
National Day regrets

Dow plunged more than 600 pts last night and we were asleep. Can't do anything. If only our stockmarket was open, we would not be caught in a situation like this. We could also sell our stocks down.

This morning Hangseng fell more than 1,400 pts. We are closed for National Day Celebration. We have gone on continuous trading, no lunch break, exactly for this reason, not to be caught while other markets are trading. Now they are all sold down and we aren't open and looking helplessly.

On this National Day, these are my two regrets.

I would like to recommend that our stock market be open, 24/7 all year round. We will only be closed when the rest of the markets are closed. Oops, no need 24/7, 24/5 and minus a few international holidays will do. Going fully operational, we will be able to cover all situations and take advantage of all situations. We can also call our city a city without sleep.

Would that be nice, fully prepared and ready, pro active, a bit kiasu though.


  1. I thought the rulers were going to take the credit for the recovery of Singapore's economy. Now they have to blame it on the global events when things turn bad again.

    Its all heads they win, tails we loose.

  2. Come on, despite what's happening in stock markets round the World. Our GDP is forecasted to be only down by 1% for 2011. Sin is well protected from Tsunami of any type, be it from the ocean, stock market or epidemic. Sleep well and sound sleep, no worry!
