
Balinese Dancer

A Balinese dancer doing the final touches to her make up before her performance. More pics at www.artofrar.blogspot.com.


  1. Can be found at Kelantan as well.

  2. Oh thanks. I have seen the Balinese dancers. Ya, Kelantan and Trengganu should have these beautiful dancers as well.

    This picture was formed by a school of Kois, a natural creation.

  3. Thailand osso got: the traditional type dancing to ting-tong-ling-long music, and the more "modern" variety dancing on poles, topless (bottom less after the authorities have been bribed) dancing to boom-cheech-boom -cheech music.

  4. The wonder of this picture is that it is entirely formed by Kois. Some of you may have heard of finger painting. This is Koi painting.

    I am only the photographer capturing what the Kois have created and done a bit of processing to bring out the finer details of the picture.

    This is the new photographic art form that I am working on and developing. It is a NEW Singapore art form.
