
Hsien Loong still thinking of career development

Hsien Loong is still thinking about promotion and career development of his employees. This kind of anomaly only exists in one country and no where else. No where in a democratically elected govt does a head of a political party has the privilege of career planning and development, and a salary scale for politicians as if they were employees of the state. In a normal healthy democracy every term of appointment could be the last term before the next general election.

Would Obama or Cameron be talking about career planning for their ministers with salary increment and promotion to come with it? What is happening here is a unique situation that could no longer exist in the next general election. It is not going to be the same anymore looking at how things are developing. Any political party that is elected to power should count themselves lucky. And to be reelected again, is not going to be a sure thing. In many countries, a two term party is a great achievement that many could only hope for.

What happens if a new govt is elected to power in 2016 and subsequently political offices change hand more regularly? It is something that can happen. To be elected again and again is no longer going to be a guarantee as the political system matures, as the people get wiser and more demanding and more selective.


  1. A few things come to mind.

    out of touch.
    a leopard cannot change its spot.

  2. He gets my 100% support. This is what I call proactive government and self actualisation ala redbean's favourite charltan: Abe "Bullshit" Maslow.

    When ministers self actualize by constant improvement, the cuntree approaches utopian standards.

    Ahh, my Hotel Singapore. So well managed. The annoying riff-raff are kept in their places so folks like myself can enjoy themselves!

    Thank god the sheeple get the cuntree they deserve!

  3. You need to have an open mind to understand social theories. Maslow's Theory is still as relevant then and now. In our context, some may be stuck in level 3 for al their wealth and recognition, some may have skipped level 3 and elevated themselves to level 5, but many progressed in Maslow fashion to level 4.

    That is why some are aspiring to be karaoke singers, to sell the CDs, some want to be chef, some write books. And one day some may want to turn Orchard Road into a big canal for a new lifestyle.

    And some may turn the phrase 'building castles in the air' into reality. We will have many castles in the air right here.

  4. Using million dollar salaries to 'test out" the minster's capabilities at tax payer's expense. Very good... for the 60.1% , thank you for voting PAP so that we get to see the real life training of these PAP minions. This country really majulah to hell.

  5. PAP has been on the throne for near 5 decades, the Throne is theirs' for at least another two elections. Sinkies cannot afford to lose PAP.

  6. After paying so much to these greedy pigs , if cannot perform , then , discreetly give themselves face by shifting to another portfolio ? Hey ..... that's what's happening to all these stat boards / SAF all along what .... nothing new lorr , please. WE ARE NOT BLIND, DUMB and STUPID.

  7. Once the old king up lorry , dynamics will change

  8. All poised for an EPIC fall once the core starts to fall apart... starting with you know who when he goes to meet his maker in hell.

  9. Political office is the highest office one can aspire to next to becoming the king. The PM and his ministers are at the peak of their career, personal achievements.

    What more career development can one expect? PM to SM to MM to EM?

    Minister be promoted from grade 1,2,3,4 or to 5?

  10. Another ornamental post, oso as good as King , scraping in by a minority of 35%. Can spell Tony Tan?

  11. PM->SM->MM->EM ---> GOD

    Hey , Martilah , there you go , GOD does exist !

  12. Sin is so rich, there are so much money, using them to pay our rulers who in some ways contributed to the wealth, is justified rewards in some ways. They deserve it because they created the wealth.

  13. Wrong, wrong.

    Becoming ministers and PM are not the peak of personal achievements but the peak of personal sacrifices.

  14. So sacrificial , almost like being crucified , right ? Such wonderful act of sacrifice. Sinkies , all must appreciate ok ? Come , may all sinkies continue to be the lambs.

  15. Ya lah redbean.Maslow is "relevant " if you believe in "mind" instead of "brain". When Maslow spewed his bullshit, FMRI scanners had not been invented.

    Me? I like hard core neuroscience. No such thing as "mind". It's an illusion. A WONDERFUL, ASS KICKING illusion. The mind is "brain porn". It fucks itself, viciously, guiltlessly and over indulgently.


  16. I think you got it all wrong. The sinkies are so lucky, with good jobs and high price properties.

    It is the ministers that are the sacrificial lambs, missing out on good jobs, good money and career.

  17. Matilah, I will try to agree with you. You don't need to be braindead to be mindless : )

  18. A good experiment will be to do a brain transplant to see whether the thought and intellect will also go along: ) Or will the person still be the same person despite the brain change.

  19. There is no such thing as a brain transplant.

    The operation will be called a body transplant.

    Think about it

  20. "You don't need to be braindead to be mindless : )". This deserves to be the Quote of the Year!

    The mind works differently from the brain, spiritually speaking. And this from a common bean.

  21. The Brain works for functions of other organs and computation.
    The Mind wonders into spiritual realm of which Science does not and is not able to identify.

  22. Those who believe in "mind" fall all over themselves and spout gibberish when they futilely try to explain the workings of the brain.

    Whilst they can argue mindlessness with a brain, they can also argue mindFULLness without a brain , or even without a body.

    Motherfucking fairytales lah.

    Similarly, these idiots believe in nonsense like TCM, chi or qi, life after death -- which enables them to "talk" to dead motherfuckers -- like their dead relatives, vitamin pills, anti vaccination, creation story etc and conspiracy theories.

    Dumb assholery...yes folks, its everywhere!

  23. To be real lah...there is no such thing as career development that HR usually wasted a lot of time to do.

    The only few points to work in this red dot are:
    1. who you know and not what you know.
    2. make as much money as possible whenever there is a chance.
    3. job hops to wherever higher pay.
    4. aim to retire before 40 as you may be unemployed after 40.

  24. The pay revision was passed without a hitch and was described as agreed upon by OPPOSITIONS!

  25. HR is not an exact science. But there are methodology and principles to follow. Career devt is more relevant to big organisations than the smaller ones when the pyramid can be only 2 or 3 levels.

    And to make things worst, every asshole CEO thinks that HR is commonsense and he also knows until he messed it up and then put the blame on HR.

    The compensation debate in Parliament in a case in point. Where are the HRs and their input? Everyone thinks he knows best. But then politicians are exceptional people and knows everything.

  26. ... The pay revision was passed without a hitch and was described as agreed upon by OPPOSITIONS! ...

    PR exercise. Whether like it on not WP has to prepar a joint statement by its MP for the debate and state the "differences".

  27. Now the new pay package will have greater moral justification with the consent of the WP. Now who can say that it does not have opposition party support?
