
A fair shot for all

‘We can either settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by, or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules.’ Hussein Obama

This is fruit for thought. Is it applicable to our city state? Is the number of people doing extremely well shrinking and a growing number barely getting by? Is everyone playing by the same set of rules? Is everyone getting a fair shot and doing his fair share?


  1. Are you that naive?

  2. Hussein Obama
    talks better
    than professional
    Will the Americans
    buy or will the
    Americans RISE???

  3. Obama is not being paid high enough. When he is getting millions annually, he may change laws to protect his income, assets and lower his own taxes.

  4. Nope, but may lead to criminal activities

  5. To anon 9:26 AM
    [Lucky Tan writes..
    "Obama is now seeking legislation to prevent the congressmen from profiting from their positions"]

  6. Straits Times writes obituary about Kodak (PAP) in page A19, 26 Jan 2012 in the editorial entitled "Kodak: Fade-out, then history".

    Just substitute;
    "Kodak" with "PAP" and
    "management" with "Singaporeans"

  7. Very Orwelian title.

  8. If you are born with the correct genes or have the right connections, you will love our meritocratic system and will want the PAP to keep control eternally so that you and your familee can live here dignified and uncorrupted as higher mortals. The lesser mortals can be left to their own devices struggling for their daily survival.


  9. People who benefitted from the system will want to protect the. That is natural and a selfish trait of beans. It is this trait that will eventually take over and lead to the demise of the beneficiaries of the system when it tips the scale.

  10. To Anon at Jan26 9.23am,

    as i listened to Obama's speech, i could clearly see it could also apply to singapore. esp the ending part...

    even if you disagree, at least the Americans are paying US$400k for inspirational and charismatic speeches.... we pay $2.2m to get hard truths... sad...
