
The mixed up kid

What a tragedy! How would the parents feel when a part of the child is theirs and the other part belongs to you know who? The latest slip in the IVF case is a terrible thing to happen to anyone. Now, how to rectify this one in a millionth error? Can rewind and start all over or not? There is no question of putting the child away. It is an innocent child created by sheer human stupidity. For the parents, can they live with the child’s mixed identity? If they don’t mind, they need not go through the trouble and pay so much money for IVF. They could simply adopt one from the orphanage. The special relationship between your own child and that of a mixed up kid cannot be replaced. In this case there is nothing in the child that the father can be emotionally or biologically attached to. It is simply somebody’s child, not his. What about the child when he/she grows up? What kind of identity should the child assume? Is this just a rare case of human error or a wicked prank? Whatever, many people would have to live miserable lives through this sickening tragedy. It is a mistake that cannot be unwound. Though no life was lost, I don’t think anyone would want to be in the shoes of the parents and the mixed up kid. Can’t imagine the trauma when they have to face the child everyday. This is like In Vitro Rape.


  1. How to say its a tragedy?Be grateful.I would be thankful if I can have one to carry on with my surname.
    So as not to let my ancestor down,I am willing to marry 2 wives to fulfill my dream,but pls dun tell me to go for IVF or anything else.
    I am longing for a handsome son with a gong gong look like me,can or not?

  2. Identities are not "assumed", they develop over time.

  3. Every single thing is given a name by mankind for classification in the name of science. The property, character and any identifiable trait are scientifically researched. Different species are distinct from one another. Agongkia is only correct if it is his spouse is the non productive party. The choice he mentioned is only workable if he produce male successor(s), however, the method he prefers is definitely workable. Being the biological parents to ones' own child or children is the only choice of any species as ordained by nature.

  4. Every parent should have his child's DNA matched to reconfirm parentage.

    You never know.

  5. You say it man.
    Was there someone saying that over 80% of women tend to think of someone else while mating with their spouses?
    However, do have confidence with your good other half la.

  6. I think you guys did not appreciate the wickedness of this cockup. It is something that is very very difficult to live with not matter what.

    White + pink = blue. How to explain?

  7. Sometimes it is proven that those who are not your lineage but actually brought up by you may turn out to be better and more filial.

    Look at the positive side.

    We are all human beings after all.

  8. Had the skin color being the same, there wouldn't be news.
    All are humans but................

  9. This child is the glue of the family. In this case it may become the weak link in breaking up the family.

    Thinking positive is easy. Thinking negative is also easy.

  10. anon1109.
    Thank you for reading.And I wish to add that I am not the unreasonable type.Agreement was made and signed before marriage.I am granted a total of 3 wives if she is not productive or refuse to produce where she has the right.And using someone's womb to produce baby for me is against nature and is not acceptable.So you must also understand the agony I am going through.

  11. In your case it is not agony but agongy: ) How come you so lucky to have a 3 wives contract?

  12. You can be as lucky.
    Draft an agreement in Arab and explain to the other in your own sweet words.
    Once she agrees, everything falls into place according to your wishes.
    Anyway, no one needs agreement to sleep with one another and that's legally speaking, mind You.
