
Chia Thye Poh deserves a Nobel Peace Prize

He is the longest surviving political prisoner in modern history, serving more years than Nelson Mandela. He was imprisoned without trial for 23 years and under house arrest for another 9 years, giving a total of 32 years in detention. Mandela served 27 years in all. Wikipedia describes Chia Thye Poh as a prisoner of conscience, a person who stood firm on his belief without wavering and sacrificing his freedom and the best part of his life. If any one deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, it must be Chia Thye Poh. The politicians or political parties should nominate him as a candidate for next year’s award. He might be a communist, though he has never admitted to be one. But communist or no communist is no longer an issue with the award given to the first communist in China in Liu Xiaobo. And if the Nobel Prize committee does not know where Singapore is, it will be an advantage by telling them that Singapore is part of China. It will give the committee more reasons to give the award to Chia Thye Poh, ‘to spite China again’. And we can celebrate our own Nobel Peace Prize winner, our very own son.


  1. It seems that Liu is not the first communist given the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1973, North Vietnames negotiator, Le Duc Tho, shared the prize with Henry Kissinger, for the Paris Agreement, but he declined the award.

  2. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded to the person who

    “ ...shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.[1]

    Base on the above, doe Obama qualify? Does Mandela. Suu Kyi, Dalai Lama or Liu Xiaobo qualify? Obama got the prize for doing nothing or against the above criteria. Mandela, Suu Kyi and Xiaobo got the prize for doing nothing in prison. Dalai Lama got the prize for being exiled and trying to start an uprising.

  3. Dalai Lama and Liu Xiabo given the prize to spite Communist China.

    Suu Kyi given the prize to spite the communist regime in Myanmar.

    Obama given the prize to spite the Muslim world.

    Recent criteria for the award of the Nobel Peace Prize seems to be skewed in favour of those who are least likely to fit in the mold of a peacemaker.

    Alfred Nobel must be turning in his grave.

  4. Redbean, Red Dot may get serious about producing a Nobel Winner and may resort to buying one, like instant table tennis winners.

    After all, we are about to add another feather to our cap, with an EPL club owner.

  5. 'shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations...'

    Only one person has done so much along this line. But they have to hurry or it would be just like Gandhi, too late and cannot award him post humously.

  6. Dreams are what stuff made of. Sigaporean noble peace award winner will never happen (eat my words humbly when do happens), also EPL club owner, I do wish Mr Peter Lim good luck and hope he gets it after all this is business and not politics or is there business politics?
    Price decent singaporeans has to to pay for because of 3.4m pretentious singaporeans, be more humble.
    Mr. redbean sir, you know very well this is not about who Deserve it Anymore. It's white wash world, let us not cry over it, rather hurt them where it hurts most pockets,and berval trash etc(taliking about being mature).
    Come now now, Mandela and Suu Kyi( not withstanding me being bias(fellow burman) and she being married to white briton helps) deseve it not like Obama. Afterall this year award went to Chinese, be proud of it. Wait is he or you Chinese?
    If there is Singaporean I might consider Dr. Chee(relevent to democracy and today) and I do feel for Mr. Chia for unkindness of Time and look whom both these men were/are up against.

  7. Let's create a Lee Kuan Yew Peace Prize and attached it with more monetary value and have an Asian Committee sitting in the Nomination and Judging Panel. Then there will be no need to bow deeply to the superior race to be accepted.

  8. Your proposal to have a Lee Kuan Yew Peace Prize is more trashy than anything. Cant forget his good deeds?

  9. Don't be like dat lah. It needs financial muscle to set up such a prize and the right to nominate and award the prize. No money no talk.

    Peter Lim or Thaksin Peace Prize also can do.

  10. LKY peace prize? You are jokingly funny.
