
How to solve the hungry ghosts issue?

On the positive side, the Tourist Board can capitalize on it and coin a new slogan to attract more tourists here. I can think of one immediately, come and see ‘Beauty and the beasts in paradise island’, or ‘First and third world cohabitation at Sentosa’. Singapore could then become another exciting exotic and erotic destination unlike the dull first world image of being squeaky clean like Europe.

Another possible solution is to educate the ladies to be more tolerant, be friendly or even party with the hungry ghosts. They will be most happy to be friendly with them instead of just ogling or gawking at them. They would not look hostile or intimidating any more.

A third option is to ban bikinis and swimming suits or scantily dressed girls in Sentosa beach. They are the main cause of all the problems. Remove them and it will remove all the problems of hungry ghosts.

One standard solution that is always in the lips of Singaporeans when such problems arise is to erect barriers to keep the beasts away. And, yes, oh yes, levy a fee for going to the beach protected by the barriers, like ERPs. How come it takes me so long to think of this marvelous idea?

See, problem solved, Singapore uniquely.


Anonymous said...

Keep it simple. 'No entry unless clad in bikini'. That way, all are equal are get to ogle at each other.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

That's a superior idea: )

Anonymous said...

Better still, put them in enclosures and levy ogling fees.

Anonymous said...

The pictures reminded me of the hyenas in Africa surrounding their potential prey and waiting for the orgy.

The said...

/// A third option is to ban bikinis and swimming suits or scantily dressed girls in Sentosa beach. They are the main cause of all the problems. Remove them and it will remove all the problems of hungry ghosts. ///

Yes, good idea - ban bikinis - all should be in their birthday suits. Remove the bikinis and be natural.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When I wrote that line I know this will come: )

A little indiscretion makes life more fun.

Anonymous said...

So, how now?
Move into the 22nd century and be ahead and faster than time
to dress decently and behave decently as our fore-fathers have taught?

Everyone in the earlier thread were modern, open-minded and liberal.

Actually hor, in the earliest days, where got need to wear anything.

Now hor, breastfeeding in public considered indecent deh. Before the 60s, we saw them everywhere, now if the mothers do it, their pictures will surely appear on Reach. What the heck is happening to Singaporeans? So fond of pretensions!

The said...

Mea culpa.

I remember 35 years ago, as a student on holiday in Nice & Cannes, I was also gawking and photographing all those beautiful bodies. And they were topless. I still have proof of my interest in astronomy - photographs of all those heavenly bodies.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

We were young once. Also to the many oldies, we were quite like the hungry ghosts once.

We have changed.

With so many hungry ghosts around a few girls, can be a frightening experience. You would not know what are they thinking and whether they would turn into a mindless mob.

In any part of town, especially when darkness falls, young girls could easily fall prey to hungry ghosts. This is going to be an increasing security issue.

Anonymous said...

The youngs are replenishing the olderlies, they will behave like whence You were young. And they will behave like You now when they are old.
The QUESTION remains why do the ladies have to lure the men the way they dressed or not dressed???

What security problem will there be if the ladies are having themselves much fun in clubs, casinos and other night spots after sundown without problems?

Relax Redbean!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Haha,I am very relax. But we cannot presumed that the ladies in their bikinis are there to lure the men. It is a common thing to do among the Europeans, men and women, to sunbath.

As for the orgy in the clubs, that is willing buyer willing selling, consenting adults. And they got to pick who they want. Not the same lah.

Anonymous said...

"It is a common thing to do among the Europeans, men and women, to sunbath. "

Hi Sir, are You talking about angmos sunbathing at Sentosa or are You talking about locals and Asians lying scantily at Sentosa Beach.

If it is angmos, the hungry ghost will only have chance to salivate and get frustrated, no security problem lah.

Anonymous said...

http://www.3in1kopitiam.com/ look at the pics in this blog.