
Where we should not go

There is no quarrel that in many fields and ways of life we have done exceedingly well, and surpassed many of the western countries. The danger is that we may get carried away by our successes, be complacent or be lost in chasing the wrong goals. The blind and unquestioning pursuit of material wealth and physical comfort, and the madness in chasing for more money and more money could lead us into an abyss. The citizens who are concerned about the long term viability of this country, the quality of life, must speak out and shout, scream, if things are turning bad. We cannot let some silly buggers to tell us that we must achieve Tokyo's infamous mass transport cram as the ultimate goal of having arrived. That is a bad example of success. It is regression. Let no fools utter or compare our transport system with Tokyo as a yardstick of the best in the first world. Let no fools compare Hongkong's property prices and be gratified that ours are cheap. Let no fools think that living in micky mouse flats or coffin size boxes is a new lifestyle, desirable lifestyle, because some countries are doing it. We must set our own criteria on what is good and gracious living for our people and consciously set out to achieve them. The govt should stop degrading the people's quality of life by building ever smaller flats and ever higher prices. Our medical cost is daylight robbery but still cheaper than the West. This is deadly. How many hardlanders have $30k cash, or $50k, $200k, or more, to be ready to be robbed in privatised govt hospitals? The citizens cannot be robbed by a system at a time when they have no choice to act otherwise. The obnoxious medical fees, hospitalisation fees must be curbed. Don't ask me how unless you want to pay me to do it. We have the best paying jobs in govt. Even an ordinary minister will earn more than the President of USA or the Prime Minister of UK or Japan. We must get the best from the best paid ministers. No buts. No more comparing with Africa or third world countries and say we are betterer. We must compare with the best and their best as our standard of goodness and achievements. Are we being too demanding? Or should we be complacent and leave things the way they are going, and be like the proverbial three monkeys?


  1. For a start, repatriate all the excess foreign trash baggage and give us back the old Singapore.

    Do not pander to the demands of greedy businesses out to slash manpower costs and in the process, our own citizens have to suffer. If they can't do business smartly and pay decent wages for the betterment of the society they serve, they are not businesses but scams. We don't need these kinds of businesses because it's exploitation. Frankly, I don't mind if they rob or exploit the PRC and the Indian foreign trash but I most absolutely do mind when our own countrymen are involved. Why? Because when the chips are down, these same countrymen of ours, despite all their foibles and idiosyncrasies will stand shoulder to shoulder to protect this land we call home from the devils at the gate. The foreign trash? They'll be queuing up at Changi to make a fast exit. In fact, to be honest, most newly minted citizens and PRs have an exit strategy. If poor daft Wally knows it, I betcha the guys in charge should know it too.

  2. we have done exceedingly well, and surpassed many of the western countries.

    Vague, a soundbite from a PAP-speech. "Surpassed" in what way? Wealth? Freedom? Culture? State-control? Gimme a break, you sound like some half-arsed minister's speech writer lah!!

    > The blind and unquestioning pursuit of material wealth and physical comfort, and the madness in chasing for more money and more money could lead us into an abyss.

    Yes, they age-old idea of capitalism misplaced and misunderstood. Capitalism is about creating individual wealth. However, "wealth" is a psychological construct. Although money is important part of wealth, it is not wealth per se. Money is simply "means to an end". Therefore those who misunderstand smokin' capitalism -- which is about creating individual wealth -- get caught up in a mindless pursuit for money, which then DECREASES the psychological construct of wealth and the money-faced people end up stressed, sick and die younger in disatisfaction...definitely a decrease in wealth.

    I think the whole thing is hilarious.

    Tokyo and Hong Kong are doing fine lah, get off your ideological high horse and observe the facts. In crowded cities, life is radically different from a place like Kampong Perth (which is the fastest growing "city" in Oz -- everyday traffic jam, immigration rate 10,000 - 30,000 PER MONTH).

    People have started to complain in Perth about the rapidly rising home prices, fuel, lack of "Space" (WTF?!?) and many wish "those damn foreigners would just go home".

    But are you going to stop "progress". No. In crowded cities like Tokyo and HK, people have adjusted to change -- they don't fight it.

    Get the point?

    > We must set our own criteria on what is good and gracious living for our people and consciously set out to achieve them. <

    Who the fuck is this "we"?

    Individuals have the ability to adjust themselves to changes in the environment and circumstance...unless of course you are a mindless robot.

    The govt should stop degrading the people's quality of life by building ever smaller flats and ever higher prices.

    You want the HDP/ CPF system? Well that's what you get: govt control. What did you expect? A free lunch?

    Anyway, space is a finite resource, so the more people that there are, the less space-per-capita and the scarcity increases as does the price. There is no getting around this, unless of course you want to start culling people and shutting down the borders. :-)

    Even an ordinary minister will earn more than the President of USA or the Prime Minister of UK or Japan.

    The people get the govt they deserve. UK, Japan, the US and many other cuntries are experiencing fiscal devastation... but life goes on. Although some of the "brain trust" does leave and people are pissed off, but the majority are not emigrating in DROVES to a paradise like S'pore. Bad time and good times: people just adjust.

    Are we being too demanding?

    Not at all. However, talk without action is just another silly post on a blog on the internet. That will not change the world, and it definitely won't change "your" cuntry.

  3. Goodness me, Matilah! More people squeezing into a small piece of rock is progress! Where did you get that idea from?

    Perth getting 10k/30k migrants per mth? I hope your stats is real. Knowing the Aussie govt, no such thing or influx of immigrants allowed. For if true, and average it out to 10 cities, Oz will be as crowded as China or India.

    Anyway, crowded progress and less crowded and lesser progress, I choose the two. Which one is stupider is a matter of opinion. BTW, don't check your dictionary for the word stupider. It is like betterer in Singlish.

    And if you followed what Hsien Loong said in his NDR and the actions taken, you will know that all the talks in cyberspace resulted in actions. Yes man!

    I believe, no matter how stubborn a govt is, except for a dictatorship, they will listen if it is put to them in a reasonable manner, with a few fucks here and there if you like. But just don't call them names or other derogatory terms.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thomas Friedman's great book Hot, Flat and Crowded.


    I don't agree with his left-wing politics, (govt must pass laws to "help") but the book and observations are good nonetheless.

    Get used to it. Your population will increase whether you like it or not.

  6. Oh dear Matilah, I almost got misled by you. Aussies moving from Sydney to Perth is migration. Ok, you are right. Sinkies moving from Toa Payoh to Queenstown is migration. Our internal migration is non stop with people buying and selling their HDB flats.

    Anyway, my world of borders is real. You need to stop smoking too much marijuana and get some sanity back. Your borderless world is still in dream land. Nobody practises it. Only in books for the idealists to thrash around. Pure fiction!

  7. The fact that most people believe in religion and I don't doesn't make religion in itself "real". The phenomenon is real. Same applies with borders/ immigration-work laws -- which is why I have several visas ;-)

    In fact, I was a lot more docile when I did smoke way back in the 80's. Thankfully, although more 'excitable' now (gave up drinking too) I am definitely more lucid and less likely to believe in bullshit (some does get through now and then) and unafraid and unperturbed of calling a spade a spadew and facing up to "reality" -- in the objective sense.

    You can't bullshit yourself out of the facts.

    > Your borderless world is still in dream land. Nobody practises it. <

    Are you sure about that? I think you need to speak to a few CEO's of the multinationals -- many of whom I dislike because they are using the new borderless world to fuck people over.

  8. Me just feels that Politicians are more versatile than Business CEOs in so far as settling in foreign lands are concerned. Have we not heard our parliamentarians calling Rulers of other countries as personal friends.

    Such personal friendsips amongst the leaders of the various countries certainly facilitate protections and safteies for any political crooks.

    Hey, the Brotherhood of politicians may prove to be the strongest.

