
Selling everything to foreigners is Treason

We need to have laws and systems in place to prevent rogue govts from selling away Singapore to foreigners. There must be laws to limit the selling of private properties to foreigners. Leaving the property market to the developers who have no other consideration except making money is irresponsible. The developers will sell to whoever have the money to buy from them. How many percent of our private properties are already own by foreigners? Do we have figures on the private properties that foreigners can buy and what is the percentage of foreign ownership, excluding public housing and landed properties? The data should show private residential properties and commercial properties as well It is to our national interest to limit the ownership of private residential properties to maybe 30% of any development project. We have too little land and too little properties to sell to foreigners. They have the money to buy up everything if we allow them to do so, in a free market environment. Without any restraints, gradually everything will be owned by foreigners. One day we may wake up finding that everything is gone, sold.


  1. It's more or less gone. Sooner or later, it'll be gone totally. Gone to the dogs!

  2. Yeah, one day we may also wake up asking: what am I protecting?

    I hope they do not tell us that we are protecting the dogs.

  3. First allow me to tell You that You're being too nationalistic. Read this: Singapore is not a NATION; please refer to MM Lee Kuan Yew and Minister Shangmugam for wake yourself up.

    Two; on a personal basis, please ask yourself; what's the relationships amongst the Singaporeans and the RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE LEADERS AND THE PEOPLE, is there any sign to show a cohesiveness? Me does not see nor feel it.

    Now, in the globalized world, many are of the view that Race, Nationality, Nation, Culture are all but human constructs, meaning there should not be all these identifications and demarcations. Suffice to say me does not agree to such philosophy, however, will not debate it here.

    Base on the above-mentioned, me feels when the price is right, SELL! Sell whatever that's profitable, example; if my flat now fetches 1 million SIN Dollars, me will have no hesitation to sell to anyone, Dick, Tom or Mary. 1 million SIN is going to afford me many things in many other places. Living will be much more relax with more time with nature, planting and smelling the rose, chasing butterflies, look at the stars and breathe frsh air etc.

    If me sell my assets in Singapore and gets a much better deal elsewhere, this anology can be extended to the tiny dot. SELL It and buy as had been done in the past many years. Put the profits in China, Australia, India, Thailand, Indonesia, in short everywhere, anywhere.

    Listen: When foreigners bought You and You buy others, it's fair deal. There is no stealing, exchange is no robbery. Of course do expect some stealth deals that benefit some unlawfully and unjustiably, but that's beside the point. Get them when there is proof.

    To end it, me says SELL and the earlier Singapore is sold, the earlier the Singaporeans stand to gain. The Premise however has to be, do You see any future in SIN, if You do, stay with whoever next door. Me does not see any difference whether one's neighbours are locals or foreigners. Because the Locals are aloof to each other as much as they(Singaporeans) are to foreigners.

    In conclusion, may I say that Singaporeans do not feel at home in SIN. Don't believe me? Check out the Blogs, including My Singapore News. Singapore Males do National Service but they feel there is nothing for them to protect or defend except themselves and their love ones.

    SAD! Sorry for the morning rant.


  4. First allow me to tell You that You're being too nationalistic. Read this: Singapore is not a NATION; please refer to MM Lee Kuan Yew and Minister Shangmugam for wake yourself up.

    Two; on a personal basis, please ask yourself; what's the relationships amongst the Singaporeans and the RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE LEADERS AND THE PEOPLE, is there any sign to show a cohesiveness? Me does not see nor feel it.

    Now, in the globalized world, many are of the view that Race, Nationality, Nation, Culture are all but human constructs, meaning there should not be all these identifications and demarcations. Suffice to say me does not agree to such philosophy, however, will not debate it here.

    Base on the above-mentioned, me feels when the price is right, SELL! Sell whatever that's profitable, example; if my flat now fetches 1 million SIN Dollars, me will have no hesitation to sell to anyone, Dick, Tom or Mary. 1 million SIN is going to afford me many things in many other places. Living will be much more relax with more time with nature, planting and smelling the rose, chasing butterflies, look at the stars and breathe frsh air etc.

    If me sell my assets in Singapore and gets a much better deal elsewhere, this anology can be extended to the tiny dot. SELL It and buy as had been done in the past many years. Put the profits in China, Australia, India, Thailand, Indonesia, in short everywhere, anywhere.

    Listen: When foreigners bought You and You buy others, it's fair deal. There is no stealing, exchange is no robbery. Of course do expect some stealth deals that benefit some unlawfully and unjustiably, but that's beside the point. Get them when there is proof.

    To end it, me says SELL and the earlier Singapore is sold, the earlier the Singaporeans stand to gain. The Premise however has to be, do You see any future in SIN, if You do, stay with whoever next door. Me does not see any difference whether one's neighbours are locals or foreigners. Because the Locals are aloof to each other as much as they(Singaporeans) are to foreigners.

    In conclusion, may I say that Singaporeans do not feel at home in SIN. Don't believe me? Check out the Blogs, including My Singapore News. Singapore Males do National Service but they feel there is nothing for them to protect or defend except themselves and their love ones.

    SAD! Sorry for the morning rant.


  5. First allow me to tell You that You're being too nationalistic. Read this: Singapore is not a NATION; please refer to MM Lee Kuan Yew and Minister Shangmugam for wake yourself up.

    Two; on a personal basis, please ask yourself; what's the relationships amongst the Singaporeans and the RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE LEADERS AND THE PEOPLE, is there any sign to show a cohesiveness? Me does not see nor feel it.

    Now, in the globalized world, many are of the view that Race, Nationality, Nation, Culture are all but human constructs, meaning there should not be all these identifications and demarcations. Suffice to say me does not agree to such philosophy, however, will not debate it here.

    Base on the above-mentioned, me feels when the price is right, SELL! Sell whatever that's profitable, example; if my flat now fetches 1 million SIN Dollars, me will have no hesitation to sell to anyone, Dick, Tom or Mary. 1 million SIN is going to afford me many things in many other places. Living will be much more relax with more time with nature, planting and smelling the rose, chasing butterflies, look at the stars and breathe frsh air etc.

    If me sell my assets in Singapore and gets a much better deal elsewhere, this anology can be extended to the tiny dot. SELL It and buy as had been done in the past many years. Put the profits in China, Australia, India, Thailand, Indonesia, in short everywhere, anywhere.

    Listen: When foreigners bought You and You buy others, it's fair deal. There is no stealing, exchange is no robbery. Of course do expect some stealth deals that benefit some unlawfully and unjustiably, but that's beside the point. Get them when there is proof.

    To end it, me says SELL and the earlier Singapore is sold, the earlier the Singaporeans stand to gain. The Premise however has to be, do You see any future in SIN, if You do, stay with whoever next door. Me does not see any difference whether one's neighbours are locals or foreigners. Because the Locals are aloof to each other as much as they(Singaporeans) are to foreigners.

    In conclusion, may I say that Singaporeans do not feel at home in SIN. Don't believe me? Check out the Blogs, including My Singapore News. Singapore Males do National Service but they feel there is nothing for them to protect or defend except themselves and their love ones.

    SAD! Sorry for the morning rant.


  6. We are also selling jobs to foreigners.

    We have Malaysian custom officers, policemen and God knows what else.

    At the bank, I am served by Pinoys. The officer is an Indian.

    At entertainment spots, I rubbart moonlighting PRCs. In the day, they could be nurses in our hospitals or office workers in our central business district.

    At eateries, I am served by the ubiquitous PRCs and Pinoys again.

    The only Singaporeans I interact with are pesky and obnoxious Property agents, Insurance agents and slimy politicians.

    So guys, stop pulling your hair out with disgust at the disappearing country. The IMH is already very full so no need to add to the queue.

    Just relac and take life one step at a time.

    Strange country, this Sinkapoore.

  7. Wow, patriot, what have you had this morning. Three doses?

  8. My apology Folks.

    It only happens to me at this site, elsewhere always okay.

    Me not copying Matilah when me says 'ini website ada hantu'. Tetapi, jangan worry, atheists need no exorcise, they need only more exercise to make things right.

    Me has requested removal of the excess posts, it should be clean up in no time, please bear with me just a while.


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