
Employ Singaporeans first

I was at the Speaker’s Corner last evening to listen to Gilbert Goh and his friends from Transitioning.org talking about employing Singaporeans first. He had lined up several speakers to talk about the plight of the jobless and under employed Singaporeans with several graduates sharing their stories with him.

One lost his $7000 job to an EP holder and is now a taxi driver. And other graduate also lost his job and is also a taxi driver. And a Malaysian shared with Gilbert that she is now employed by a foreign bank and her pay is $10k. She has a masters degree. Good for her.

In some of Gilbert’s article in Transitioning.org, he reported about companies where foreigners seemed to be in the majority, with some turned Singaporeans recently. We have also read reports of top jobs in sports and recreation clubs going to foreigners.

There seems to be an unplanned and uncoordinated conspiracy for foreign and local organisations to employ foreigners and leaving Singaporeans to be taxi drivers even if they are graduates of our world class universities. Of course there is a bit of an exaggeration here. Many Singaporeans are employed and many are still unemployed or underemployed. And that is the main reason why Gilbert went to the Speaker’s Corner to make a plea to the govt to do something to ensure that Singaporeans are employed first.

I find the preference by foreign and local organisations to employ foreigners rather than Singaporeans quite intriqueing. What is wrong with Singaporeans graduating from our world class universities? I am very sure that many of the foreigners are graduates of much less reputable universities, and they are not exactly paid lower than Singaporeans.
What is the catch? What is wrong with Singaporeans or why are Singaporeans having relatively more problems getting employed than foreigners? Work attitude, lack drive? Looking at the above two graduates who are prepared to drive taxis, you cannot say they have bad attitudes or lack drives. They are willing to do anything to put rice on the table. And we have the oldies working their guts out, long hours and little pay, in jobs that no Singaporeans would want to do. They can’t be lacking in drive?

Is there something that the govt can do as the caretaker of Singaporeans who were voted into power by Singaporeans to take care of Singaporeans first?


  1. MPs (majority of them from PAP) in the parliament forget that they are lawmarkers.

  2. The world doesn't owe anyone a living and the cuntree doesn't owe anyone a job.

    It is up to the bosses who they hire and by what criteria.

    Just because your mother's vagina happened to be on Spore territory when it expelled you from her womb doesn't give yu any special rights, except grant you citizenship by birth... Temporarily, until you decide later which cuntree you voluntarily take citizenship in.
    Speakers corner fail. Want to earn more? Then be worth more.

  3. How many of our unemployed Singaporeans are willing to vote Opposition to register their unhappiness with the PAP government?

    Unless and until our unemployed Sinkies are clever enough to use the power of their vote;
    They will remain unemployed forever.

    And their children will work for a foreign thrash when they grow up.

  4. People call PAP - Pro Aliens Party. Why? There must be so
    some truth in it. That is why many Sporeans are force to migrate against their will. If given a choice most Sporeans prefer to remain in their country. Why go elsewhere and become 2nd class citizens?

    Read here for more.

    This is a typical case of a Sporean who loves his country but cannot survive due to PAP's FT policy! Gilbert and Mr Wong etc were correct in saying that if it is so simple why don't those EU and Americans just open their floodgates to FTs to boost more growth rates?

    Sad case for us. We are suffocating in this tiny red dot! All our social infrastructure such as trains, roads, hospitals and housing are bursting to the rim yet our great leader still insists on opening the floodgates wider! So fast, they already forgotten abt Alj GRC?

  5. I think no government will want to displease its own citizens if they can find a way to please them. That they are still hell bent on continuing with the flooding of the labor market with cheap foreign labor only shows that they have genuinely run short of ideas of how to resolve the problem. May be that was why they accepted the recent pay cuts?

  6. Hi Gintai, welcome to the blog; )

    A country and its people must be proud of who they are, their share values, culture, beliefs and way of life. They will not simply allow these to be adulterated if these are of any value or importance to them. Nations and tribes fight to protect and defend their people and loved ones, and way of life, and identity.

    A country and people that don't treasure or have any pride of themselves, no self respect, would not mind being bastardised. Forced bastardisation by conquest or by accident is different from consciously and willingly wanting to be bastardised and wishing for a more superior mixed of genes. It may work it may not.

    Remember the story of Einstein and Miss World. The woman commented that if they were to have children, the children would have her beauty and his brain. Einstein said it could be his look and her brain.

    The uncontrolled influx of foreigners is destroying all the nation building efforts and results that we have carefully engineered for the last 40 years. We are losing our identity and ourselves as a people and now another new mix of thrash. The original Singaporeans are losing faith in who they were.

  7. Excellent! Well articulated with every points hitting below the belt. If I were one of the gods, I will surely cringe and shed tears at our foolishness thinking that opening up the floodgates will solve our growth viz a viz negative growth rates! Alas, I'm not one of those gods!

    Having said that, the "bastardization", diluting of our home bred ingenious citizens will cont'd indefinitely until those gods wake up from their slumber!

    All these obsession with GDP growth and more growth actually is to rake in more and more corporate profits and govt reserves at the expense of the bottom 20%!

    We are sold wholesale lock, stock and barrel so to speak. I worry for my children and their children. You and me are almost at the finishing line so there is no fear on our part!

  8. Me saw only a few people younger than probably their thirties at the Event. Majority of the audience were regulars and appeared to be mostly over their fifties. Maybe most are not working or working part time like me.

    Good points and facts were raised by the speakers, although the younger speakers tended to speak too fast and the sound system was not as loud and clear as desired.

    Why are younger Singaporeans not attending such events? I wonder. As Gintai has put it, those over fifty are near their end and have much less to worry than the younger folks. Moreover, the elderly has less burden than the younger Singaporeans that have yet to start a family or have just started one.

    Are the young Singaporeans not affected by the influx of foreigners? Do they fear being at the event? Fear of what? Events are approved and not clandestine! So, what is the reason(s) the Younger Singaporeans are not participating in events that deal with employment in Singapore that affects all Singaporeans in one way or another.

    Foreigner influx results in lower pay for locals, higher property prices, longer queue and crowding in public transports, hawker and food stalls etc.
    also as Redbean and Gintai had highlighted, Singaporeans are slowly being turn to 'rojak' or bastardize. We seem to lose all respect for our very own ethnic culture and dignity.


  9. "A country and its people must be proud of who they are, their share values, culture, beliefs and way of life."

    LKY saw the danger.
    A strong Singaporean identity is bad for PAP.

    Without a strong Singaporean identity, PAP becomes the only rally point for Singaporeans.

    That is why LKY called our National Pledge an "aspiration".

  10. The organizers of such event should not use ONLY the english language.

    It should be understood that those affected by foreigners are the less educated and those that do not speak or understand english. Hokkien, Teochew, Cantonese and Mandarin will draw the crowd from CHINATOWN itself.

    Are the events ONLY catering to PMETs?

  11. My view is that the people worst hit are the PMETs. The two grduates there, driving taxis, is a a good example.

    The manual works are shunned by the locals. The dialect speaking Ah peks are either past working or working as cleaners. The construction workers or mechanics are not jobs the highly educated young would want to do.

    The other main factor is the cost of transport. How many people want to spend $3/$4 on transport just to go to hong lim? And these people will find a few dollars very big money to spend.

  12. Singaporeans are lazy, used to the good life, want easy money.

    Most taxi drivers are Singaporeans. You are right. Thats why we have all these problems, taxi drivers playing hide and seek, nowadays you cant stand by the road to flag one anymore, you need to call then suddenly one appears within 5 mins. If you replace all these taxi drivers with hungry FTs from India, China, all these will be solved.

  13. Is bringing in more foreigners the only solution that the govt can think of and there is no other way out?

    Maybe, like the ponding problems that is so difficult that no local talents can solve, the govt may want to consider inviting lower paid foreign experts to teach us what to do.

  14. There are no turning. A generation of young singaporean been destroyed by our supreme leaders

  15. FTs are hungry and cheap.

    Singaporeans are lazy and expensive. Don't know how to boot lick and tire easily.

    If you are employer, who u choose?

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