accept without questioning. The immigrant policy is as good as selling out the Singaporeans.


  12. Are Singaporeans sour or even bitter that Singapore is getting sold with them not getting a share?

    It is fair to be bitter when one feels he/she is unfairly treated and worse if citizens feel badly treated with and without foreigners involved.

  13. Well, maybe start to treat and teach the youngsters some responsibilities, moral values, etc. Many little ones are raised by maids and what do you expect the outcome should be? Little maids mentality maybe? It is a common sight to watch maids carrying little ones' school bags and then progress to carrying till NS packs. Parents must take back the responsibility of teaching and nurturing their children - empower the children instead of weakening their minds and physical abilities by relying on maids or grandparents or whoever the caregivers maybe to do simple things for them.
