
I am starting to know more about dogs

‘Leadership is in the blood, says Mr Lee.’ This is a headline in ST on 27 May. LKY was expounding his theory on leadership in Japan, and he explained how certain groups of people are born with this quality. It is in the blood, in the bloodline.

LKY then used the example of a sheepdog and explained how easily it is to train sheepdogs to guard and dominate the sheep. Not any dog will do. It must be a certain kind, a sheep dog.

I quote LKY, ‘There is a certain group of dogs that genetically have been born and been specially bred for this purpose. If you just take your ordinary dog, you can spend all your time training it, it will not work.’

So, for those who are thinking of importing dogs, think Australia or New Zealand. Think sheep dog and not mongrels. The latter can be found in the less developed countries, so plentiful, but do not have that special quality of leadership in their blood.

It is more relaxing to talk about pets, hobbies and dogs on a Sunday morning.


  1. Hahaha

    Now, we are starting to talk about importing dogs. And especially sheep dogs?

    For herding sheeples?

    The nightmare is happenning! A taste of bad governance gone to the dogs?

  2. This is so funny redbean that the old dog is equating his pack's leadership to canines, this is so damn funny.

  3. The Chinese has a saying that it is impossible to find ivory in the mouth of a dog.
    'kou zui li zhang bu chu xiang ya'.

  4. The Chinese has a saying that it is impossible to find ivory in the mouth of a dog.
    'kou zui li zhang bu chu xiang ya'.

  5. Yeah, but we certainly cannot teach old sheepdogs new tricks.

    It applies to all dogs, even those with leadership in their blood.

    What is the use of teaching them old tricks that cannot work now?

  6. He is mixing leadership with ability to do a certain task after training. I think he is exhibiting senile traits.

    A Prataman may be good at flipping pratas after training, but do you call that a leadership trait in their bloodline?

    There is also a certain group of people that genetically have been born and been specially bred for this purpose. Not any man can be trained to flip pratas. It must be a certain kind. LOL!

    Oh no, I am getting senile talking about dogs.

  7. And we're supposed to be proud of having him as our founding father?

  8. Hi Jaque Daniel, welcome to the blog.

    As anon 9:14 has pointed out, there are at least two counts of inappropriate comparison. Training a dog to do a trick is not leadership. It means it is a dog that can be easily trained and will learn to do as told by the master.

    Two, leadership is in the blood of those who possessed it. It is not in blue blood or hereditary. Otherwise, kings and emperors will forever be producing kings and emperors and workers, labourers and low level workers will not produce leaders, not in their blood. This is furthest from the truth.

    Many great leaders rose from humble beginnings without any tinge of blueness or purplish colour in their blood.

  9. As LKY said, leadership is in the blood. Then, why he invented GRC to bring in the so-called talented MPs who ended up not performing to the mark except for millions dollar salary. Is he trying to argue that TLP has also leadership in her blood?

    If leadership is truly in the blood, then why wealth and power will never last for more than 3rd generation. It just shows that many other factors are affecting the leadership.

    If leadership is in the blood, why do we need education and military leader schools to train community and military leaders. LKY has been talking rubbish to justify his son as the best person to be the PM and perhaps his grandson. He intends to promote dynasty politics. He has lost all my respect.

  10. No need to import any dogs lah. It has been raining cats and dogs lately, that's why we are having floods.

  11. The Man loves dogs.

