
Goh Meng Seng accepting full responsibility

Goh Meng Seng is accepting full responsibility for the failure of his party to win any seat. So, is saying accepting responsibility enough? Is this the culture of politicians here? Happily accepting responsibility and life goes on? The Japanese PM is forgoing his PM allowance to take responsibility for the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. This is what taking responsibility is all about. They used to slit their own tummy with a short knife or resign in shame for any faults or wrongs coming from their offices. The GRC of Tampines was ripe for the taking. It was very unfortunate that NSP failed to take it and many people, especially the young people waiting to buy their first flat, will have to suffer for it. Goh Meng Seng’s minister specific strategy was right. Any minister that fouled up would not be able to defend their failures. And everyone is expecting Tampines to fall. Goh Meng Seng’s failure was to over extend his forces. An opposition party cannot think of winning a GRC with half strength, or less than half strength. His major fault is, as everyone now knows now, spreading his talents too thin. Marine Parade was an abnormally. The team in Marine Parade was a no hoper. The Nicole phenomenon caught everyone by surprise and exposed the weaknesses of Marine Parade. The failure of Goh Meng Seng’s strategy of spreading his forces too thin also came to bug him in Marine Parade. Marine Parade could be his in the next GE if PAP did not change the team. This time round it was not a possibility from an objective assessment of the situation before the GE. With the success of Nicole, Goh Meng Seng taught he could have Marine Parade. But he forgot that the rest of the candidates were very weak. Depending on Nicole alone could just go that far. The biggest regret is still Tampines. A joining of forces with the other parties for the next GE would be very fruitful is the political climate is similar to what it is today. The NSP must learn from this fiasco after paying such a huge tuition fee. The principles behind the minister specific strategy is the same as turning weakness into strength, by concentrating the limited fire power on a weak point. Don't ever think of winning a GRC with a weak team.


  1. The NSP should spurn the amorous advances of the SDP and dress up sexily for the WP, winking devilishly at the same time to catch the eye of LTK.

    Then, Mr. GMS may have a fighting chance to sit in the august chamber after sending off the shorty to pasture and his dear brother would not have died in vain.

    Again, GMS is I would think another good man. But it's better to have a good heart matched by Cao Cao's strategic brain than all heart and no brain.


  2. GMS must spend more time playing the Chinse game of "Go" 围棋 to learn the art of strategizing and skilful positioning, like LTK.


  3. As I said before, it is difficult for party hoppers to do well.

    Only loyal cadres like JBJ (until his break with Low and other party members), Chiam (who was ousted from his own party leadership, not because he hops), Low and perhaps Sylvia and Yaw too are good examples of those who have succeeded by remaining loyal to one party.

    Loyalty builds up credibility in the eyes of voters.

    Anyway, no good result will come out of any merger between NSP and SDP. I believe even before they merge they would start fighting over who should lead.

  4. Hi Renho,

    If I am not mistaken, both Goh Meng Seng and Low Thia Kiang are Chinese ed and should know how to play Go. Low TK is playing it very well.

  5. I think the reason is even more simple: the people majority rejected the opposition partioes because the majority of people don't want to pay more taxes, and thankfully most S'poreans are still 'uncooperative' when it comes to implementing a welfare state.

    So maybe the people are not so stupid afterall.

    Australia just got a new fiscal budget. It is a fucking mess. More deficit -- in a period where the resources are booming and so is the rest of the economy. There is no excuse for 'deficit'...absolutely none... unless you are a bad economic manager and overspender/ over borrower.

    Guess who is going to end up paying for the deficits? The tax payer of course.

    Singapore should be 'thankful' that although their govt is annoying and the people in it are not very nice, at least they are more responsible when it comes to managing money. No, they are not perfect, but they are "less bad" than many other goverenments.

    At least the average guy can make and keep a buck. Here in Oz, they can;t wait to tax your or regulate your business.

    I'm keeping my pink NRIC.

  6. Matilah,

    Raymond Lim is a happy ex Singaporeans in Oz. Read his posts in the thread, "Mah Bow Tan still insists HDB is affordable"

    Yes there are many sides to a political situation. Everywhere, some are happier and will do better. Some otherwise.

  7. According to insider information, it was Hazel and Tony who have rejected the offer to stand in Tampines. GMS has done his part as SG to make such offer.

    Insider also said that GMS was the one who made the last ditch effort to get Nicole to stand for elections, not only for her to stand in MP but also Tampines initially. If it is not for GMS, Nicole may not even be a known person in political field.

    Insider also said that GMS has predicted 40% for the NSP in Marine Parade but nobody believed him prior to nomination day. GMS is indeed a rare political genius but it seems that there are people who want to undermine his leadership.

  8. Looks like NSP will face internal problems if what insider said is true, with candidates already dictating their preferences as to which constituency they wanted to stand in and GMS unable to do anything.

    This is not a good sign.

  9. MBT and WKS will most likely "retire" by next GE, therefore, any hopes of driving then to a corner may not apply next round. I guess the NSP really missed this opportunity to take Tampines. IMO, it was just easy with high public property prices on everyone's mind. With re carving of electorade boundaries, it is really difficult the next round

  10. I am not particularly impressed nor enamoured with the husband and wife "scholar" team. WTF is so good about being a "scholar" anyway? Over inflated imagery.

    As secretary general, GMS should stand his ground and deploy his firepower wherever he thinks expedient. If he can't do so, then why is he taking full responsibility for the debacle?

    Yes, Patriot may wake up five years hence and find that his Tampines has been absorbed into West Coast GRC!


  11. It is better for GMS and Nicole not to be in active in politics. They should stay clear of the jungle of politics. Politic is dirty and therefore not suitable for those 'soft hearted'=too sympathetic=easily sentimentally aroused, not discerning(reading) of characters people.
    Politic is not just dirty, it is also dangerous.
    Both GMS and Nicole are extremely accommodating, for politician, this is extreme weakness in term of political leadership.

    It WILL be BETTER that GMS and Nicole contribute to the society via other avenues. Leave politics to the schemers, people most suited for political ambition.

  12. A General who cannot command his troops and deploy them according to his strategy is not a good leader leh. Period.


  13. Many of the candidates are new to the game and do not have the luxury of 5 years to learn the job. But now there is a mandatory 5 years to wait and to learn from the outside.

    There always another 5 years to look forward to: )

  14. notanotherspinstoryMay 18, 2011 11:40 am

    GMS was from WP. Recently Eric Tan also quit WP for perceived unfairness. So not everybody agrees with WP.

    GMS seems a decent man but probably not a wise enough leader to take NSP to victory. Also he accepts any quality of candidate without scrutiny. The secret to WP is running a tight ship with good quality and well aimed shots.

  15. Goh Meng Seng and Nicole Seah can put their minds to reorganize NSP.
    They may have to be more careful and selective of the people in their core membership.

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