
Worker’s Party wants to abolish PA

Worker’s Party has made the abolishing of the PA as one of their key objectives if they win the election. I would like them to add another, the abolishing of all the elitist conditions for the office of the elected President. The highest office of the land must be open to every citizen of the country, other than criminals. It must not be kept only for a special select few based on criteria other than the goodness, integrity and honour of the candidate. So what if someone is rich, clever, earns a lot of money, runs a big company or organization? These do not make the person a better man. These cannot be the criteria to bar other citizens from wanting to stand for election to be the President of the country. If every ordinary citizen can serve the country as a national service man, to fight and die for the country, he has every right to stand for election as the President of the country. It is a flawed argument that the President can only be chosen from the elite. Every citizen in the country shall have equal opportunity to serve at the highest office of the land. No one shall be discriminated because of his station in life, or he does not have the opportunity to earn big money or work in a big organization. Under the flag of the nation every citizen is equal. No one shall be more equal than others by virtue of wealth or any other criteria. No one or party shall deprive the citizens of this right to run for the office of the Presidency. If every citizen can stand for election for the more important positions of Prime Ministers and Ministers, there is no reason why there should be so many barriers for the Presidency.


Hermit said...

>> I would like them to add another, the abolishing of all the elitist conditions for the office of the elected President.

Since we are on the topic of abolishing elitism, we should start at the very root - abolish the SAP schools system.

All govt elitism in starts from there, if you think about it.

Anonymous said...

Very important criteria for current administration for selection of president: must be YES man.
Ong Teng Cheong was a good (negative) example to them.
So do you think they will change? Unless they lost parliament majority, else status quo.

Anonymous said...

Good schools are there for good students. Would you prefer all the good students be dumped together with the not so good students to study culture and ancient folklores?

Good schools here are not elitist schools as all good students can be admitted either to the SAP or other equally good schools like Raffles, ACS and many others. There are ample choices for the good students and the not so good students.

SAP or other good schools did not say papa must be a minister or earn $5m to be admitted.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Good luck in trying to abolish 'elitism'.

Good luck in trying to make everyone 'equal'.

And As I've said before: a directly, popularly elected president ==> very bad and dangerous scene.

Voting in the president gives a 'free kick' to the executive branch thus 'increasing' their power.

Why stop there? Why don't you extend popular vote to the judicial branch as well and vote in judges too?

The WP is bat-shit crazy and absolutely wrong on this point.

All you have to do is look at how difficult it is to remove a popularly elected president when he's an asshole. Case in point Mubarak of Egypt. The man still has plenty of power left, even though the people are massed on the streets and the cuntry is fucked.

Directly elected president == very bad, bad scene!

Anonymous said...

We need a president who understand the people and only a commoner can empathize with the commoner.

Mr Redbean aka Mr Chua Chin Leng and some other bloggers are good choices. They are well educated professionals familiar with the market and know the ground situation well.


Hermit said...

>>abolish all good schools. level the playing field. only have neighbourhood schools.

I'll second that.

>>no more exams. all automatic pass. no need to have grades. hahahaha, heaven for all.

Since when neighbourhood schools no exams ah?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Where is my post? Ok no more SAP or good schools. Then I no need work so hard. Everyone has to go to neighbourhood school like me.

And patriot, some of the absurb institutions will be abolished in times to come. But not likely during our time. So cannot invite you to the Istana for kopi susu.

Redbean, Emperor of Cyberspace. You are invited for some redbean soup here: )

Anonymous said...

What arguments from the PAP are not flawed?

GST is to help the poor?
GRC to help the minorities?
PA is not political?
Upgrading only for those who voted PAP using public money?
Foreigners help to create jobs?

And they are making a mockery of The Singapore Pledge, particularly that part about building a society based on justice equality. Some are always more equal than others.

Anonymous said...

When the arguments are used on Singaporeans, perfectly logical and reasonable.

The same arguments, tell them to the Thais, to the Australians or to anyone else outside the island, they will all say bull.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

anon, you are talking through your arsehole.

Objectivity -- which is what arguments are based on - is universal, not cultural or relative.

f it is wrong to 'tekan' people just because you are more powerful, it is wrong in ALL cultures.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Matilah, you are making me laugh man. Anyway, good joke.

Tekan people is wrong in all culture. You forgot that tekan people is the right of the powderful in the powderful is right culture: ) In my country, when you are powderful, you can tekan anyone. Where got wrong?

You wake up you idea ok.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Yes, yes, you are right. I stand corrected.

If the culture is power-based, then it is not only the right, but the obligation and the duty of powerful people to tekan the lowly and meek.

Now someone bring a maid over to me, I want to burn her, slap her then force a papaya up her vagina -- just for my jollies becasue I am sooooo fuckin' powerful.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ah, now you are making sense: )

Anonymous said...

Now that they have get rid of MM & SM post how about doing away with EP in order to made the drama more interesting. In fact Singapore is simply too small to have a President. Already in the Parliament it's bloated with back door MPs.

Anonymous said...

It is public money. Don't make noise or they may create a Vice President and pay him another $3m.

Anonymous said...

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