
The more you read the more tulan

More and more cases of PRs and new citizens benefitting from the housing policies or taking advantage of them are being reported in cyberspace. And to think that they did not have to do NS and could get a public flat so easily while so many Sinkies are not even eligible for some cock reasons, singles, income too high etc etc, makes the blood boils. How can policies be formulated that put Sinkies at a disadvantage over PRs and new citizens?

The people that fall victims to such policies have all the rights to be fuming mad. They are the sons of the land, oops, a piece of rock, and having live here all their lives, doing NS to defend this piece of rock, and could not buy a roof over their heads while new citizens going around merrily getting them, subletting them, or selling them at good profits only to abandon this place and return home.

The Sinkies deserve the govt they get. I am sure many Sinkies are damn tulan over this. Own citizens, born and bred here, lost out to PRs and new citizens. And best of the bestest, they will vote for those who made the policies to their detriment.


Anonymous said...

Fish rots from the head. Silly leaders made silly policies, silly civil servants and unthinking clerks applied every dot and comma diligently.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Words cannot describe our anger.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

These are the raw feedbacks that they should be reading and to amend their policies. If not the rot will only get bigger, and the fish will stink from head to tail.

Anonymous said...

This is more than DuLan... NahBeh ... limpeh served NS oso ... yet getting short changed on so many things.

Anonymous said...

Anger of the mob , can be underestimated or cannot be underestimated ? When there is an angry mob , can we effect any concrete action ( legally lah ) of course. Or angry Mob just angry , dulan but eventually turn to mop , mopping around only ?

Anonymous said...

What happened if you have termite in your wooden house? Collapse all all the original occupant killed!!!

Anonymous said...

Sibei No Eye See.

Anonymous said...

What's posted here will not qualify as feedback. Must post in Leach, err, I mean Reach, then it is feedback.

Anonymous said...

Who ask u see. U no see, U won't say no eye see. See aleady say no eye see. U got ploblum in your head

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Excuse me, I have benefitted from these "foreigners". They pay more rent than the locals. And they are bloody good tennants.

I am definitely not tulan. I am happy as a sailor in a brothel ;-)

Capitalism is a tough game. Better learn how to play it properly.

S'poreans had a good start of donkey's years to get their shit together.

But over the years they've become lazy, demanding, over-value themselves, and adopted a entitlement mentality -- ie that somehow the world, or the government "owes them a living".

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The best quotation from Matilah.

'But over the years they've become lazy, demanding, over-value themselves, and adopted a entitlement mentality -- ie that somehow the world, or the government "owes them a living".'

Finally he is saying what Sinkies dunno how to say.

Anonymous said...

You sailor eating your little brother

Mind_ur_Rs_and_Ls said...

Conscription for NS , is that the entitlement of the govvernment ? In peacetime , do we still need to waste 2.5 yrs of our most productive lives ?? I think the government does not owe us a living , we are already owned by the government int the first place. Sinkies are aggrieved by the unequal treatment. To make matters worse , sinkies who give and give end up kenna squeezed even more ... we are not pigs for easy slaughtering !!

Anonymous said...

Hey brudder Matilah , you do know what sailer's get right ? can spell syphilis ? yupze... that's right ... it affects the brain too ... no wonder some of your arguments are as "happy as sailer in a brothel" seah.

Anonymous said...

he matilah anyway. please visit brothel more often and make more curry paste. I support you.

Anonymous said...

Matilah and & his ilk must have certainly missed the point here, which is: stupid Govt policies that benefit non-locals and even pseudo locals, i.e. new citizens who are presumed guilty until proven innocent after they have genuinely contributed to our Merlion city) ...at the expense of "real citizens".
If "feel good" (even) Matilah and company think they are enjoying their fruits...well good luck.
The crux of the matter is that the Govt thinks everyone plays by the rules. So they formulate policies which they reckon are good for all. But being book-smart instead of street smart, their policies get exploited by the greedy nd the seedy, and ever so sordidly. These are the exploiters who dont play by the rules so long as they can benefit directly and personally.
Unless the Govt realises this and treats its "real citizens"... those who have faithfully supported them since Merlion's independence, she will no longer be like what she used to be... being Numero Uno!
The recent failings from the incredible escape of a crippled terrorist, the wrongfully, long undetected CNB drug records, the woefully and potentially risky SMRT debacle and the stupid DNA screw up must be the start of our new found fame to shame. Hopefully they are wake-up calls to re-invent and re-shake Merlion...otherwise we are done for.
But thankfully, there are still us "real citizens" who will never let this happen. We will fight.
Just wait...becos like cornered dog, the real citizens will bare its fangs and bite. And when we do so, it will very hard, real hard!

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Oh please lah redbean, I'm merely echoing Lee Kuan Yew's words.

Nonetheless, it seems I've offended a few sensitivities hurhurhur... :-P

Fuck you all, bloody babies. Deal with it!

Anonymous said...

You seem to like dicks in your mouth

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

No worry Mat. We are both idol worshippers, worshipping the same idol: )

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean, you will notice the general sentiment -- attack the messenger, not the message.

Its a sign of immaturity -- mostly low emotional intelligence. React by ad hominem attack.

Anyway folks, cool down and enjoy some entertainment. Nice well-known song popular in KTV given an "artistic makeover" by this Malaysian artiste.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 718

Please don't blame the govt nor me and "my ilk" (REAL citizens, mind you), if the unlucky (??)others (loud mouth wankers) are too slow off the mark and drag their feet.

Ok put the "elite" class aside. I'm not one of them, I can't stand them. As far as I am concerned they are fat and lazy and get paid way too much for what they are worth.

I am talking about the PRIVATE sector. The private, private sector. Not the privatised government sector. I am talking about the self-interested, profit seeking opportunists which Lee Kuan Yew despises becasue as a young lawyer, he FAILED in the private market.

He kena MAKAN by people far better than he could ever be. Going into politics was -- in some way -- his revenge, and he's an EXCELLENT statesman.

Here's the one and only barometer in the TRUE PRIVATE sector:

A dollar represents a "certificate of achievement". In the private sector to earn a dollar fair and square, you have to provide someone else with a perceived value GREATER THAN the dollar he gives you in VOLUNTARY exchange.

Can you do that? Simple answer: yes or no.

I conjecture: "real citizens" are the ones contributing and creating value. Sad to say, the victim-mentality locals are being given a lesson in "work ethics" and "value creation" by the foreign newbies.

New citizens are far more "real" than the whinging-candy-assed locals. (who ought to be ashamed, not arrogant)

Anonymous said...

New citizens are far more "REAR" than the whinging-candy-assed locals. (cause I have been ass shamed)

Anonymous said...

The point anonymously real citizens are making is not about how people succeed or how others fail, locals or otherwise, citizens or newbies. Neither is it about how enterprising or creative one had to be to survive in the so-called dog-eat-dog environment of private commercialdom.

What real citizens are against are not about foreigners, new citizens and yes, even ignoramus such as Matilah and his ilk but rather the obvious stupidity of a Government that places more importance on non-locals, PRs and citizen wannabes over true blue citizens. And indeed they have a right to be angry because who made Singapore into what it is today?
The smartest of Governments alone cannot do it without the support of the people...real citizens...unless they happen to be regimes which enjoy compliance through other brutal means such as North Korea etc.
But what real citizens are up against is that barely after Singapore achieves the so-called 1st world status, it quickly becomes so arrogantly extravagant......in governance (the huge mega bucks pay is an example unlike when we first started... when even a drink for a government volunteer was hard to come by!) and of course the slack in the entire Singapore Inc operations leading to the many failures in recent times. But the top of the rancid cake is the extravagance in the way the Government treats outsiders especially the selfish many with no true love for Spore.
Real citizens believe such extravagance should be showered on Singaporeans first and then outsiders but no, this is not so under the false belief that qualified outsiders will play by the rules. The truth is now slowly but surely emerging...and unless the Government realises it, the Singapore story will be no different than those of great empires of yore....a spent country with a glorified past with nothing to cling to becos its real citizens are too few and overwhelmed by aggressive outsiders and exploitative new citizens who are likely to abandon her at the first signs of trouble. A highly probable scenario because if they could give up their country of birth, what makes you think they would not also give up their country of adoption for another crack at the new pot of gold?
Sure, we need outsiders to boost the sagging population. But can anyone guarantee fertility even among foreigners? Perhaps the Government should release the figures of baby-bearing foreigners/newbies to show how they are helping to boost local population, and not by bringing by the plane-loads their next kins to denote growth.
Real citizens think the locals can still boost the population growth, if only the Government thinks out of the cabinet of the sterile Istana.
For starters are they doing enough to encourage couples to procreate? Real citizens think not.
The government can start by providing free child maintenance to all citizens for two babies for 10 years, followed by free education up to JC-levels.
With child maintenance worries out of the way...I think even my bachelor uncle who is in his 40s will want to remove "rubber" and take the plunge.

Anonymous said...

A good, solid blog post which many can emotionally identify with.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@anon 324

Biology happens. If people are allowed the freedom to come, settle and make new lives for themselves, most of the younger ones wll end up fucking and making babies. Is that enough "guarantee " for you?

Anyway you really display a needy, depend-on-government / exploited-by-government. mentality. And when you cannot get your way you stomp your feet and throw a tantum like a spoilt brat. And of course, blame the government. <== very important attribute of you and your ilk.

@anon 913

No need. I'll tell you, damn straight, as a longkang playing local: many of you are assholes.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

No problem. I just posted an article to confirm what you said.

Anonymous said...

true.got longkangs also got assholes. in fact, assholes and longkangs are all holes. so matilah been plaing with smelly assholes? haaaaaaaa

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

And the monumental feats of intellect continue as Singapore's "intelligentsia" respond emphatically to my opinions!

No wonder the cuntree needs more foreigners to replace citizens like the chorus of anons who magically appear here!

Carry on, fuck-heads!

Anonymous said...

So be it...Matilah has confirmed himself that he is not only an idiot, he has symptoms of a maggot, blind, deaf and in a sorry state of his own...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I've confirmed nothing, mate.

You've just confirmed that you need to be replaced in Singapore society.

You are not of any value anymore.


Anonymous said...

First, I am not your mate...especially with one who displays maggot-like behaviour...
My replacement?....why yes, it is confirmed that I have withdrawn my $36000 donation to the former Spore Civil Servants Association replacing it for Mynamar's Karens who are more deserving as they have agreed to teach Sporeans how to stand up for their rights...through the trading of jade and gemstones.....Me of no value? Then it's double-confirmed that you are indeed an idiot because Obama's country has just notified me that it will award a doctorate to me on July 4th in Washngton DC for my thesis on "if termites kill trees, maggots can kill a country"

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 2:19, congrats for your doctorate.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ anon 219

Well good luck on your doctorate. I'm sure you'll be of immense "value" in the USA, mate ;-)