
Do not gloat about generosities

The tsunami and earthquake in Japan have in a way mend some ties between the two countries. China has sent a search and rescue team and offered $5.8 million of aids for reconstruction and relief for the victims of the disaster. There are some views that the Chinese should not gloat over this little assistance given to the Japanese. In terms of aids, the Japanese have given China much much more, hundreds or thousands of millions over the years to help reconstruct the modern China today. Say thank you, China. This is the view of shallow minded individuals who have forgotten all about the history between the two countries. And probably they are expecting China to say a big thank you to Japan for the millions given to China which made the $5.8 m insignificant to mention. Should China say thank you to Japan? I think most Chinese well versed in the history of the two countries will still give a two ups to the Japanese despite the aids. The disaster in Fukushima may look big and dreadful today. But it is an act of God, no ill intent by anyone. Compare to the disaster and death toll inflicted on China by the Japanese Invasion in the 1930s and the Rape of Nankin, the death toll in Fukushima is nothing. The tragedy in Nankin could literally make one go mad trying to relive those dark days. Several hundred thousands of human lives were killed and maimed, not by an act of God, but inflicted on by another( in)human specie. It was brutal murder and atrocities to young and old, woman, babies etc etc. How about throwing babies into the air for bayonet practice? And the Americans prevented the Chinese from asking for war reparations after the end of WW2, and also no war crimes against the Japanese. What the Japanese had given to China was a kind of war reparation but without the negative incrimination of their heinous acts. Should China say thank you to Japan for those aids? No amount of money can compensate for the rape of a country, bombardment and destruction of properties and lives, and unremorseful killings of people. Another count is the huge war reparation that the Japanese extorted from the Chinese during the earlier Sino Japanese War. Of course the war was started by the Japanese, who had superior war machines. And the dying and near bankrupt China had to empty everything that was left in its treasuries to the Japanese. Compare this to the aids Japan gave to China which were excesses that Japan could afford in an era of affluence and high economic growth. Compare to the war reparations that the Japanese demanded from China which was outright cash with no strings attached and the Japanese aid to China with strings attached? The generosity of the Chinese people to come to the aid of the Japanese, though not amounting to very much, is a good gesture of human kindness, to give help in times of adversity unlike invading a country in times of adversity. The Chinese may not have forgotten the barbaric acts of the Japanese when China was weak, but are willing to keep those records in history, never to be forgotten. The Japanese on the other hand have forgotten everything and will even deny that they happened. Who should be thankful to who?


  1. above all, the japanese have to be beholden to and thank the ancient Chinese for remaking them into a cultured and civilised race - the transmission of Confucianism, language, culture, food, ethics, and so on

  2. The Japanese is also human
    and as humans do, they did
    what they did just liked what Qin Shihuang did to his people, controlling and making use of his people to feed his power and ego.

  3. True, as humans there is always an ugly and wicked side in humankind. that is why humankind would hit back at the aggressor, it is called revenge, but not when it is an act of God.

    Till today, the Japanese are not remorseful over what they done to the Koreans and the Chinese. They swept them under the carpet and privately still believe that it was their right to rape China and Korea and it was China and Korea's fault for being weak. To them, China and Korea invited the attacks.

  4. IMO, the deplorable thing is that the Japanese government/emperor has never shown remorse/regret over what they have done in China. No apologies like what the Germans did, instead adding salt to injury, they continue to visit the Yasukuni shrine.
    No more such visits in recent years or even for the foreseeable future with China at where it is now. Am just waiting to see how Japan will react one day when China forces it to apologies or cut off all trade ties.

  5. Hi southernglory,

    I think these are the finest juornalists we have. They are brilliant young men and know their stuff very well. They are expressing their views, objectively, based on their experience, values and upbringing.

    In computer language there is this thing called GIGO. What is put in for processing and form the core of information will come out accordingly.

    And I don't think that they will compromise their integrity for money. Don't be surprised some may even be called up to stand for election and be our future leaders. They are our local talents.

  6. Each time me gets to read some of those mentioned, it seems to me that Wu'er Kaixi is lurking around.
    But then Wu'er Kaixi is anti establishment in China but our local journalists are bootlickers of the Establishment without independent minds.

    Okay, me thinks they are not Kaixi's calibre yet with regard Chinas' History. Most of the Local Journalists in Straits Times are Angolish Educated and they have mutated to non Chinese themselves.


  7. Can't blame them. They read Chinese history and events written by westerners. And they probably read the East Asia Coprosperity Sphere promoted by the Japanese and believe that the Japanese were in China to help the Chinese and in Southeast Asia to help them as well.

    And many Southeast Asians actually worked with the Japanese liberators too.

  8. Hehe, there are some enjoying life in Sin. Ex members of the Japanese liberators or ethnic betrayers and national traitors or in whatever names they are.

  9. For those who suffered under the Japs, the hatred is deep and would not go away. Those who benefitted is a different story.

    Only a couple of years back I was the victim of a verbal abuse by an old man all because I was wearing an over sized baseball cap that reminded him of the Japs. He thought I was a Jap and went lambasting me. You could see the anger and hatred in the old man.

    Mind you, the kind of wrong the Japs did to the Chinese will not be forgotten. Those who think they are westerners or maybe got Japanese blood in them, like Lee Teng Hui, may love the Japs.

  10. Me had a similar experience when i recommended an old couple to some Japanese electrical appliances.

    Although it was shockingly strong, me wondered/wonders if the Couple knew that some of these JAPANESE COLLABORATERS ARE IN THE CABINET SINCE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT WAS FORMED.


  11. I forgive you for being ill-informed since you are not in China. Here in Beijing, the common feeling towards the Japanese earthquake is that of a retibution for the 9 years of war and hurt that the Imperial Japanese inflicted on the Chinese.

  12. Thank you anon. I believe that would be the feeling. I am definitely not ill informed on that.

    I am just trying to be gracious not to say such things at a time of calamity when people are suffering. Of course, when the Rape of Nankin was on, no one really expressed the kind of sorrow and compassion for the Chinese at that time. But the truth then was that the powerful could damn the weak and it was ok. God was om the side of the imperialists.

    So today there are a lot of tears, some genuine, some crocodile tears, some for whatever reasons. But if anyone were to raise the retribution issue at a time like this, it may sound very unkind. Let's keep that for some other time.

  13. let's be a little less unkind to local journalists covering China. they are trying to their job well and their ostensibly critical coverage should be taken in light that they do not mean ill for the country. China appears to take their 'feedback' with the least of rancour.

  14. You are right. They are doing it for the good of China, like all the western journalists. China needs to be criticised to keep it on even keel, and be more responsible, like the Americans in the Middle East, trying to bring peace to the Arab world.

  15. Obsequious pro US / pro West Singapore journalists, a shame and a blog to Chinese self-respect, dignity and integrity.

    A number of English medium journalists in Singapore seem to have either a deep seated hatred for China or a strong pungent bias against China. Look at the articles they write. Practically every one of their articles they write or comment about China reflect streaks of their psychopathetic attitude towards China. Do these pathetic journalists have personally an axe to grind against China? Or are they in the pay cheques of the US government via the CIA and the Pentagon. Their articles or comments often reflect a significant lack of historical background knowledge both social, political or otherwise between China and the West. Or may be they are just stubbornly and arrogantly anti China and stupidly and obsequiously pro US and the West. Those Shameless and spineless Singapore journalists who fit the description have better come clean and make amends or face the wrath of all Chinese people and be despised and condemned for life.

    Southernglory 1
