
When would the rogue govt be stopped?

After killing two Arab Presidents, it is now gunning for the third. At the same time it is preparing to start wars in the Korean Peninsula and South China Sea. It is forcing Iran into a corner by all kinds of sanctions possible. Under such provocations, it would be justifiable and expected for Iran to do a Pearl Harbour like what the Japs did under similar provocations and economic strangulations.

The odds at the moment are heavily against the Iranians. Cornered and isolated, separated from the world, and with no countries to come to its aid as it faces the rogue Americans with Israel and Nato tagging alone. This is the same formula for successful intimidation and invasion of countries by the western powers.

Divide and isolate a country and mount an attack with a coalition of forces. The UN is helpless, and the best thing to do is to put on the blinkers and see nothing, hear nothing. When would the rest of the world stand together to face this rogue nation and its rogue allies before their turns come? The world would need a counter coalition of countries to stand up to the rogue nations of the world, or one by one will face the same fate if they dare to disobey the Empire and the western gangs of bullies.

At the way it is going, Iran is going to be another sacrificial lamb in no time. When they came for Iraq, everyone kept quiet. Whey they came for Libya, everyone turn to look the other way. When they came for Iran, all ran away. When they came for you, be assured, you will be alone at the mercy of the rogues.


  1. They're doing the lord's work. There are many levels of American Exceptionalism : political, financial, military dominance, and never ever forget RELIGION.

    Religon is still by far the MOST WIDELY ACCEPTED AUTHORITY when it comes to judging the morality of action.

    IMO the root of the problem: "In god we trust", "one nation under god", etc.

    The sooner level headed people tell the imams, and jews and militant christians Fuck your god, fuck him dead!

  2. USA is declining as confirmed by defense budget cut. They spent US$1 billion a day for the 2 recent wars (Iraq and afghanistan) for about 10 years. Obama has asked for $12,000billion cut initially and eventually agreed to $4,500 billion cut. And further $5,000 billion cut after 6 months if economy not getting better. USA never won (consider lost) the Korea war and lost Vietnam war. Recently, USA never won any wars if financial damages are to take into account. Its economy and social damage are great. In Afghanistan war, each US GI needs $350,000 each day to maintain. GI used rocket costing $100,000 to destroy Taliban's tents worth only $5 each. US military is the most expensive and extremely high spending organization in the world. Soon, they have to cut down navy and air force. Now they are going to cut down ground force. With less ground force, they cannot occupy land and military action becomes meaningless. USA is confirmed declining and fast due to domestic problems.

  3. Singaporeans should not be too worried about the USA, the American People will deal with their Regime.

    As it is, Singaporeans have a lot of their own political problems to overcome. It is now either Singaporeans or the Americans solving their very own problem and who will start first.
    who will achieve the desired result faster.


  4. a leopard never changes its spots

    my apology to the leopards
    they're noble animals
    unlike those sickos in fukus

  5. *Singaporeans should not be too worried about the USA, the American People will deal with their Regime*

    if only the gringos would leave anybody alone

    some days u'd be surprised to know how DEEP they've *embedded* themselves into singapore's system
    get ready for more drunk angmos beating up sinkies for a start

    sofa, coming to a cinema near u

  6. Hi Denk;

    if Singaporeans ever suffer the fate You envisage(written), me would not blame the yanks. It is the Local Authority and those Singaporeans that are in collusion with the yanks that are to be blamed.


  7. patriot

    given a choice,
    i think lee n co would rather be neutral
    it'd be the best course for the *tiny red dot*

    but when uncle sham wants u
    there're only two options
    *if u aint with us, u're with them*

    clinton might have even whispered into lee's ear something like this...

    *a carpet of gold or you'll get a carpet of bombs*

    *We'll bomb you back to the Stone Age*

    may be lee n co wasnt exactly being dragged kicking n screaming to the table
    but i bet the gringos applied lots of arm twisting behind the scene

  8. Denk;

    insofar as Sin is concerned, the Alliance with the US is tacit and mutual. And this is the Only impression that me holds.
    However, like to say that majority of Singaporeans may not be supportive of the Relationship.

    By the way, there are regimes and ALSO those fighting the regimes that seek the US to hold onto power or to displace those in power.
    Personally, me will say those that invite the US into their own nations are inviting trouble unwittingly.


  9. Like to add to my comment earlier that uncle sam is no more the Uncle Sam before the 1900.
    The World has witnessed how uncle sam has proven itself destructive to others AND it is ALSO itself badly wounded.
    Yes, the US has plenty of Weapon Of Mass Destruction, so what? Destroy others and gain what?
    In fact, me finds the US the bloodiest stupid fool in the History Of Mankind.


  10. You pseudo intellectual Asian wankers haven't the slightest clue. All you have is speculation and theory about US this US that. America rules. Face it. They're broke, but they're still the wealthiest. (huh?)

    They have spirit. They don't apologise for being the top. In fact, they don't let you forget how awesome they are.

    How do they get away with it? Apart from having 100's of military bases globally, the global reserve currency, most of the world's infrastructure, productive capacity and wealth...

    ... America won the culture war. In fact, America OWNS global culture. Therefore they can do what they like. Young kids with internet connections move away from their own cultures and become "Americanised". And if they return to their own culture, they bring an American aspect to it.

    Women all over the world want to be clad in Victoria's Secret, and have the independence of an American chick. Guys from every culture - from school boy age to great grandfather all fantasize about getting a blow job from Angelina Jolie.

    Americans invented the internet. Then they filled it up with shopping and pornography. That's SHEER GENIUS.

    Their culture transmitted via media, products, visuals and music has a "positive individual aspect" to it. Good feeling, hope.

    So infectious is American culture that people from other non English speaking cultures readily embrace it, and exude the American spirit of the individual being happy and celebrating life. Take this oriental for eg.

    So wake up you negative spirited wank bags. Learn to have some fun lah. Your arsehole muscles are too tight. Loosen up, and let out that toxic shit, or it'll kill you!!
