
Notable quote by Lim Wee Kiat

"If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communication and Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discuss policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister's ideas and proposals, hence a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity." - Dr Lim Wee Kiat, PAP MP for Nee Soon GRC, 24 May 2011 in Lianhe Wanbao PS. Lucky has posted an article on this. I just borrow the quote which says a lot about the mindset of our leaders.


  1. Soon Dr Lim will probably claim being quoted out of context by the media....

  2. Yes. Mr Obama must be truly and utterly in awe and in shock about our PM's package. He will surely listen attentively to our PM whose "package" is 7 times bigger than his. His well-endowed package, that is. "Look here and listen up - mine is so much bigger than yours!"

    As an aside, wonder how Obama or his Trade Secretary can get Bill Gates or Warren Buffet to listen to him?

  3. Deranged logic that only daft Singaporeans could believe and cry, profound, profound.

  4. I somehow believe this scenario. In the army, the soldiers will listen to his commander who has a higher rank given by the army authority. No doubt, the commander has higher pay because of his duty and responsibility. The commander may a daft person. So, the smarter soldiers still have to listen to this daft commander regardless how daft is this commander and how much pay this commander get.

    This sound like what our respectable Dr Lim means except he equals income to rank.

  5. Its hard to believe that he could have made such a stupid remark. I cant wait to hear his clarification.

  6. Thank God he's not a Minister and hopefully will never be one..else $ gone down the drain

  7. Military Personnel should and must not be allowed to rule for they only know to rule by the barrels of their guns.
    And for a person like Lim Wee Kiat, he should not have been elected into Parliament for he is NO DIFFERENT from military personnel. Such calibre cannot be allowed to be leader, not even at the lowest level.

  8. if there is nothing useful or meaningful to say, better just 'tutup mulut, lah'

  9. By the logic of Dr Wee, our prata-man of a president, is clearly the Most Dignified Person on earth.


  10. By that logic, few people will listen to Obama because he has little dignity.

    Hey, when leaders of countries talk to each other, they probably must ask each other how much do they earn. Then the one earning the most can talk rubbish and yet listened to.

    How did this pin-head ever become a doctor I wonder?

  11. Dear all. This is not stupidity or carelessness on these MIW part. This is a simple and pure manifestation of evilness and cruelty of this party. So don't be surprise. What they had done to us and treated us is just pure evilness at it's highest in politics. One by one they will be deal with kharma will seek them. There is nothing we can do as oppressed citizens. Evil.

  12. Get out of my elite and uncaring face did not appear for no reason.

    The religion must be preached within closed doors and once in a while a careless believer will spout something to reveal the true teaching.

    It is really frightening to know the truth.
