
The credibility of media and reporters

Many media pride themselves as serious and credible institutions reporting and producing news that are reliable and newsworthy. But when it comes to political agenda, many drop their guards and went on a rampage printing silly news, ridiculous news, unsubstantiated housewives gossips etc etc. The darling of such gossips and petty news, if they are news, is North Korea and its leaders. It is almost a daily occurrence, and the source is often western, and often reproduced in silly Asian media, things like the successor of Kim Il Sung has gone for a plastic surgery to look like his grandpa? Or Kim Il Sung is buying French wines etc etc. How credible are such media and their reporters when they resort to petty gossips of little minds and published them as news! At best it makes their newspaper like evening tabloids famed for scandals or comic strips. At worst, it puts off serious readers for insulting their intelligence. Why would serious and reputable media willing to put up such craps as news? Do they have a special agenda or are they paid to do so?


  1. Mr Bean, if you're talking about local publishing house, those gossips and housewives' tales about N.Korea are trashy stuff that masquerade as news or more correctly, smokescreens. They are used to show that there are leaders that will resort to whatever keep power. Comparatively, in Singapore everything is done gentlemantlely and above board, though the result is no difference from others. There are obviously many local news to report, but most are too negative for print or on air disseminations. Too much of negative and bad news will be bad for image. Harping on others(foreign) sufferings and woes on the other hand makes Singapore at least like paradise if not heaven.

  2. > Many media pride themselves as serious and credible institutions reporting and producing news that are reliable and newsworthy. <

    ...and you believe them for making such claims?

  3. Too much good news, day in and day out, makes people suspicious when they look at the reality on the ground, and in time to come, even credible news will be brushed aside as propaganda.

    That is the situation here. People are not trusting the MSM and turning to alternative news. Credible or not is another matter, but the fact that they are doing this shows that they are ready to find out the truth from lies.

    It is a growing concern for the rulers and will get more serious.

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